
Parents who are preparing to conceive for the second and third births, can not ignore these things!

Since the liberalization of the two-child and three-child policies, many couples have embarked on the road of preparing for pregnancy, including many elderly couples over 35 years old. And some mothers who are preparing for pregnancy believe that the previous has been born, regeneration is "light car familiar road", and soon they can successfully prepare for pregnancy and realize the wishes of a family of four and a family of five. In fact, the preparation of the second and third children is far from being as simple as imagined. During pregnancy, you must not ignore these things:

Guests of this issue

Hu Yajun

Wuhan First Hospital

Director of the Center for Reproductive Medicine

He specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility and gynecological endocrine diseases; the application of assisted reproductive technologies such as artificial insemination and IVF in infertility; eugenics guidance and diagnosis and treatment of repeated abortions.

Advanced maternal age, medically defined: over 35 years of age at the time of childbirth.

35 years old, is an important time node faced by most women, the birth tide caused by the elderly mother leads to a great increase in fertility risk, it is necessary to pay attention to mastering scientific and professional pregnancy preparation methods, systematic and comprehensive prenatal examination, in order to ensure that the mother and fetus successfully pass through the pregnancy and childbirth period.

Precautions for pregnant women of advanced age

1. Pre-pregnancy examination

Elderly women should do various preconception tests (such as: blood routine, hormone six, TORCH, thyroid function, chromosomal examination, sexually transmitted diseases and gynecological diseases, check for anemia, heart disease, hypertension, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, AIDS, syphilis, kidney disease, diabetes, vaginitis, etc.) before trying to conceive or assisted reproductive technology.

It's worth noting that both men and women need to be examined, as embryos are conceived by sperm and eggs together.

2. Take folic acid before pregnancy

Folic acid should be taken orally 3 months before pregnancy. Taking folic acid can avoid developmental disorders of the nervous system. If you do not take folic acid in time before pregnancy, continue to supplement after pregnancy until 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Folic acid-rich foods include animal liver, beets, cauliflower, green leafy vegetables and orange juice, and eating more fruits and vegetables can supplement folic acid. In addition, there must be enough zinc in the initial stages of embryonic development. It contains more zinc in beef, seafood and animal liver.

3. Pregnancy examination

Pregnancy tests are very important for pregnant women of advanced age, and pregnant women should appropriately increase the frequency of obstetric examinations. Pay special attention to blood glucose, blood lipids, and blood pressure indicators.

NT tests are required during the 11-13 weeks + 6-day period of pregnancy, Down's screening is performed at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, and fetal system ultrasound (3D ultrasound) is required for pregnancy (22 weeks + 6 days), which are all mandatory items for elderly pregnant women.

If the test results suggest a risk of deformity, an amniocentesis is done to determine whether the fetus is abnormal.

4. Ensure adequate sleep

Adequate sleep is an important guarantee for elderly pregnant women to improve immunity and ensure the good health of mothers and children. In addition to ensuring 8-9 hours of sleep every night, 1 hour of nap should also be guaranteed at noon.

5. Diet

It is recommended to take high-protein, low-fat, mild foods as appropriate, and to smoke alcohol during pregnancy and pregnancy, and foods like tea, coffee and caffeine are best not to eat.

6. Prepare in advance

Natural childbirth is more difficult for elderly women and needs to be prepared in advance. The proportion of caesarean sections is higher in elderly pregnant women, with 90% of older women usually choosing caesarean sections. The pelvis of elderly pregnant women is relatively hard, the elasticity of ligaments and soft birth canal tissues is small, and the uterine contractility is correspondingly weakened, which can easily lead to prolonged labor, and even difficult labor, fetal birth injury and suffocation.

Advanced pregnant women need attention to prenatal care

1. Tang Sift

Tang screening is an important teratology test during pregnancy, Down syndrome has a certain degree of sporadicity, every couple may be pregnant with a Tang child, so pregnant women must do this test on time.

After research, it has been found that the probability of pregnant women with downshi is higher, and early down screening can be done at 9-14 weeks of pregnancy and 16 to 20 weeks in the middle.

2. Gestational diabetes screening

Gestational diabetes screening, referred to as sugar screening, checks whether a pregnant woman has gestational diabetes.

Advanced maternal pregnancy is generally accompanied by physical obesity and the probability of gestational diabetes is high, so it is necessary to do this test on time.

If you are unfortunate to have gestational diabetes, you need to strictly follow the doctor's instructions to control the diet or oral hypoglycemic drugs, and regularly monitor blood sugar.

3. B ultrasound

Ultrasound B is a test that must be done throughout pregnancy, and pregnant women need to do ultrasound 5 times throughout pregnancy. If the pregnant woman is in an abnormal condition, do it more often.

Ultrasound B can be done to understand fetal development, amniotic fluid and placental maturity. Doctors use ultrasound data to calculate the weight of the fetus and the expected date of delivery, so it is important to do a ultrasound examination.

4. Blood pressure check

Weight and blood pressure are weighed and measured at each physical examination, and blood pressure is monitored more strictly in elderly pregnant women. Because pregnant women of advanced age are at high risk of hypertension during pregnancy, if they have hypertension during pregnancy, it can affect their own and fetal health.

5. Fetal system color ultrasound examination

Fetal system color ultrasound is also known as large expulsion of teratology, which is the most important method of teratology examination in the entire pregnancy, which can comprehensively observe the five facial features, limbs and internal organs of the fetus to see if there is any malformation. The best time for examination is 22 to 26 weeks.

6. Pelvic bone measurement

Pelvic measurements are performed before childbirth, taking into account the pelvic conditions and fetal conditions of the pregnant woman in order to assess the method and timing of delivery of the pregnant woman.

Here's a reminder to moms

Whether you have a first, second or third child, please pay attention to fertility assessment, so that you can "conceive, keep, and have a good birth", which is not only responsible for the future baby, but also responsible for yourself!

If you are actively trying to get pregnant for a long time or have not been able to get pregnant, you should go to the hospital in time to check the situation, and if you are successfully pregnant, don't forget to go to the hospital regularly for examination to ensure the normal development of the fetus! Here I wish moms with fertility plans can be healthy and "pregnant"!

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Edited by Ye Jing

Reviewed by Li Junzhen Tong Mansi

Executive Producer Hong Yan Liang Yan Zheng Hui


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