
Girls are not attracted by chasing, how can they attract girls they like?

When many boys chase girls, it is really the girl who runs in front and he chases in the back. They care about each other all the time, and give gifts as soon as the holiday comes, and as a result, after chasing for a long time, the girls don't even want to see him.

In fact, this kind of boy just does not understand that girls do not rely on chasing or relying on attraction, just like a lyric in the red rose: "What you can't get is always in turmoil, and those who are favored have no fear", if they are just blindly good to girls, they must not be able to catch up with girls they like, so how can they attract girls who like them?

If you want to attract a girl you like, the most important thing is to give her the feeling she wants, otherwise it is futile to do more in other aspects, in other words, when you know "what the girl you like wants in love", you can effectively make up for and give, in order to attract the girl you like. So what exactly do they want?

Girls are not attracted by chasing, how can they attract girls they like?

1. Visual perception

If you want to attract a girl you like, then you must first create a good "" for yourself.

I have heard many young boys like to say the most is: I look mediocre, why can't girls cross the looks and explore my interesting soul?

To say a very realistic word, from the concept of consumption, we can glimpse the essential difference between men and women in the concept of mate selection. When girls are shopping, they tend to be more inclined to package good-looking goods, and secondly consider their practicality, which is the opposite of boys.

So if you want to attract quality girls, then you have to know "how to rationalize self-packaging".

That is to say, you can not have a Peng Yuyan's appearance, but you need the minimum clothing and body shape. If you are a moderate appearance who only wears a plaid shirt and is slightly obese, it is difficult for girls to be interested in you, let alone to explore the multi-talented soul through the appearance.

Girls are not attracted by chasing, how can they attract girls they like?

2. Emotional needs

Instant attraction comes from visual perception, and lasting goodwill comes from whether you can inadvertently meet the emotional needs of this girl.

The reason why girls can have the urge to "want to fall in love" is because in the opposite sex, they have found some kind of emotional needs that they have lost for a long time in the process of growing up, and when she can obtain the integrity of emotional needs in you, she can have a lasting good feeling for you.

Generally speaking, the emotional needs that girls crave most in love are divided into six types:

A sense of love

Mostly happens in single-parent families, or girls who are not valued by their parents, if you want to give girls a positive sense of love, you may wish to listen to the girl's ideas in the chat, give her full attention and affirmation, then her dependence on you will also increase day by day.

For example, "You're really good, only you're shining in my eyes."

Sense of understanding

More happens to introverted, socially repulsive girls, want to effectively make up for her sense of understanding, may wish to think more about "how girls think" when chatting, learn to think about the girl's perspective, then she will naturally trust you.

For example, "You haven't done anything wrong with this, I understand you." ”

Girls are not attracted by chasing, how can they attract girls they like?

A sense of respect

Mostly occurs in the male superiority and female inferior family atmosphere of girls, want to give girls a sense of respect, may wish to let girls express their opinions more during chat, do not belittle and deny the idea of girls, then she will naturally feel that with you, she has an unprecedented sense of attention and comfort.

For example, "I think you're right, there's no need to live like someone else."


More happens to some avoidant personalities, or anxious personalities, want to give girls a sense of security, then do not use the so-called "want to get away with it" routine to seduce girls, down-to-earth companionship, quiet listening is more important than anything.

For example, "It's okay, you and me, I've always been there." ”


More happens to some girls who are strong on the outside but weak in heart, and want to give girls a sense of thoughtfulness, so in getting along, we must pay great attention to the control of details, and do not ignore the emotions of girls, which will only make girls disappointed in you little by little.

For example, "I haven't seen you wear makeup lately, are you in a bad mood?"


More often happens to some girls who have encountered parental cheating and partner cheating, want to give girls a sense of loyalty, do not keep ambiguous with multiple girls when chasing her, and the pursuit of posture can not be too exaggerated, to be mature, stable and single-minded.

For example, "No one but you are interested in me."

When you can perceive the loss of girls' needs in communication, and you can make up for it positively, why do you suffer from girls not liking you?

Girls are not attracted by chasing, how can they attract girls they like?

3, understand the mind of girls

Many times you have actually attracted the girl you like, but you have not seen the girl's careful thinking, you think that "she may not be interested in you", and then miss the window of the girl's good feelings.

And girls? You will also feel that "you are not interested in her", and naturally return to the original reserved side.

See no, many high-quality boys, it is not that you can't attract girls, but you are obviously attracted, but you are missed by the nerves again and again.

Whether you are versatile or a specialist, why is it that in the end you still can't live without the fate of tool people?

It is when the girl expresses her goodwill request to you, you do not realize the attraction from the opposite sex, and use a simple friend to deal with the problem, the girl will naturally retreat from the difficulty and no longer show her liking.

Even if you are excellent in all aspects, you don't know how to grasp the attraction signal of girls, and it is difficult to cook without rice.

So pay more attention to the girl's emotional points, when the girl releases the request to herself, think more about "why the girl said this, and what is the purpose of her doing this" Many times, the girl's careful thinking will naturally be solved.

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