
Pre-pregnancy tests that couples who are trying to conceive must do not be less

If you want to smoothly upgrade to a prospective parent and conceive a healthy and smart baby, preconception tests can not be less!

Pre-pregnancy tests that couples who are trying to conceive must do not be less

Tests to be done for women who are trying to conceive

General inspection items

Blood routine

Routine blood tests are performed to detect hematologic diseases such as anemia early


Contributes to the early diagnosis of kidney disease, which requires treatment before becoming pregnant

Reproductive system examination

Through the routine screening of vaginal discharge for trichomoniasis, fungal infections, urethral inflammation and gonorrhea, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases, check whether there are gynecological diseases, such as sexually transmitted diseases, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids, cervical intraepithelial lesions, to do a good job of preconception consultation, treatment and fertility guidance.

Liver and kidney function tests

Check liver and kidney function, blood glucose, blood lipids and other items, such as liver and kidney diseases, after pregnancy will cause premature fetal birth and other consequences.

Oral examination

Oral examination is done six months in advance to see if there are caries, underdeveloped wisdom teeth and other oral diseases.

Thyroid examination

Thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH, free thyroid, thyroid peroxidase antibody TPOAb, can aggravate thyroid disease during pregnancy and increase the risk of thyroid disease.

Pre-pregnancy tests that couples who are trying to conceive must do not be less

Special inspection items

Diabetes testing

Women who are trying to conceive will increase the burden of islets after pregnancy, and serious complications may occur, and women should have blood glucose checks when trying to conceive.

Genetic disease detection

In order to avoid genetic diseases in the next generation, if there is a history of genetic diseases in the family, it is recommended to have relevant tests before trying to conceive.

Derating examination

Check whether there are three infections of Toxoplasma gondii, rubella, cytomegalovirus, once pregnant women are infected with this virus and become pregnant, they are prone to miscarriage, fetal intelligence retardation, deformity and other problems.

Chromosomal examination

If there is a bad maternal history or there are inherited chromosomal disorders in the family, genetic testing and analysis may be performed.

ABO hemolysis

Learn about the bloodiness of both husband and wife and avoid hemolysis in infants.

Pre-pregnancy tests that couples who are trying to conceive must do not be less

Tests to be done for men trying to conceive

There are 18 tests of the male blood routine to see if you have leukemia, viral infection, diabetes, uremia and other diseases that affect fertility.

Liver function tests

Check whether liver function is impaired, whether there are acute (slow) hepatitis, liver cancer and other diseases

Semen examination

Check the vitality of semen and whether there are symptoms such as oligospermia and weak sperm.


Learn about early heart diseases such as arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, and angina so as not to affect the next generation.

Urinary system examination

Check for a series of diseases that affect fertility, such as cryptorchidism, orchitis, and oblique hernia.

Pre-pregnancy tests that couples who are trying to conceive must do not be less

All tests are recommended around 3 months before pregnancy and both husband and wife need to be examined.

Finally, I hope everyone can get pregnant as soon as possible!

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