
Effective ways to take down women: Do these 5 things repeatedly

When chasing women, the most taboo thing is blindness, because it will seem that you are very useless.

In the relationship, when the woman makes an invitation, it means that the relationship has reached the stage where it has to be discussed.

But know that you should never blindly pursue the other person until you are sure of the relationship, because that will only make you seem passive.

In the pursuit of love, whether you are a boy or a girl, you must know which methods are the most effective.

First, let her see your strengths

When a girl takes the initiative to find you, in fact, she already has a feeling of liking you in her heart.

But when she doesn't give enough security in the process of chatting with you, then she will easily be disappointed.

So at this time, you need to create opportunities so that she can see many of your strengths, so that she can have enough and deep enough feelings for you.

If a woman already has a good impression of you, then at this time she will definitely take the initiative to ask the boy out.

Effective ways to take down women: Do these 5 things repeatedly

Second, know how to do what she likes and meet her needs

Chasing women, don't let the other party think that you are very annoying or too strong, because this will make the other party feel that you are very insecure, so chasing women must know how to do what they like.

If she's talking to you about something you particularly like, then try to meet her needs, but if she just wants to talk to you, then it's not a good idea.

Effective ways to take down women: Do these 5 things repeatedly

Third, provide more topics for the two

No matter who your goal is, when interacting with women, you should give them as much topic as possible.

No matter what your relationship is, women love to talk very much.

So as long as you can provide her with more topics in the chat, she will be very interested in you.

And you can also have some interaction in the chat, so you can get more information from each other!

Therefore, chasing women is a very testing thing for emotional intelligence and skills.

Effective ways to take down women: Do these 5 things repeatedly

Fourth, show your charm in front of women

Although women are very emotional, they are also people, so men must know how to show their charm in order to make women fall in love with you.

Whenever you know how to do it, you can attract women.

Because if a man can successfully show his charm, then he will definitely be recognized by women.

Therefore, if you want to win a woman, you must know how to show yourself at the right time, so that you can better attract her!

Fifth, give her a certain amount of freedom

This is very important because she has a crush on you right now, and if you act too intimately, it is likely to make her feel too stressed.

It is normal for her to need free space because she needs a space for herself to be able to give herself enough breathing time.

And at this time, you need to be a listener, not a taker.

After all, if you want to get a woman's heart, then you must give her a sense of security.

Effective ways to take down women: Do these 5 things repeatedly

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