
To amazing moms! They grow themselves in the role of "mother"

We often say

Mom before becoming a mom

First she herself

Growing up with your child

Mother is also exploring step by step

Become a better mom and make a better version of yourself

Today, let's take a look

Several women are in the role of "mother"

A story of self-growth

Become friends with children

Explore comfortable ways to get along

Ms. Pan, a "post-70s" civil servant, raises children

The story of this master's and doctoral degree has been passed down as a good story by colleagues and friends

Talk about how you get along with your child

Ms. Pan said that it is aimed at the characteristics of different stages of children

Take a different approach

Leave room for your child

Participate in your child's development process and actively guide them

In kindergarten and primary school, the books and games that children have read will definitely accompany them to watch and play together.

In junior high school, Ms. Pan actively integrated and participated in various activities in her children's school, listened to their views on various things, and gave them ideas, guidance and help as a friend.

After the child went to high school, Ms. Pan no longer took the initiative to intervene in the activities of the child and friends, but stood behind him as a backing, respecting his opinions and personal space, so that the child had no sense of restraint and was willing to take the initiative to communicate and share with his family.

"Every child has a way of growing up in every child, and everyone feels comfortable." Today, Ms. Pan's child is 20 years old and a sophomore majoring in clinical medicine. Today, Ms. Pan and her children are still like friends.

Take care of your career

Shine in the field of love

Born in 1995, Zhou is a mother of two children

Currently operates a clothing store

Every day from 11:00 am to 10:00 pm

It is the working hours of the small week

When you get home from work

Both daughters are usually already asleep

On weekdays, Xiao Zhou spends only a small time with her daughter in the morning. Every statutory holiday is the busiest time of the week, but she will still put down her work, take time to carefully prepare lunch for her daughters, and then devote herself to the busy work of selecting goods, purchasing goods, selling clothes, and tidying up stores.

Even if you are a "mother"

Also shine in the job you love

"Strong work, gentle life"

It is the purpose that Feng Jiawen has always pursued

In 2017, shortly after the one-child maternity leave, Feng Jiawen was seconded from the Yangxi County Taxation Bureau to the Municipal Taxation Bureau, overcoming the challenges of a two-hour daily commute and a new position.

In 2018, the tax reform work was in full swing, and Feng Jiawen's work ushered in a very busy period. She works during the day and works overtime at night when the children are asleep. Feng Jiawen subtracts from life, and ensures the quality of parent-child companionship on the basis of not delaying work.

In 2021, Feng Jiawen, who has been working for 8 years, gave birth to a second child. During his maternity leave, Feng Jiawen applied for a postgraduate degree in public administration at Sun Yat-sen University. In the gap between feeding and coaxing, Feng Jiawen completed the established study plan, and after several months of review, finally "went ashore".

Feng Jiawen has a habit of spending more time in the office after work every day, reviewing the day's work and combing the next day's work. When you go home, you will spend all your time with your children. Relying on this hard work, at the end of 2021, Feng Jiawen returned to the first tax branch of the Yangxi County Taxation Bureau as the director of the sub-bureau.


Strive to be a role model for your child

"Post-90s" mother Xiaomengben is a junior high school Chinese teacher. In 2020, Xiaomeng resigned to prepare for graduate school, but unexpectedly found out that she was pregnant. "I'm looking forward to the baby's arrival, but I don't want to give up on graduate school." Because of the low progesterone, Xiaomeng got up at 7 o'clock every day to run to the hospital for injections, and then seized all the time to review until more than 10 o'clock in the evening.

Hard work has made Xiaomeng a graduate student at a university in Guangzhou as she wishes. With the support of her family, she took her daughter to school smoothly. At the beginning of enrollment, various conditions of academics and family were suppressed, and Xiaomeng experienced many moments of collapse. She calmed her mind, and after a period of adjustment, she gradually found a balance between her studies and family.

In the process of accompanying children to grow up

Many mothers also take time out

Develop your own interests

After the child went to college, Ms. Pan also had more time

Recently she began to learn Gong Pen Painting

He has also always insisted on playing badminton and table tennis

"In the process of accompanying children to grow, you will find that there is still a lot of knowledge to learn. As children progress, I will continue to push myself. "When Ms. Pan makes demands on her children, she will first ask herself to do a good job, and in the process of accompanying her children's growth, she has also become a more self-disciplined person."

"Mom" before becoming a mom

They are also little princesses who are carefully cared for by their parents

Since there are more little people in life who need to be taken care of

They practiced all kinds of martial arts into chai rice oil and salt

Prop up years and life with your shoulders and back

Become a child's armor and harbor

However, a mother is not just the mother of a child

Also a passion for work

Individuals who are passionate about life

Hopefully great moms will take care of themselves

Spend your life in the way you like

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