
During the New Year, I chatted with my family and talked about a relative who was particularly well married, but recently she was separated. She was the daughter of my cousin's family, and after graduating from college more than a decade ago, she went to a news machine

author:Treasure Lovers

During the New Year, I chatted with my family and talked about a relative who was particularly well married, but recently she was separated.

She was the daughter of my cousin's family, and after graduating from college more than a decade ago, she went to a news agency for an internship and went out to play and met a very wealthy factory owner who had been married twice.

At that time, they each had boyfriend and girlfriend, but Lang had money and concubines, and the two hit it off, broke up with each other, and the girl became pregnant not long after falling in love. It is said that the marriage is particularly ugly, and the cousin particularly disagrees with the daughter's finding a son-in-law who is older than him, but the daughter has already made up her mind and has no choice.

In the blink of an eye, her children were almost ten years old, and she had a second child, but the two of them were separated. The reason is simple, she feels that the generation gap with her husband is too deep, and there will never be a common topic.

She felt that she could find something better, after all, she had found someone a few levels higher than herself, and she believed that luck would definitely be able to take care of herself again.

She insisted on separating her husband, but when she met new men, she did not feel respected. Because she has been working full-time for ten years, she is no longer competitive in society.

Many girls feel that being favored by the big guy is due to their charm, but unfortunately, what she did not expect is the power in the underworld.

"There are so many cafes in the world, but she just walked into my house." The line "Casablanca" points to the mysterious intertwining of the fates of two people.

There is also the big star Anna in "Notting Hill", in order to avoid the paparazzi, she walked into William's bookstore and wiped out the spark of love.

These can be said to be the surprises given by fate, leaving this one, there may not be anyone waiting for her. Cherish the present and cherish your own choices, only to be responsible for yourself and your family.

During the New Year, I chatted with my family and talked about a relative who was particularly well married, but recently she was separated. She was the daughter of my cousin's family, and after graduating from college more than a decade ago, she went to a news machine

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