
Don't the children of the broad family engage in bullying? Miss by a mile! Top international schools spread out 200 blocks to beat classmates

A friend forwarded me a video that was quite shocking.

A mother named @Winnie appeared in real life and recorded a video saying that she wanted to uncover the bullying incident in top international schools-

Her friend's child was beaten at the school for seven days in a row, strangling his neck so that he couldn't breathe.

The screenshot is from the video number @W sister Winnie

Her friend reported feedback to the teacher at school, who was indifferent to let the child continue the class; Feedback to the principal, the principal said to investigate, and then there was no follow-up.

So the mother had no choice but to call the police, and only after the police intervened did they obtain an apology from the other party's parents.

The screenshot is from the video number @W sister Winnie

But that's not the end of the story.

Shockingly, this beating child actually spent two hundred yuan to invite three children to beat the victim with him...

@Winnie said that I don't understand very much, in the top international schools in Beijing, every child is from a very privileged family, there is no shortage of food, clothing and pocket money, why would he beat others for 200 yuan?

Yes, in the Shunyi moms I contacted, the level of parents at this school was almost recognized as standing at the top of the chain of contempt. Kochi and rich are the impression that everyone has of them.

Because the tuition fee is expensive, it is very filtering crowd. I checked the tuition situation of this school for 23 years, 20W, the average of the primary school section is about 24W, the average of the middle school section is 28W+, and the DP is 30W+.

At this level of tuition, you can go to any place in the world to study in an international school, even in Beijing, it is one of the most expensive, fully worthy of its reputation as a top international school.

However, it is no wonder that such a school where high-net-worth families gather in Kochi has been exposed to bullying incidents, which shocked many parents.

I won't go into detail about the specific incident, everyone pay attention to watch the video number of @W sister Winnie.


The children of rich people will not be bullied, this is wishful thinking of mothers.

Many people think that the heinous school bullying in the past in the video - beating, even stripping naked and cutting hair - will only appear in the environment of imperfect education, poor family conditions, and even secondary vocational high schools, but it is not.

Rich ≠ cultured.

A child's sense of morality has nothing to do with family conditions, but is closely related to family education.

Many parents do not understand that some children have suffered cold violence or unsatisfactory in the public before, so they use private international schools as a safe haven, thinking that they have spent hundreds of thousands of tuition fees, joined the circle of rich people, Wa's classmates must be the second generation of educated elites, how can there be such a thing as bullying classmates?

Even if it appears by chance, the teacher is in charge of the parents' association, and after all, they are decent people, and they will not condone such things to happen repeatedly.

This is really an illusion. Because decent people don't necessarily do decent things.

Remember Gu Jia in "Thirty Only"? In order to allow children to get the so-called highest education, they did not hesitate to buy Hermes with a burst card, and pour water and miscellaneous water for the school director's wife. Finally got what he wanted, but after spending a lot of money such as buying a house and buying bags and tuition, what did her son get?

was locked up in a small black room alone by the "leading eldest sister" of the parent committee, just because Gu Jia said a few words for another child who was kicked out of school, and did not live up to his conscience.

In the end, Gu Jia violently beat up the two bad-eyed mothers of the parent committee, I don't know how many viewers were cool.

That bully who said that he wanted to take revenge on Gu Jia, as a mother who did not even let go of children, what kind of children could he educate?

If the mother of the "parent committee" has lost morality, then the wife of the school board is another failed mother: she is in power and surrounded by the stars, but she is helpless against her son. Even asking for a star doesn't feel excessive, just how to get one for him?

How can such a mother manage her own baby?

Even if it is rich.


Talk about the 200 blocks in the event.

@Winnie's puzzle is that these children's families are either rich or expensive, how can they beat people for 200 yuan?

Frankly, bullying is not about money. The amount of money is certainly not much attractive to children with a good life, and the pocket money given by parents casually and the toys bought once are more than this number.

And the reason why they beat people together is because bullying the weak itself will make children feel a sense of superiority over others.

And that 200 yuan is just the "hammer" that tears down his moral wall. When these children beat people, they may be thinking in their hearts that they only shoot for their friends, and whoever does not do it will lose.

Educated parents may teach children from an early age that "hitting people is not right", but they do not have many opportunities to tell them that "bullying" is a very serious mistake.

But some rich parents don't even realize that beating someone is wrong. Sometimes I also feel complacent about my children's fists and feet, thinking that my baby has learned martial arts since childhood, and I definitely can't stand the bullying of others when I go out.

But what if you repay each other and teach children to solve problems by force?

There is another kind of parent that is more exaggerated.

Before I took my children to a playground of hundreds of dollars, I saw several times children grabbing toys and directly moving their fists and feet, and the parents of both sides not only did not pull the fight, but rushed to the first line, and finally they could always develop to pull each other's hair.

My friend who works at an international school once expelled two families who beat each other. In the end, a wealthy family asked friends in the education circle to intercede, but they were still refused to return.

Friends say that if there is only one such family, they can ruin a school.


Let's talk about schools.

In this exposed incident, everyone will think that the school's attitude is the strangest, right? Children are bullied at school, why doesn't school care?

Hey, maybe the school has investigated or may have hidden secrets, but in this incident, the "school cold treatment" we see is actually a common problem in many international schools.

The problem has a long history and stems from the absolute authority of foreign principals in international schools. To put it simply, although schools are run in China, foreigners have the final say, and Chinese parents also think that only this is the original.

But foreigners' schools based on original experience, think that children are free-range sense of order, when teachers try to interfere as little as possible, children will handle the relationship by themselves, with inert processing to get everything done...

Parents are not satisfied with finding a school, the school will also say parents, you do not trust the child enough, he has the ability to deal with it. But in fact, children of different ages are very different, Chinese children and foreign children are very different, parents are very different...

How can you wait for a child to be beaten as Bruce Lee, or let the weak use love&pace to tolerate a person who beats him?

In private and international schools, on the other hand, there is another extreme situation: every time a child has a problem, such as who beat a classmate, it is always the class teacher who comes forward to apologize in the parent group.

Public parents may not understand this, because people have never seen such a scene as a teacher apologize. However, private and international schools may feel that they are engaged in educational services, which is basically a service industry, and teachers are very conscious and take responsibility when children have problems.

What is that like? Take people's money and block guns for people.

At first once or twice, it was nothing, but then I found out that this is actually a norm, then it is very abnormal, is the child not taught by his parents?

The teacher is not his nanny, why should he stand up for a bear baby?

The biggest problem with this teacher's apology system is that Xiong Wa never changes, because he never needs to be responsible for his actions, how can he know that he has made a mistake.

The most exaggerated example is that a child has never apologized to his classmates since the first grade, so he maintained the habit of hitting a classmate every month, stuck in the neck, punched, kicked, and made the other party's nose blue and face swollen at best, and broke the head and bleed.

But this situation actually continued until the third grade, until one day a parent full of a sense of justice could not bear to jump out and lift the table, and the child's mother came out very unseemly to apologize.

However, the child still did not apologize.

His mother also took care of the child but couldn't control it, and each time the punishment lifted and fell so hard that her son ended up beating to the point where he was about to be expelled from the class.

I really don't understand: Don't these parents really know? Pamper a bear baby, and in the end it is his own home that is destroyed...


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