
Women with bad character will chat with you like this, and men will benefit early

We often say that a good wife is good for three generations, just as a wife with bad character is bad for three generations.

Therefore, the choice of wife should be cautious, and we must choose someone with good character.

But in real life, there are often honest men who are cheated on by "bad" women. Because I don't know how to identify good or bad character.

Women with bad character will chat with you like this, and men will benefit early

In fact, the method is not simple. As long as you look closely, you can know the essence of the other party through the following 4 types of chat content.

01When you frequently send red envelopes to her when chatting

If a woman is accustomed to chatting casually with the opposite sex and asking each other to send red envelopes, her greed is exposed, and her social skills have lost the boundary line.

Know that in this world, no one is a necessity for anyone, and no one needs to rely on anyone all the time. Even intimate lovers.

Well, the opposite sex in ordinary relationships is not to mention.

When chatting, as soon as you open your mouth, you ask others for red envelopes, there is no shame, you like to be easily ambiguous with the opposite sex, and you always want to get benefits effortlessly.

Women with bad character will chat with you like this, and men will benefit early

Most of these women have bad character.

Mr. Yang met a lively woman through blind dates a few days ago. The other party is not shy, can speak well, and Mr. Yang has a good feeling for her.

After adding friends, the two people turned around and started WeChat.

The strange thing is that this woman always asks Mr. Yang for red envelopes at both ends of the three days, saying that she has no money to eat and no money to take a taxi.

At first it was 50,100, followed by 500,1000. Mr. Yang didn't care at first, but felt that it was not easy for a woman to be outside, so he gave her a red envelope.

Later, the woman's appetite became bigger and bigger, and as soon as she opened her mouth, she said that she would spend 5,000 yuan to buy an Apple mobile phone. Mr. Yang only reacted now, feeling that he had been deceived.

Mr. Yang inquired around and found that this woman was cheating the money of the blind date man.

Many blind dates men have been cheated of thousands of yuan, and a month a woman kisses several men, making more money than going to work.

This kind of woman must not have deep intercourse. They have a deep inner city, taking advantage of men's weaknesses to deceive them continuously, and in the end they only have money in their eyes.

Such a woman, if you happen to meet, please stop dating immediately, stop being ambiguous, and stay away immediately.

Women with bad character will chat with you like this, and men will benefit early

Otherwise, you can easily become the "ATM" she needs for her life. You will only give forever and nothing in return.

She would also take all this for granted. And she will ignore your efforts.

02When chatting, you often slander your friends and family

There is no shortage of spectators in this world.

A woman in front of you, as soon as she hears you complain about your spouse, adds fuel to the fire and says bad things about your spouse, slanders your wife and friends, does not worry about too much, constantly amplifies the problem, and destroys the feelings between husband and wife and friends.

Like what:

"It's your wife who is too contrived, why do you like such a woman, if I had, I would have changed it a long time ago!"

This is what they like to do, stir up dissension, others live better than themselves, live happily, or have places she envies, behind the scenes will say bad things about others, expecting others to quarrel and break up.

Because when people have emotions, they will always behave irrationally in favor of others.

So you have to learn to discern what this kind of woman says, and don't be gullible.

Once you believe, you will directly destroy your own happiness, and you will regret it when you wake up.

Women with bad character will chat with you like this, and men will benefit early

If a woman always likes to hurt your wife with bad words in front of you, please help your wife to say more good things and trust your wife.

After all, most women who like to denigrate others are very jealous. They expect or dislike you to go against her ideas.

To stop her harsh words from hurting and sabotaging her plans, you can't give her the chance to get more and more arrogant.

It's also the most candid manifestation of guarding your love and marriage, and you have to do it.

At the same time, in the face of this kind of woman, you must not tell her the truth. Because what they want most is that others are not going well and becoming unhappy.

If you want to live happily with your wives, you should stay away from those women, keep your distance from them, and don't let the relationship get any closer.

03 Chat content is full of negative energy

A friend introduced a woman to Mr. Shi. Similar to Mr. Shi's age, they are all in their 30s, and this woman's family is also very good.

Everyone said they were married in heaven.

The first time I met, I had a good feeling for each other, and I chatted in the newsletter every day. Mr. Shi also believes that this woman is sincere and lovely, suitable for being a wife.

But after talking to her for a week, Mr. Shi felt that this woman was not suitable for a wife. Because this woman has too much negative energy.

Every day when chatting with Mr. Shi, women will complain about which colleague has a problem, whether today's bus driver is a fool, or whether today's weather is really annoying...

Anyway, this woman's life is a mess, she is awkward all day, and it feels like the whole world is sorry for her.

Mr. Shi talked to her for a long time and felt that he was infected with negative energy and was very uncomfortable every day.

Later, Mr. Shi blacked her out, and without the negative energy of this woman, Mr. Shi's life was restored.

So, women who are always full of negative energy are terrible. She will transmit the energy to those around her. Definitely not a good candidate when it comes to marriage.

04 Always like to show off to you when chatting

It's good for a person to be confident, but being too confident can be complacent.

For example, a woman always likes to show off everything about herself when talking to men in communication.

For example, before buying tens of thousands of bags, brushing which man's card, before a man sent thousands of pieces of clothing.

Behind this ostentation is that I want you to buy her these valuable things as well.

It seems that this kind of woman who is very expensive and has many people chasing only has an empty skin bag, but it is not as good as she says.

Women with bad character will chat with you like this, and men will benefit early

A person, the more he lacks something, the more he likes to show off.

When a woman begins to show off, she usually does not have self-confidence in her heart to show vanity.

Once she starts going downhill, she is prone to going astray. Even sacrificing everything for money. This kind of woman is better off not having deep sex.

Write at the end

If we marry a person, the ultimate guarantee is the character of the other person. In any case, both men and women, only women with good character can run the family well.

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