
Why should I have my thyroid checked during pregnancy? Does abnormal thyroid function have any effect on pregnancy?

Some time ago, a friend went to a preconception test, one of which was a thyroid test, in order to determine whether the thyroid function was normal.

Nowadays, women pay more attention to pregnancy preparation, because there are too many cases of adverse events after pregnancy, and preconception tests can help prevent some diseases. It is understandable for women to examine the uterus, ovaries, etc. But during pregnancy, so why check the thyroid gland?

Many people will be surprised, we all know that the human body is a very sophisticated instrument, and it is not surprising that this phenomenon of pulling the whole body is moving at once.

Because if the thyroid function is dysfunctional, whether it is hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, it can affect the reproductive function of women in multiple ways.

Why should I have my thyroid checked during pregnancy? Does abnormal thyroid function have any effect on pregnancy?

The thyroid gland is a small butterfly-shaped organ located in front of the trachea, which is the main regulator of the body's metabolism. If the thyroid gland is acting low, it can lead to "hypothyroidism."

On the contrary, if the thyroid gland is strong, it will release too much thyroid hormone into the blood, causing "hyperthyroidism".

How does hyperthyroidism cause infertility?

Women with hyperthyroidism often have a combination of menstrual disorders.

Why should I have my thyroid checked during pregnancy? Does abnormal thyroid function have any effect on pregnancy?

In the early stage of hyperthyroidism, the synthesis and secretion of ovarian hormones increase, causing endometrial hyperplasia to grow too long, manifested by menorrhagia, frequent menstruation, prolonged menstruation, etc., as well as dysmenorrhea and premenstrual tension, which have reduced their fertility.

Advanced hyperthyroidism can lead to ovulation dysfunction and sex hormone secretion disorders, leading to stagnant follicle development, anovulation, thin menstruation and even amenorrhea.

Patients with severe hyperthyroidism can lead to infertility. In addition, patients with hyperthyroidism are at greatly increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes such as fetal stunting, stillbirth, miscarriage and preterm birth, even after pregnancy.

Why should I have my thyroid checked during pregnancy? Does abnormal thyroid function have any effect on pregnancy?

How does hypothyroidism cause infertility?

Female hypothyroidism is manifested by irregular menstruation, excessive menstrual blood or amenorrhea, ovulation disorders and ovarian atrophy. Pregnancy with hypothyroidism predisposes to adverse pregnancy outcomes such as miscarriage, preeclampsia, eclampsia, and placental abruption.

Even if the baby can be born smoothly, the baby is also prone to congenital goiter or small diseases and other congenital malformations, so hypothyroidism before pregnancy or pregnancy should be detected as soon as possible, timely treatment, improve the ability to conceive, and ensure the normal growth and development of the fetus.

Why should I have my thyroid checked during pregnancy? Does abnormal thyroid function have any effect on pregnancy?

Which women who are trying to conceive are at high risk for thyroid disease?

At present, the mainland recommends that pregnant women should be able to screen for thyroid function before pregnancy, especially women with the following high risk factors, including: history of thyroid insufficiency, history of thyroid surgery, positive thyroid antibodies, family history of thyroid disease, history of recurrent miscarriage, infertility, age over 30 years old, obesity, history of head and neck radiation therapy, those who have used drugs that affect thyroid function, those with type 1 diabetes or other autoimmune diseases, and thyroid-related examinations should be carried out in advance, and once the problem is detected, treatment should be given as soon as possible. Laying the foundation for a successful conception and healthy baby.

Olive Tree Life Expert Tips: If you are now in the stage of pregnancy preparation, it is recommended to conduct thyroid screening as soon as possible, and once the disease is found, it is best to get pregnant after effective treatment.

If you are pregnant, it is recommended that you do a thyroid test before 8 weeks of pregnancy as much as possible to ensure the health of the mother and baby.

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