
At the age of dry firewood, 260 million people have chosen to be single, and marriage has become a business?

Text: Three-three

In the past 2021, the mainland's female population has increased by 940,000, while the male population has decreased by 460,000, which is the first decline in the mainland's male population since 1978, although in terms of total numbers, the mainland has 33.62 million more men than the female population, but once the male population continues to decline, the impact is also very large. The serious imbalance between men and women means that the number of singles has increased, according to statistics, the current single group in the mainland has reached 260 million, and a large part of this is active single.

At the age of dry firewood, 260 million people have chosen to be single, and marriage has become a business?

With the progress of society, people's concept of starting a family has also changed, in the past, young people will get married and have children when they reach the marriageable age, and now marriage has become less important in people's life journey, resulting in not only parents urging marriage, but also high-level people also issuing documents to urge marriage and spawn. At present, there are 170 million post-90s in the mainland, and there are only less than 10 million pairs of registered marriages, that is to say, the vast majority of post-90s are still single, as the main force of contemporary marriage, the marriage rate of post-90s continues to decline, what is the reason that countless young people of the right age are unwilling to get married?

First, economic pressure

Not wanting to fall in love and not wanting to get married has now become a social problem, and the fast pace of big cities has brought huge pressures on economic life, which has led to love and marriage becoming a luxury. For many young people, they have just graduated and are pushed to buy a house and get married, their own life is not guaranteed, a month's income is only enough for their own monthly flowers, credit cards, flowers and other lifestyles such as first consumption and then repayment have long been the basic operation of most young people, just to have a better standard of living has been difficult. If you have another half, the cost of two people will only be greater, holiday gifts, going out on dates are inevitable, coupled with the serious "inner volume" of work, under the double-sided attack of life pressure and work pressure, it is a luxury to maintain a high standard of living.

At the age of dry firewood, 260 million people have chosen to be single, and marriage has become a business?

In this way, not to mention the pressure of getting married and buying a house just after graduation, even if the young people with a little economic foundation bite their teeth to buy a house, they will have to carry the mortgage forward in the next few decades; the young people who have not yet bought a house are also facing high rents, so, under the huge pressure of life, contemporary young people say that it is not fragrant to be single? Isn't it nice to make money? Although the decline in the number of marriages cannot be attributed to house prices, in many large cities, the premise for young people to marry is to have a house, and today's house prices have reached the point where ordinary people can't reach it.

At the age of dry firewood, 260 million people have chosen to be single, and marriage has become a business?

Where the economy is more developed, the higher the house price, and the lower the marriage rate; in the economically underdeveloped places, the house price is lower, and the marriage rate is higher, which is now two serious differentiation trends. In addition, an important factor for contemporary young people to consider is the cost of raising children, after the loan to buy a house and get married, the economic cost of raising children is a relatively large investment, "milk powder money" is followed by children's school education, insurance, and various expenses are inevitable. For contemporary "workers", it seems that there is not much energy and money to fall in love and get married.

Second, young people have different ideas and concepts

In a "China Post-95 Data Report", there is a survey on "what conditions for partners are most valued", and the top three factors are the consistency of the three views, economic conditions, and appearance. Young people are more pursuing spiritual and ideological high quality, adhering to the view that the other half must be consistent with the "three views", preferring to be single rather than settle. Although some young friends fantasize about encountering sweet love, but at the same time feel that a person's life can also be comfortable and comfortable, therefore, they will be more willing to maintain a high-quality single life, after all, if falling in love can not improve their quality of life, but will reduce their quality of life, it is better not to talk.

At the age of dry firewood, 260 million people have chosen to be single, and marriage has become a business?

In addition, with the development of society, modern women in the ideological and material independence, so that they are no longer completely dependent on men in the material, compared with marriage and children, more and more women pursue independence in the workplace and career success. At present, if you want to get more competitive, you must have a higher education or more outstanding personal ability, which also prompts many people to spend some time and energy on their own ability to cultivate investment, data show that in the 2022 national graduate unified admissions examination, the number of applicants has reached 4.57 million, and this number in 2015 was only 1.65 million, young people believe that it is naturally difficult to enter marriage without enough ability.

At the age of dry firewood, 260 million people have chosen to be single, and marriage has become a business?

III. The "Universalization" of Divorce

Over the past 28 years, the proportion of marriages and divorces on the mainland has risen from 9% to 38%, and family and marital instability is getting higher and higher. In addition to the differences in the concepts and ideas of the husband and wife, divorce has become more common in life and subtly affects people's views on marriage, especially in the Internet age, more and more unfortunate marriages, failed marriage cases are known to the public, domestic violence, murder, etc., so that many people are more and more afraid of marriage. In fact, for what you see in the news, you can't completely ignore it, but it's more important to recognize the people around you, no matter when, marriage is an important point in life, so you must polish your eyes when choosing the other half.

In addition, now on the news on the two ends of the three days exposed that a certain star married, a few days after the divorce, and then married, the impact of this on many young people is also not negligible, will lead to some values have not yet fully formed young people to bring "marriage is a child's play" "marriage is a child's play" "marriage and divorce is very casual" and other concepts, not married, not will be, has become the voice of the majority of netizens.

At the age of dry firewood, 260 million people have chosen to be single, and marriage has become a business?

Fourth, there is no bride price to talk about marriage

Nowadays, it is not only the house that is linked to marriage, but also the bride price, the society is developing, and the bride price is also rising, which makes the cost of marriage rise again and again, and now the cost of marriage has increased by about 150 times compared with 30 years ago. Tying the happiness of marriage and material conditions together, it is conceivable why young people do not want to get married, and the bride price is getting higher and higher, not because they don't want to get married, but because they "can't afford to get married." The bride price in many parts of the mainland can be said to be "sky-high price", and even in some areas, the dowry seems to have become a "transaction", many couples because the bride price is not in place, the bride price was originally a good blessing for the new person to form a family, and now it has become a "wealth collection" tool, requiring the man to have a car and a house while demanding a high-priced bride price.

At the age of dry firewood, 260 million people have chosen to be single, and marriage has become a business?

In general, the bride price should still be moderate according to the conditions of both parties, and cannot let a good marriage become a cold digital transaction. Nowadays, too much economic pressure, social factors, etc. make more and more young people resist marriage, marriage was originally due to love, is the beginning of two people to form a beautiful family together, is someone can accompany you to share happiness, resist the cold together, this is the meaning of marriage.

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