
These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

author:Jiang said bluntly
These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

Everyone wants to be able to own a house of their own, after all, after having a house, I feel that no matter what I do, I have become much more confident. You can also better chase your dreams.

Although the national housing prices have declined, they are still at a relatively high stage overall, and it is not easy for many people to buy a house on their own.

So when you buy a house, you have to be careful! In particular, it is important to note that there are as many as three types of houses, and you should be cautious if you can't get a title deed after you buy it.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

1. Resettlement housing

The so-called resettlement housing refers to the housing used by the government to resettle the demolished households in the demolition and relocation work.

Since resettlement houses are built on collective land by the government, they are not available for casual trading, and under normal circumstances, the relocated households that have been resettled cannot apply for property ownership certificates at will.

If it is already state-owned land, it can be handled, but if it is collective land, if you want to apply for a real estate certificate, you need to change the nature of the land of the house first, and change it from the original collective land to state-owned land.

However, in this process, it is necessary to prepare quite a lot of materials, including but not limited to construction permits, land use certificates, purchase contracts, etc. After that, you have to go through layers of approval from multiple departments before you can apply for a real estate certificate.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

If you unfortunately encounter special problems such as unclear ownership of land, it may also directly lead to the failure of the real estate certificate.

If you want to apply for a real estate certificate for a resettlement house, it is theoretically possible, but in practice, it is very difficult for some houses to apply for a real estate certificate, such as 224 households in a community in Beijing It took 26 years to get the real estate certificate.

In the process of construction, the government will fully consider the actual needs and temporary nature of resettlement housing, and in order to help the beneficiaries integrate into the new urban life as soon as possible after the demolition, they will usually be built in places with convenient transportation.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

Moreover, its overall area is relatively moderate, which can meet the normal life of ordinary families. The most important thing is that the price is relatively low, so many families with housing difficulties want to apply for resettlement housing to move in.

The overall cost performance of resettlement houses is very high, but there are many people who are reluctant to buy, because in this way, although the transportation is okay, the lighting and ventilation are much worse.

The overall quality cannot be compared with commercial housing, and if the government supervision is not in place, then the overall quality may be even more unacceptable.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

On the other hand, it is difficult to apply for a real estate certificate mentioned above, and if you don't have a real estate certificate, the house does not really belong to you.

Not only does this mean that you can't take your home to the market for trading, but it also means that you can't mortgage the house to the bank and get a loan.

In short, resettlement housing is not a good choice for consumers who want to pursue and own their own houses.

A resettlement house without a real estate certificate will make you restricted everywhere, and there is basically no good property, coupled with the miscellaneous residents, resulting in a much worse living experience than commercial housing.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

For those consumers who want to pursue cost-effectiveness, resettlement housing is a good choice. Under normal circumstances, in the same area, the price of resettlement housing will be more than 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan cheaper than that of commercial housing, and the quality will not be reduced too much.

It is also important to note that people who buy resettlement housing may be ridiculed by others in society.

After all, the house is one of the symbols of social status, and many people look at people from the house. It's a bad thing, but we can't change anything at all.

Since most of the resettlement houses are from poor families from rural areas, these families attach great importance to white affairs, and it may take several days to hold a resettlement house.

Many people do not like to live in an environment where there is a lot of white things, so they will continue to grit their teeth and choose to buy commercial housing.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

2. Self-built houses

The so-called self-built house, as the name suggests, is that you own a piece of land, and then organize others to carry out construction on it, and the built house is called a self-built house.

This type of house building is almost invisible in the cities, but it is still relatively common in the vast rural areas.

It should be noted that in the process of building a house by yourself, you need to pay attention to complying with relevant laws and regulations, and you must have enough documents, such as: state-owned land use certificate, construction land planning permit, etc.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

If the relevant documents are not in order, there may be a problem of not giving you a real estate certificate. In serious cases, it may be recognized as an illegal building, and it will be fined, demolished, etc.

Compared with commercial housing, the construction cost of self-built houses is usually lower, because the owners can choose the right building materials according to their own economic conditions in the process of construction.

When it comes to construction, your own family can also help with it. These can be a good way to reduce the cost of the house.

Owners can also choose the right building materials and decoration style according to their personal preferences and needs, which can well meet their individual needs.

In this regard, commercial housing is completely built by the developer in accordance with uniform standards and specifications.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

As for those commercial houses with a strong personalized style, the price will make it unbearable.

However, the quality of commercial housing is relatively guaranteed, and in the process of construction, all kinds of documents are complete.

The owner doesn't want the house anymore, and can take it to the second-hand house to trade at any time; If the owner is short of money, he can also mortgage it to a bank or other financial institution at any time and take out a loan.

Self-built houses may not be able to obtain property rights and circulate freely in the market due to incomplete documents.

In many cases, due to the lack of clarity and clear property rights policies in some local policies, it is difficult for many self-built house owners to obtain real estate certificates even if they have all kinds of documents.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

In the vast rural areas of the mainland, the policy of separating houses from land is widely practiced, that is, the land belongs to the village collective, not to you personally.

Although the houses built on this land belong to you and you own and use them, it is difficult for you to get property rights because the land underneath is not yours.

It should be noted that compared with commercial housing, self-built houses have another obvious disadvantage.

Some homeowners may choose to cut corners on their own for the purpose of saving costs, which can lead to problems with the quality of the house.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

3. Small property rights

The so-called small property rights house refers to the house built on the collective land in the countryside.

This kind of house does not pay the land transfer fee and other fees in accordance with the relevant regulations, and there is no land ownership certificate directly issued by the state. There is only one property right certificate issued by the township government or the township government.

There is a certain amount of controversy in the law about such property rights, so houses with such property rights certificates are also widely known as small property rights.

Corresponding to the small property right house is the large property right house, and the large property right house has the property right certificate directly issued by the relevant state departments.

There is no problem with this kind of property right certificate in law, and the ordinary commercial houses that we usually buy in the market belong to large property rights. According to the term of property rights, it can be divided into three types: 70 years, 50 years, and 40 years.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

The small property right house has not been approved by the county-level planning department, nor has it been reported to the real estate administrative department for registration, resulting in it does not have property rights in the legal sense, so it cannot apply for the property right certificate.

The main reason why there are so many so-called small property rights in society is that the houses in large and medium-sized cities are too high, far beyond the range of ordinary working families.

A house that is relatively good in all aspects will sell for at least hundreds of thousands, and if it is a little better, it will exceed one million in minutes.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

For the average working family, they can't save so much money in their lifetime. In such a situation, many people are more inclined to choose to buy a smaller property with a lower price.

These people usually simply think that only having a house can solve their housing needs, and they are generally not ready to take it to the market for circulation, so whether they have a property right certificate or not is not particularly important.

However, for these economic conditions are not good, when preparing to choose a small property right house, another point to note is that the transaction process of small property right house is not protected by law.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

Moreover, when buying this kind of small property right house, it is not possible to apply for a loan from the bank, and it can only be paid in a lump sum or in installments. All these greatly increase the overall danger of buying a house, and once there is any contradiction, it is difficult to rely on the law to protect their legitimate interests.

Even if there is no conflict, it will deplete a lot of your liquidity at once and reduce your ability to deal with unexpected accidents in the future.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers

In addition, it will be difficult to obtain adequate compensation for small property rights if they are demolished in the future, because small property rights are actually not within the scope of government planning, that is, they are illegal buildings.

If the country wants to demolish your house in the future due to the needs of development, you will not be compensated for demolition and resettlement.

These 3 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, and they are not yours when they are bought, so don't be fooled by buyers


For anyone who wants to buy a home, they want to be able to buy a complete house so that they can have a complete residence. However, in today's home buying market, there may be many pitfalls that make many home buyers worried.

For example, the small property right houses, resettlement houses and self-built houses that we have focused on above need to pay special attention to it, and if you can buy it, you will not buy it.

Because after these three kinds of houses are obtained, you may not be able to apply for the property right certificate, and then your house cannot be circulated in the market and lose its financial attributes.

If you don't pay attention to the financial attributes of the house, but only value its residential attributes, then these three kinds of houses can still be considered, and their overall cost performance is much higher than that of commercial housing.


Real estate lawyer Wang Yuchen2023-11-24 —— "It took 26 years for 224 residents in Beijing community to get the real estate certificate, why is it so difficult to apply for a certificate for relocated housing?" 》

Su and Janel2020-04-16 —— "Why can't I get the real estate certificate for resettlement housing, listen to what real estate agents say?" 》

Wang Xianzhi2024-04-19——"These 4 types of houses can't get real estate certificates, they can't buy them, they won't be yours, buyers don't be fooled anymore"

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