
Xie Yilin's second child cut the umbilical cord by himself: the umbilical cord is cut like this, and the baby will be used for life!

Original | Pregnancy

Xie Yilin's second child birth diary is here!

Last year, she shared her experience of giving birth to her first child, which was very shocking.

The whole process was completely different from what she imagined, she said: "The plot in my fantasy is a mermaid giving birth in water, and the real life is that the earthquake fish are brutally tortured by electric shock!" ”

This time is the second child, March 27 is the birthday of Xie Yilin's second son, and on his birthday, she shared her son's childbirth experience.

(Photo by @谢依霖)

Compared with the first child, Xie Yilin's second child is really fast, and the pain is much lower.

Xie Yilin said: "This fetus only hurts for 5 minutes when it is born, it is like hatching eggs, super fast!"

I can give 120 points for the pain index of the last child, and this one has 20 points left directly, and I lost to wisdom tooth extraction! ”

When giving birth to the second child, Xie Yilin also did something that she did not dare to do when giving birth to a child: cut the umbilical cord for the baby!

The last child Xie Yilin felt too disgusting and did not dare to cut the umbilical cord, but this time he thought about it and cut it.

"A cut, sure enough, it was the same and different as I imagined, I thought it would be like cutting the ribbon, but it turned out to be like cutting the large intestine, cutting it several times before cutting it!"

Xie Yilin's second child cut the umbilical cord by himself: the umbilical cord is cut like this, and the baby will be used for life!

Sure enough, some things really don't have to be tried.

To be able to describe giving birth to a child so bluntly as hatching eggs and cutting the umbilical cord as cutting the large intestine is really very Xie Yilin.

After reading Xie Yilin's sharing, many mothers felt incredible:

"Why is he as easy as cutting the ribbon?

"How courageous, she won't have pain when she gives birth, right?" Listen and be afraid! ”

"I admire her so much, it must be painful during childbirth!"

"It's very meaningful, it's really ruthless, I may not dare, but it's still a blessing!"

There are also mothers who ask:

"! Does this really not hurt? I can also cut my umbilical cord myself, I feel pain when I look at it! ”

"This is too hard! Is there anything to say about cutting the umbilical cord yourself! Pretty awesome! ”

"Curious, doesn't cutting the umbilical cord hurt? Are there pain nerves on the umbilical cord?! ”

"I also cut the umbilical cord myself, and I asked the doctor to cut my umbilical cord late!"

Really every mother has a hundred thousand whys, can the baby's umbilical cord be cut by itself? Does the baby hurt? What is a late cord clamp? Today, the pregnant mother will talk in detail.

Cut your baby's umbilical cord

This experience I will never forget!

Many mothers will choose to let their husbands cut the umbilical cord when giving birth, because this experience is really meaningful.

When Cai Shaofen gave birth to three children, Zhang Jin accompanied the whole birth, and it was the umbilical cord cut by himself.

When Xie Na gave birth to the baby, it was also Zhang Jie's umbilical cord, and at first Zhang Jie was a little scared and did not dare to imagine the picture of his umbilical cord cutting.

But when it really came to the moment when it was necessary to cut, Zhang Jie suddenly made up his mind to say two words: I cut!

Zhang Jie didn't cut it successfully for the first time, and he quickly cut it, and after cutting, it was like winning a battle.

A fan mother also shared her husband's experience of cutting the umbilical cord with her husband, she said:

"During childbirth, my husband held my hand the whole time, and when it came time to cut the umbilical cord, my husband stood next to the nurse and watched the nurse explain it motionlessly.

When I slowed down and asked my husband what he thought at that time, he said: The moment I cut the umbilical cord felt very wonderful, I instantly felt that I had upgraded, and I was very moved to think of this little guy coming to him! ”

Every dad who accompanies the birth and cutting of the umbilical cord has such a touch in his heart!

Cut your baby's umbilical cord

Is it mom pain or baby pain?

The answer is: the mother does not hurt, and the baby does not hurt.

Whenever I see news or pictures of umbilical cord cutting, people ask the question of whether it hurts or not.

For babies: cutting the umbilical cord is painless!

Because the umbilical cord that connects the placenta and the fetus is mainly composed of vascular tissue, and although the umbilical cord has nerves, it is not a pain nerve.

So when cutting the umbilical cord, the baby is painless.

For mom: cutting the umbilical cord doesn't hurt either!

Because the umbilical cord is only attached to the baby and the placenta, and not to the mother's nervous system, the mother does not feel pain when cutting the umbilical cord.

For moms who have experienced grade 10 pain in childbirth, cutting the umbilical cord is a complete small case.

So what is the process of cutting the umbilical cord?

Pregnant mothers should emphasize that in Xie Yilin's news comments, some netizens reminded that whether it is giving birth or cutting the umbilical cord, it is carried out in the hospital and under the guidance of doctors.

Don't think that you can really give birth in the bathtub at home!

And don't cut your umbilical cord yourself!

When cutting the umbilical cord during production, it is necessary to strictly follow the steps to ensure that the cutting is smooth and safe:

(1) The doctor will first check the pulsating rhythm of the umbilical cord, and after the examination procedure, the doctor will clamp the umbilical cord, and delaying the clamping of the umbilical cord is conducive to the baby's health, which is often called late cord clamping (detailed later).

(2) When clamping, the doctor will place two clips along the umbilical cord.

(3) Then place the gauze under the part of the umbilical cord that will be cut.

(4) Then use sterile scissors to cut the umbilical cord located between the two clamps.

If the umbilical cord is cut by the mother or father, the steps must be strictly followed, and sterile gloves will be worn before touching the baby's umbilical cord, and then under the guidance of the nurse.

Cutting the umbilical cord, the doctor has done all the prelude, only the last step is needed!

Clamp 1-3 minutes late

It's the first gift for your baby!

What is a late cord clamp?

Late cord clamping refers to the cord ligation 1 minute after the newborn baby is delivered, and the specific time is recommended by different authorities.

WHO (World Health Organization): Currently recommends a delay of at least 1 minute until 3-5 minutes before clamping.

ACOG (American Obstetrician and Gynecologist): Normal newborns are born 30~60 seconds after the umbilical cord is ligated.

The Guidelines for Normal Childbirth issued by the Mainland Chinese Medical Association in June this year clearly recommend that normal term infants who do not need resuscitation should be ligated at least 60 seconds after birth or after waiting for the umbilical cord vascular pulse to stop (1-3 minutes after birth).

(Wait for the umbilical cord pulse to stop (about 1-3 minutes after birth) and turn grayish white, and then cut the umbilical cord)

(Image source: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Bengbu Third Hospital)

Why is late cord clamping recommended?

Because delaying clamping and cutting the umbilical cord allows all the blood flow in the placenta and umbilical cord to enter the newborn's body, which is beneficial to the baby.

(1) Give your baby more oxygen

From the moment a newborn is born, it means switching from the previous way of getting oxygen from the placental umbilical cord to breathing through the lungs, and late cord clamping can provide the baby with more adequate blood volume, increase the number of red blood cells, and make the newborn's transition to lung breathing more smoothly.

Immune substances stored during pregnancy also need to be passed on to the child through the bloodstream.

(2) Bring more iron and reduce anemia

Late cord clamping can increase the blood in the baby's body by more than 10%, increase iron reserves in the body, and reduce the probability of iron deficiency anemia.

The latest research shows that full-term infants who receive early umbilical cord ligation (less than 1 minute after birth) have a significantly higher risk of iron deficiency or iron deficiency anemia at the age of 3~6 months than infants who receive delayed cord ligation.

(3) Reduce the complications of premature babies

For premature infants, delaying the umbilical cord cutting for 30~60 seconds can reduce the use of related drugs, improve the transitional cycle, establish red blood cell volume more robustly, reduce blood transfusion, reduce neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, and reduce the incidence of intracranial hemorrhage.

That is to say: premature babies need a late cord clamp because nearly half of the blood is still in the placenta.

To sum up: late cord clamping is better for the fetus, if mothers want to have late cord clamping, they can consult a doctor at the time of delivery.

However, late cord clamping is not available to everyone.

If the mother has severe hypotension, or placental abruption, placenta previa, umbilical cord knot and neonatal asphyxia, late cord clamping is not recommended!

Can you cut the cord late, let's follow the doctor's advice!

Care after cutting the umbilical cord

Do two steps to protect your baby!

Before and after the umbilical cord end falls off, if the care is not good, bacteria will enter the baby's body through this hole, which can cause umphalitis at best, and cause sepsis and be life-threatening.

Therefore, umbilical cord care must be done well, care for the umbilical cord, parents can do a good job of care in two steps:

(1) Before the umbilical cord falls off

●Keep the umbilical cord clean and dry.

●You can use a medical cotton swab to soak in medical alcohol and squeeze dry, then clean the bottom of the umbilical cord, and wipe it in a spiral shape from the center of the umbilical root, do not rub back and forth, so as not to bring bacteria from the surrounding skin into the umbilical root.

●Observe carefully to observe whether there is fresh blood leakage outside the umbilical cord, if it is bleeding, re-ligate to stop the bleeding, if there is a small amount of old exudation or no bleeding, gently wipe the root of the umbilical cord with an alcohol cotton swab and wait for it to fall off naturally.

●When cleaning the umbilical cord, it is important not to use excessive force to avoid damage or bleeding of the umbilical cord.

●When wearing diapers or diapers for babies, wear them under the umbilical cord, and the diapers or diapers should not cover the umbilical cord, otherwise it is easy to soak the wound and cause infection.

●Do not wrap the diaper too tightly to prevent the umbilical cord from being rubbed by the diaper during the baby's activities, resulting in injury and bleeding.

●Do not wrap the navel with any dressing, and do not apply any medicine, such as oil, ointment, umbilical powder, adhesive tape, etc.

(2) After the umbilical cord is removed

●After the umbilical cord comes off, your baby can take a bath.

However, immediately after bathing, wipe your navel dry with a towel or cotton ball, until the wound is completely healed.

●Gently wipe the navel with alcohol and cotton swabs every day to keep the navel dry.

● Do not rub diapers or clothing against the umbilical cord stump.

In these cases, the care of the umbilical cord should be strengthened:

(1) A few days before the umbilical cord falls off, a few drops of blood may come out of the navel or there may be fluid oozing out, this phenomenon is normal and may last until the umbilical cord falls off and the wound is completely healed.

(2) The dried umbilical cord emits a slight odor, and if the skin around the umbilical cord looks normal and does not redness, there is no reason to worry.

(3) If the hard scab on the navel that has not yet healed is scraped off by clothing, one or two drops of blood may come out, and this blood will have no effect on the baby.

(4) If the diaper soaks the navel, the unhealed navel wound becomes damp, and pus flows out, then it must be protected more carefully and do not let the diaper soak it again.

(5) If the wound heals slowly, the tender wound may become bumpy and grow so-called "granulation", which does not matter.

In these cases, it is necessary to take your baby to the doctor as soon as possible:

(1) The dried umbilical cord has a special unpleasant smell, which may be a sign of infection.

(2) Redness, heat, swelling, and allergy in the area around the umbilical cord with a diameter of about 3 cm may be a sign of infection.

(3) Redness and swelling around the umbilical cord, infection and bleeding at the end of the umbilical cord.

(4) Purulent at the base of the umbilical cord end.

(5) Some newborns will have a small amount of exudate or bleeding due to the loosening of the cord ligated band. If you find that the gauze covering the umbilical cord is contaminated with blood or soaked, you should immediately ask your doctor to re-sterilize and ligate.

(6) When touching the umbilical cord end or the skin around the umbilical cord end with a dry cotton swab (not dipped in alcohol), the baby cries and cries when touched, then it is not normal.

(7) After the umbilical cord is detached, the umbilical cord root is still wet or even a little swollen, this phenomenon is called umbilical granuloma, and you need to seek medical attention.

(8) If the umbilical cord bulges forward when the baby is crying, this may be an umbilical hernia, which is not a serious disease, but also needs medical attention.

(9) If you have a lot of bleeding from the umbilical cord, please go to the emergency room immediately.

I wish all moms and babies all the best!

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