
70-year-old uncle hardcore blind date, a mouth will pass through the world of two, big mother: can not wait

There was an old lady in Hunan who took a video and said to the camera: "I don't lack anything, I'm just too lonely, I don't even have a person to talk to." ”

How many people's hearts have been poked! Yes, when people reach old age, they are afraid of loneliness, especially if they are unwell, and they are especially worried about no one around when they need it.

As a result, many elderly people in life take the initiative to sign up for blind dates, their purposes are different, but there is one thing in common, that is, they want to stay away from loneliness.

So, can the elderly blind date meet the longed-for love? After reading the experience of this great master below, you will understand.

01. Marriage is incomplete without love

Uncle Miao is 70 years old, don't look at his age, his body is very tough.

He usually loves to exercise, but also loves life, the family is clean, talking about his former marriage, Uncle Miao feels sad.

The first marriage was introduced by relatives, after marriage found that the woman was not in good health, after a surgery to separate the living, in his words is an old sexual problem, no solution, married for more than ten years after divorce.

The second marriage was introduced by his friend, and it turned out that the relationship between his friend and this woman was not clear, and he became a receiver, and he was very depressed inside.

The two failed feelings gave Uncle Miao a great blow, he was single for a few years, his living conditions were relatively stable, he had his own house and a monthly pension of 2,000, and his life was very comfortable, but his heart was very empty.

Especially in the dead of night, Uncle Miao tossed and turned, he couldn't understand why his feelings were so bumpy, couldn't he meet a love?

Unwillingly, he signed up for a blind date and was willing to bear the cost of living, as long as the other party lived a solid life with himself, he had no other requirements.

Under the introduction of the red lady, he met with Aunt Zhang, who is a very real person and a bitter person.

Orphaned not long after birth, grew up in the orphanage, the feelings did not go well when he grew up, her husband had no feelings for her, the two separated for many years, and later the husband took the initiative to propose divorce.

Her appeal to marriage is to be single-minded, and those who have been hurt do not want to suffer the same pain again.

It is reasonable to say that such a woman is very suitable for Uncle Miao, but after he met, he raised his dissatisfaction, the reason is very strange, it is actually that the other party does not love to travel.

02. Love in the later years should also be energetic and romantic

Aunt Zhang is used to thriftiness, in her words, leftovers are not willing to be dumped, clothes are also worn, as long as the life is passable, there is no too high pursuit of life.

Uncle Miao is different, he likes energetic people, it is best to love singing and dancing, there is some literary atmosphere, he feels that this is very romantic.

Therefore, Uncle Miao asked her: "Do you love to travel, do you like to make friends?" ”

Aunt Zhang said that she did not like to make friends, most of the time at home, like to do housework, clean up the house, feel very fulfilling.

Uncle Miao was unwilling, he felt that the other party could not give him the life he wanted, although he was not young, he still had the pride of fighting the sword to go to the end of the world, looking forward to finding like-minded people.

After seeing Uncle Miao's attitude, some netizens think that he is too good, and when he meets such a down-to-earth and stable mother, he does not know how to cherish it, and hopes not to regret it in the future.

Red Niang was still very enthusiastic, and introduced him to Aunt Xu, this blind date, Uncle Miao ran into a wall.

Aunt Xu is 64 years old, her husband died of illness, her children have become a family, and she lives alone.

She has wavy curly hair, a flower dress looks more energetic, the key is that her eloquence is better, and the two chat is very topical.

Aunt Xu believes that when you are old, there is no need to be aggrieved by life, how to be happy, how to come, like to travel, like to dance square dance can also try, as long as the body allows, you should not waste time.

This point of view, appreciated by Uncle Miao, he likes people who love life, so he answered: "I like to live in the world of two people, the two have a good relationship, and life is more meaningful." ”

Aunt Xu nodded, saying that there was no problem at all, the children already had their own families, the grandchildren were also old, there was no need to take care of them, and the lives of the two people would not be disturbed.

But she misunderstood, Uncle Miao meant to applaud love, he confessed that his two marriages were not good, hoping to make up for regrets in his old age.

Aunt Xu was stunned at the side, she reacted and stood up directly, and said to the Red Lady: "I can't wait, I can't do anything to give a golden mountain, I'm so old, what else do I want, I don't have an old man." ”

After saying that, he left directly, leaving Uncle Miao with an embarrassed face.

03. Affection and companionship, which is more important

What is the biggest need for elderly people to remarry?

Everyone's answer is different, some people want to have a dependence in their later years, some people want to meet like-minded old partners, and some people want a love.

In fact, these requirements are not excessive, compared to young people, the elderly also have emotional needs, but some people have learned to be patient, and some people like to speak bluntly.

But no matter what, emotions need time to cultivate, and no matter how much you desire in your heart, you can't bring it up when you are on a blind date, which is the minimum respect and etiquette.

If the two are really suitable, get a marriage license together, I believe that there is no need for you to say anything, each can think about each other, and life can go smoothly.

Judging from Uncle Miao's experience, his feelings are not smooth, perhaps because of this, he has more vigilance, and he is actually not so trusting of the marriage in his later years, if he can let down his guard and be honest with each other, he will have the opportunity to know whether the other party is suitable.

At the end of the day, remarriage in older people is also risky.

The first is the emotional run-in, both sides have had setbacks, reorganizing the family is more likely to become sensitive, if they do not trust each other, it is easy to have contradictions.

Secondly, the distribution of property, some elderly people believe that to form a family with you, each other's house and savings need to be shared, and if the other party is unwilling, there will be differences of opinion.

In this way, I also want to tell my elderly friends to relieve anxiety, and if you really want to remarry, you must have more time to understand each other.

The first is whether the living habits are consistent, if the two habits are too different, they can still settle at the beginning, and there will be quarrels after a long time.

Second, whether the values are the same, everyone's life is different, in the end how to spend the old age together, you need to think differently, understand each other's feelings, if you can't accept it, don't be easy together.

Write at the back:

The pursuit of love by the elderly is not a flood beast, but a normal emotional need.

We can understand a little more, if there are single elderly people around, we can also encourage them to try to take a step forward and pursue the lifestyle they like.

In this life, the most important thing is to leave no regrets, and if you can meet your favorite partner in your old age, it is also a fortunate thing.

The key is to learn to think in a different position and avoid being too self-sufficient, just like Uncle Miao, who was originally a very real person, because he did not pay attention to the way he spoke, and could only miss the opportunity again and again.

Give it a thumbs up and go! Do you think it is necessary for single elderly people to find a partner?

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