
It turned out that on the night of the breakup, I was not the only one who had insomnia

Picture: Heap sugar (invasion and deletion) Text: Little Dream

【Night Dream Talk, Little Dream Listening】: The whole network has the same name, welcome to pay attention, reprint please authorize, plagiarism must be investigated! Looking forward to your story.

On Weibo, I saw a girl sharing a long paragraph from her father after she broke up.

The girl said she couldn't read it herself because every time she saw it, she couldn't help but be blurred by tears.

I thought that I was twenty-eight years old, and my parents should be very anxious about getting married.

Unexpectedly, after the breakup, what he received was not only not a complaint, but a strong love given to him by his father.

1. Please, love for the sake of love

In the long pages that the father writes to his daughter, the father is actually emphasizing only one thing: "Please love for the sake of love." “

A person who loves you should not only complain and lie flat, nor should he just find excuses to defend himself and his family.

If this person does not know how to give, or even says that if there is a little to give, you must be careful, then this person is not worth your lifelong trust.

Any marriage, if it is based on the unconditional giving of one party, then it will not be happy.

Because, in the eyes of the other party, this person's efforts are worthless, and even when you stop paying, the other party will start to complain.

Blame you, who was once gentle and sensible, why you suddenly changed into a person. And never think about whether there is a problem with themselves.

We can't ask all people to strictly follow what operating mode when facing love.

However, as long as the other party loves you, at least he will make you feel loved, instead of being full of grievances, but also griting your teeth and insisting.

2. I urge marriage, not to get you married

I once watched the content shared by a netizen on the Internet, and he was curious why his mother always urged marriage.

The mother said she just wanted someone to be with her children in the future, at least not to leave the children feeling lonely.

Netizens retorted: "Then don't you just want someone to take care of me?" Just like you circle around me every day, what does that mean? ”

Unexpectedly, my mother shook her head and said, "I forced marriage, not to find someone to take care of you, but so that you are not alone." “

In the mother's view, the marriage itself should be a husband and wife supporting each other and growing up together. , instead of one party taking care of the other.

She said: "Don't forget that before that girl married into our family, she was also the jewel in the palm of her parents. “

No one is obliged to take care of another person's life, not even those who love each other, which is a kind of harshness.

The essence of marriage should not be to find a babysitter, but to let me see that my children are loved by others like me.

3. Marriage is good, but not the best

What does a person's best life look like? First of all, it should be to her own satisfaction.

She can have a job she wants, she can do what she wants, she doesn't have to rely on anyone.

And marriage, if it does not improve your quality of life, but makes your life greatly discounted, it means that you have chosen the wrong one.

I was reminded of a question on the Internet: "Why, in her eyes, I am not the most suitable answer?" “

One answer was brilliant: "Because you took the wrong exam paper from the beginning, you are not good enough, but your answer does not belong to that paper." “

Choosing the wrong thing is actually not terrible in itself, but the terrible thing is that when you clearly realize that you have made a mistake, you must persist.

You tell yourself over and over again in your heart: how good the other person has been to him, he will always realize your goodness.

But what awaits you will not be a change of heart, it will not be a sudden awakening, it will only be more harm.

4. There is nothing wrong with a timely stop loss

In your life, you will eventually meet many people, some of them are just rushing to rub shoulders, and some will have more or less memories with you.

But no matter what, there will only be a few people who will stay for you in the end, and the others, even if you keep them, will not be able to keep them.

So, don't fall in love. Learning to let go and bravely walk out of the mire of mistakes is also an ability.

Life is not long, you have to live well, love well, don't look back, don't linger, don't miss.

Above all, I wish you a good dream and good night.

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