
Those who are richer than us, raising a baby is like beating chicken blood

Those who are richer than us, raising a baby is like beating chicken blood

Figure | Guo Jingjing's family

Text | Miki porridge

A mother added me and complained that her daughter's English was good. She said that before raising children, they mainly spent time on calligraphy, Olympiad, and memorizing ancient poems, and English was learned very sparsely for several years, which was not satisfactory, and there was no special training for word reading.

Therefore, I recently began to take a strong drug to promote English, to give the baby directly on the picture book intensive reading reinforcement, pull up the number of words...

I comforted her and said, "Don't worry, your baby is not yet 6 years old, everything is in time." But she said, no hurry! One day she called for her baby to go downstairs to play, and the three little girls in front of her stepped on the yo-yo and walked past, all wearing headphones to listen to English.

She suddenly felt that "there is still a gap"! I can't wait to drag the baby home right away and memorize another 100 words!

Hey, this old mother is really good!

Mixed up in the parent group, the ears listen to the eight directions, and the hundred are refined into steel. But if the Nobel Prize is awarded to education, they will already be able to win glory for the country! The number of inspirational words makes people have nothing to say, so let me shift the topic: now the chicken baby still has to fight "boy skills", such as musical instruments and other interests have been cultivated?

She said that she did not cultivate any interest, and only chose the piano for the instrument. After all, "there are still hundreds of pianos in the family, waiting for the baby to inherit." If this is not possible, it will only be sold in the future. ”

Those who are richer than us, raising a baby is like beating chicken blood


Bailaitai piano... Waiting for inheritance? Therefore, this 6-year-old baby who has studied calligraphy hard to excel, brushed his thinking to promote his own responsibility, and has not yet finished memorizing 6 years of ancient poems in primary school and has begun to study the "Yueyang Louji"; this excellent little girl who lives under the education system of "family contract responsibility system", and has been managed daily by her old mother with mind maps since she was a child, from the overall situation to the details, is high standards and strict requirements; her real identity is actually an "inheritor"?

So, the story of the new "successor" is so inspiring?


In the past, whenever there was news about school district housing, there was a reasonable netizen in the comment area, asking "Which one was admitted to Tsinghua Peking University because his family bought a school district house when he was a child?" "In their view, buying a school district house is entirely because the child's level is not good, and the dead horse is a living horse doctor."

Those who are richer than us, raising a baby is like beating chicken blood

10 million people buy a set of broken houses, mainly because the "people are stupid and have a lot of money" upstarts, eager to wash the family's low IQ genes.

This is a very strange idea!

Do you have to ignore the 30% qingbei promotion rate of the famous schools in the imperial capital, or do you really only stop at the news broadcast, so that you can get such a serious and ridiculous conclusion.

This netizen, whether he understands Qingbei or not, I don't know, but he definitely doesn't understand rich people very much. For the rich, the value investment in education has never been a multiple-choice topic.

Once, I was chatting with my old mother, who is an executive at a Fortune 500 company, about the planning of funds for education. I said, "What, an old mother with a net worth of tens of millions of dollars, spending tens of thousands of yuan a year still needs financial planning?" ”

She said, "Just kidding, tens of thousands?" The cost of education in a year is more than 1 million! ”

Then she calculated an account for me: the two babies want to go to the best international schools, this requirement starts from 500,000 in Beijing, not counting the 10% tuition increase every year; then there is the cultivation of sports specialties, the edification of the art road, these international schools are necessary for the skills, the simple one spends a year to spend more than 100,000 yuan, if you burn money to burn equipment ice hockey equestrian sailing golf, that is the chicken baby endless, there is no best only better...

I didn't see a family like Yingda, in the first two years, in order to let the baby learn ice hockey, I was also searched and searched by renting a stadium to find a coach to play a game, so that in order to evade taxes, I saved $460,000 in the US account many times, and the defendant "laundered money"?

After the sports talent is guaranteed, it is also necessary to take the baby to travel around the world to increase the horizon, and cannot lag behind the times! Send them to the summer school opened by the top private school in the United States, run all over Europe and the United States to participate in the genius camp entrance examination plus training, which adds up to at least 30-400,000 a year; in addition, the children of international schools can not forget the traditional cultural influence, supplementary language supplement physics and chemistry, the training fees of famous teachers in various subjects, plus the fuel accumulated through Beijing City, the air ticket accommodation for flying competitions with the baby...

In order to achieve the realm of "people have me, people have me and people don't have me", the million capital reserves in that year may not be enough. According to this consumption, under normal circumstances, if the baby university applies for the full award of the university, the education fund will be settled by 12 years, that is, 12 million, but in case the baby does not get the full award, then the fee can go up to 15 million.

So, is there no financial planning for education? Wow, in just a few minutes, this capable old mother exported a list of family asset allocation on education, really worthy of being a female student majoring in accounting at a prestigious school... And these, but also did not add any school district housing hard investment and other costs.

It is said that those rich people, when the policy of multi-piece school planning has a wind, has already used the multi-point station in key school districts to buy real estate and enclose degree houses. Educational planning is a technology in our eyes, and an art in the eyes of elite parents!

Just as I was playing all kinds of inner dramas, I heard her ask: How do you plan? I groaned, what to say? To do financial planning, then at least financial planning. This kind of 15 million chicken baby dafa, wait until I win the 15 million lottery jackpot and then consider it.


In addition to spending money on education without blinking, rich mothers are not weak enough to spend their energy. Generally speaking, the self-requirements of the old mother chicken baby are about to apply for the class to choose a school door, brush the questions to test a number, piano ballet art football does not seek to be almighty to get started, but also to understand all sides.

In this way, chatting with old mothers in the parent group can maintain their chicken baby confidence by imparting training course selection skills and discount experience of course package packages from time to time; the self-requirements of rich old mother chicken babies are much more complicated.

It is not only necessary to grasp the advantages and disadvantages of public and private schools, and be familiar with the geographical location of various top resource teachers, but also to gain insight into the pattern of global education in the next 12 years and understand the core competitiveness of Indian wa in ivy schools. If the chicken baby extracurricular project, can not say a word can be started by themselves, first from the chicken to the child's mentor.

Only in this way can they be worthy of being the beacon of the road to climbing the vine army, the elite of the elite old mothers. It doesn't just take time and effort, it also requires both INTELLIGENCE and ability, because they know that once the chicken baby is on the road, it is a contest of endurance and detail.

I know a strong woman who works hard in the workplace, she usually spares the time like a golden race against the clock, the speed of speech is fast, eating a lunch while meeting and eating a working meal, but insisting on getting up at 6 o'clock every day, from Chaoyang to Haidian through a Beijing city to send a baby to school, and then run back to The morning meeting in Shunyi.

I said you are not bad for nanny driver money, ah, so why toss? She said the day was too busy to call constantly! Only sending the baby to school has a gap to talk with the baby, master the psychological activities of adolescence, and see if the baby's recent studies are smooth and whether there is excessive pressure.

But for them, this little effort is not much, after all, they have not yet embarked on the road of professional chicken dolls. Among the full-time mothers, there are many who give up their million-dollar annual salaries and go to the United States to work as full-time multi-functional nannies for their babies. From academic planning to chicken baby reading; from driver security to chef cleaning...

Flying through thousands of mountains and rivers in a foreign country to accompany the baby to read and accompany the baby's life, to open up the way for the baby to study, and even to become a talent: the old mother who once walked the rivers and lakes with science and engineering, in middle age, she tutored the baby's literature and history, and could read through the history of the world and various versions of famous works.

In these mother's worlds, there is only what you can't think of, and there is no one they can't do. As long as they generate one in ten thousand value for the baby, they will make two hundred percent effort.


Those who have more money than you work harder than you educate your children. Guo Jingjing, who married into the Huo family, was really a real tycoon. But her son, a rich eldest grandson, was sent to kindergarten when he was 1 year old! Then, he was pushed by his mother on the road to sprint to a small school, because the primary school he was going to study had the lowest admission rate in Hong Kong, only 35:1.

In order to become one of these thirty-five, even if the giants have to work hard! In the eyes of the old mother Guo Jingjing, it is also a big thing that the heavens and the earth are not doing homework, even if Grandpa Huo Zhenting wants to take his grandson to play, he must wait for the baby to finish his homework!

Those who are richer than us, raising a baby is like beating chicken blood

Isn't it suddenly a little comforting? Although we are not as rich as others, in the matter of forcing the baby to write homework, we have achieved synchronization with the giants! Not only the rich chicken dolls, but also the upstarts also take the chicken dolls as the highlight moments of life.

There was once a rich female classmate who studied more scummy and therefore had low self-esteem for many years. Later, she married a husband who was said to be an Internet upstart, bought a villa in Shanghai, and gave birth to a beautiful daughter, a full-time chicken baby at home, who was better raised than the old mother.

In order to set off the success of her next generation transformation, in the black and hot pot restaurant, she forced a Book of English for Her to read in the dim light, and low-key showed her excellent English reading ability; she bent left and right to guide everyone to talk about the school, so as to have the opportunity to tell the story of how her baby defeated thousands of competitors and entered the famous private school in the magic capital.

She pretended to casually talk about the bully classmates working in the United States, very euphemistically brought out the academic development of the baby, the whole family is already applying for immigration, and immediately went to the United States to attend primary school. It is really a face, and the texture of rejuvenation is full of ah. To tell the truth, "Sunwa" is the hyaluronic acid that allows middle-aged mothers to brush their youth!


Finally, let's finish the full day of the 6-year-old "successor". Every day to practice calligraphy for half an hour, concurrently study the big language and thinking of the Olympic number, ballet piano practice every day, English intensive reading and words with both hands to grasp both hands; general education has not fallen at all, literature research Dunhuang culture to enhance artistic attainment, science research quantum physics basic knowledge to broaden world cognition; the progress of biology, has now reached the "difference between insects and spiders", as well as in-depth research on "mushroom species" ...

In this way, the old mother also sighed: "Regrets in life abound." But it doesn't matter, this old mother who claims to live in an eighteenth-tier city has packed up her frustration and is full of energy and courage to go to the cultivation road of the next second treasure.

Trying not to set a ceiling, I am afraid of regrets in life. Miss do not have to regret, the second treasure brush again.

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