
In the first year of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Yuyongtai (765 AD), Pei's pregnant wife crossed the Yellow River from Wenxi, Hedong (present-day Wenxi, Shanxi) across the Yellow River due to a drought in her hometown, and came to dongdu across the river

author:Meet Heluo

In the first year of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Yuyongtai (765 AD), Pei's pregnant wife crossed the Yellow River from Wenxi, Hedong (present-day Wenxi, Shanxi) due to a drought in her hometown, and came to the eastern capital of Luoyang (present-day Shichi, Henan) across the river, and defected to Pei Pu (裴溆) in Dang county, Shichi, and gave birth to a son, and his wife died of illness after giving birth. Because he was born across the river, Pei Pu named his son Du. Pei Pu, the son, who had been in and out of the Tang Dynasty for more than 20 years, became a figure with a backbone, so that when Tang Wenzong was alive, Pei Du lived in Luoyang Longmen, and every time someone went to Luoyang to return to his life, Wenzong Li Ang asked: "Did you see Pei Du?" ”

Originally, Pei Du was promoted to the throne in the fifth year of Emperor Dezong of Tang 's reign (789 CE), and when he was an official in Sichuan, he was appreciated by Wu Yuanheng (Wu Zetian's nephew and great-grandson) and promoted him all the way. In the eighth year of Tang Xianzong Li Chunyuanhe (813 AD), Jiedu had Li Shidao send someone to assassinate the chancellor Wu Yuanheng and cut peidu in the imperial history, pei du became the prime minister after his injuries were healed, and assisted Emperor Xianzong Li Chunping to settle the division of Huaixi Domain, so that there was the "Li Shuxue Entering Cai Prefecture at Night" in the junior high school language. It was also this assassination incident that Bai Juyi was demoted to Sima of Jiangzhou.

During the years of Tang Jingzong Li Zhanbao, in the face of absurd and nonsensical emperors, some people chose to let go of the disaster, but Pei Du assisted with his own dedication.

In the second year of the Baoli calendar (826 AD), Pei Du served as sikong and chancellor. One day, Pei Du was attending a feast, and the official who kept the official seal panicked and came to report that the official seal was lost, and everyone who heard it was shocked. However, Pei Du still intersected with everyone and drank it. After some time, the official who kept the official seal came over and said that the official seal was placed there again, and Pei Du did not say anything. Someone asked Pei Du why, and Pei Du said: "If the seal is lost in Zhongshu Province, it is nothing more than which document is not printed, taken by colleagues to add it, and when it is used, it is put there again; if everyone says that the official seal is lost, the official seal will definitely be thrown into the day of water and fire, and it will really be lost." Pei Du's courage really responded to "the prime minister can hold the boat in his belly." (Suddenly remembering that in the 1980s, the radio in rural homes suddenly disappeared (at that time, every household usually did not have to lock the door), and the neighbors said that they had lost it. )

In the second year of the Baoli Dynasty, the eunuchs Liu Keming and Su Zuoming killed Emperor Jingzong Li Zhan, and Pei Du killed Liu Keming and Su Zuoming, and established Emperor Wenzong of Tang as emperor.

Pei Duguan went to the Duke of Jin and Zhongshu Ling, and also promoted Han Yu and protected Liu Yuxi, Liu Zongyuan, and Bai Juyi.

In the first year of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Yuyongtai (765 AD), Pei's pregnant wife crossed the Yellow River from Wenxi, Hedong (present-day Wenxi, Shanxi) across the Yellow River due to a drought in her hometown, and came to dongdu across the river
In the first year of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Yuyongtai (765 AD), Pei's pregnant wife crossed the Yellow River from Wenxi, Hedong (present-day Wenxi, Shanxi) across the Yellow River due to a drought in her hometown, and came to dongdu across the river
In the first year of the Tang Dynasty Emperor Li Yuyongtai (765 AD), Pei's pregnant wife crossed the Yellow River from Wenxi, Hedong (present-day Wenxi, Shanxi) across the Yellow River due to a drought in her hometown, and came to dongdu across the river

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