
How to judge whether you have confinement disease? See if the body has these symptoms

Everyone has some understanding of confinement, and the body of women during pregnancy and childbirth is very fragile and sensitive, especially after childbirth, it will be very weak.

If you can't rest and recuperate well, the body's recovery will be affected, and even some pain will occur in severe cases, which will accompany the second half of a woman's life.

If you want to know if you are sitting well in confinement, you can see it from your performance in life.

The success of confinement sitting mainly depends on these points!

1. All kinds of pain

During pregnancy, women secrete various hormones, which help conceive the fetus and produce some "side effects".

For example, to make the bones become fragile, many women in the pregnancy stage have said that a little movement will feel joint pain, low back pain, which is the reason.

Want to recover quickly, you must pay attention to rest during the month, not too tired and can not be frozen, if the mother out of the confinement bone there is no obvious pain, it means that the recovery in the month is very good.

2. Weakness and weakness

The whole process of pregnancy and childbirth is very draining for women, especially the birth of this matter, which will make women more weak.

If Bao Ma does not pay attention to the replenishment of qi and blood during confinement, the qi and blood are insufficient, and the weak state will not be improved.

Even if she is out of confinement, Bao Mom will often feel sweaty, weak limbs, and easy to sleep, and these states will have a great impact on life.

However, if Bao Ma pays attention to maintenance during the confinement and the qi and blood are replenished, baoma's mental state can be slowly restored, and if she does not obviously feel weak and weak when she is confined, it also means that the confinement is very successful.

3. Depressed mood

I believe that everyone has heard of postpartum depression, affected by many aspects of the pregnancy stage, women's psychological state will change greatly during this stage.

If women are in negative emotions such as sensitivity and anxiety for a long time, they are prone to postpartum depression.

However, if a woman is emotionally stable throughout the entire stage of pregnancy and childbirth, and can correctly face identity changes and physical changes after confinement, it means that she has recovered well after childbirth.

Want to recover better after giving birth, what should Bao Mom do?

1. Physical exertion should be appropriate

Some women in life are very diligent, or have a cleaning habit, can not see the dirty mess at home, even if they have a baby, the body has not yet recovered, they will unconsciously clean up, to tidy up, but for this stage of confinement, it is better to properly control physical exertion.

Women are weak after childbirth, physical strength itself is insufficient, a little bit of physical work will be overloaded, if the mother does not know how to restrain, do not pay attention to rest, the future joints, muscles and other aspects of the corresponding exercise stimulation, there will be pain.

It is recommended that Bao Mom not be too tired after giving birth, like some physical work, or it is better to hand it over to the family.

2. Learn to regulate emotions

Women's postpartum hormones have not yet recovered, the mind will be more sensitive, mood is prone to fluctuations, it is recommended that mothers learn to adjust their mood reasonably.

For example, going downstairs to visit the community garden, watching some variety shows, or talking to family and friends, these can quickly regulate emotions, and Bao Mom always maintains a stable mood, which is also helpful for physical recovery.

3. Reasonable nutrition supplementation

Whether the confinement is sitting well or not, eating is also very critical in this regard, women are weak after childbirth, and they need nutritional supplements, but many people have misunderstandings in this regard, thinking that more supplementary nutrition can recover faster.

In fact, after giving birth, Bao Mama not only has a weak body, but also has a decrease in gastrointestinal functions, and what is needed is a relatively light diet.

If you eat and drink indiscriminately and make up for it, it will bring a burden to the stomach and intestines. It is recommended that Bao Mama's postpartum diet be mainly light, and supplement nutrition through a variety of ingredients, so that it is more conducive to recovery.

Mistakes in the month, pay attention to avoid!

1. Do not take a bath

Most people have heard the saying that "you can't bathe in the confinement", but in fact, it is impossible for women not to bathe before they give birth, on the one hand, who can bear not to bathe for a month? On the other hand, hygiene is not guaranteed without bathing.

Because women in the postpartum recovery stage of the body is weak, easy to sweat, sweat is not cleaned in time will be contaminated with dust and bacteria, is not conducive to health, in addition, the early stage of recovery of women are still discharging lochia, do not do a good job of basic cleaning, there is no benefit to recovery.

2. Do not exercise

It is also wrong to be completely nestled in the confinement, and lying in bed for a long time will affect the circulation function, and the circulation speed will be reduced, and the function of all aspects of the human body will be reduced, which will cause certain obstacles to the recovery of the body.

After giving birth, Bao Mama should exercise appropriately according to the physical condition and ensure that she is not tired, which can not only activate the body's motor function, but also promote circulation and accelerate recovery.

Therefore, confinement is a lot of exquisite, confinement sitting is not sitting well, from the mother's physical state can be seen.

Dear mothers, have you been successful in sitting on your confinement?

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