
The primary school graduation book left a spicy message, and parents angrily denounced in the group: Six years to learn this filthy language?

The primary school graduation book left a spicy message, and parents angrily denounced in the group: Six years to learn this filthy language?

Speaking of graduation books, we are all strangers, until now I still keep the graduation book from junior high school, and I take it out from time to time to flip through it, which is full of memories of youth. Every time I see those affectionate blessings, the previous scenes come to my mind like a movie. At that time, the messages on the graduation book were nothing more than "May our friendship last forever", "I wish you a bright future", "Don't be sad about the future, be yourself in the present, you are the best." "or the like, a little humorous, a little playful is "Gou rich, don't forget" or something.

The primary school graduation book left a spicy message, and parents angrily denounced in the group: Six years to learn this filthy language?

In the blink of an eye, it is another graduation season, and graduates of elementary school, junior high school, and high school are preparing their graduation guestbooks as witnesses of their study life and leaving good memories. However, now that the Internet is developed, children's thinking is naturally not the same as our era, and the graduation guestbook is also "not surprising and dead", all kinds of Internet terms are full of it, if it is not too hot, it doesn't matter, after all, a generation has a generational expression.

A few days ago, some netizens posted on the Internet to break the news, they inadvertently opened their sixth-grade children's graduation guest book, but they didn't expect that it was full of some "dirty words", after reading it, it really surprised parents, and sighed in the post: "Now this elementary school student is what, how can this idea be so complicated?"

The primary school graduation book left a spicy message, and parents angrily denounced in the group: Six years to learn this filthy language?

Look at what is written in the graduation guestbook of these elementary school students: "I wish you to pack 2 milk with secretaries", "I wish you to grow up and become a big official in the future, you must pack two more beautiful girls and second milk, and give birth to dragon and phoenix twins as soon as possible"; "In the future to make a fortune, eat all over the sky and run on the ground" ...

Some students directly filled in the insulting swear words in the columns of "hobbies" and "things they want to do but dare not do", and the "great ideal" is actually "being a little sunspot".

In the column of favorite places, some students fill in: red light district, WC, where my husband is, go to bed

Wait; In the motto column, some students left: Fuck your mother, beat you to death, your grandma, I lean; In the most touching

In the experience column, some students stayed: girls, pulling pants, pursuing you, beating you, seeing you and women

Child**; In the biggest ideal column, some students fill in: hit so-and-so, sleep so-and-so, become a billionaire, lie down and earn...

The primary school graduation book left a spicy message, and parents angrily denounced in the group: Six years to learn this filthy language?

Some people may think that this is a child who does not understand things, takes ignorance as a personality, they do not realize their mistakes, but just think that this is cool and is a joke. Parents don't have to pay attention to it, and they will naturally understand when they are older.

But is that really the case? Sixth-grade students are actually not small, they have formed the most basic view of right and wrong, morality, saying that they do not understand anything, it is just the self-comfort of parents, unwilling to face the reality of their children's thinking deviation, for their laziness to make excuses. Don't underestimate the cognitive abilities and levels of elementary school students, in some ways, they understand even better than us adults.

The primary school graduation book left a spicy message, and parents angrily denounced in the group: Six years to learn this filthy language?

Therefore, there will be these dirty words that should not appear on the primary school graduation book, to attract our attention, the current Internet culture has a great impact on children, short video platforms are full of a lot of bad information, paragraphs, those so-called "Internet celebrities" pretend to be crazy and sell stupid, there are ugly and miserable, some bad social atmosphere has affected the children's three views.

Although these words are not necessarily the children's real "ideals", the children's ability to talk nonsense in the graduation guestbook is obviously influenced by some negative factors in the adult social form. Of course, we should not blindfold children's eyes and only let them see the good side, but guide them to face the complicated world, learn to identify, choose, and establish a noble outlook on life and values.

The primary school graduation book left a spicy message, and parents angrily denounced in the group: Six years to learn this filthy language?

Parents should also pay attention to this problem, do not use children to deceive themselves, education is to be grasped from an early age, once the child's habits are formed, it is very difficult to change. Parents themselves should also lead by example, pay attention to their speech and behavior, and set a good example for their children.


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