
3 categories of children: easy to get along with, slow heat, difficult children, twin brothers belong to two categories

3 categories of children: easy to get along with, slow heat, difficult children, twin brothers belong to two categories

Many children can basically be classified into 3 categories: the classification is from the American Academy of Pediatrics Psychological Parenting Encyclopedia, which is still relatively authoritative. There are similar classifications in different books.

The first category: children who are easy to get along with.

They treat everything around them with a relaxed attitude. They adapt quickly to new schools, new faces, and are relatively relaxed in the face of difficult situations. They are emotionally positive and less easily nervous. Parents of such children often compliment their children that they get along well. About 40% of children fall into this category.

I summarize it as: anyone can bring a child. I often see a mother on the Internet saying: I bring two alone, and I also cook and pick up, I'm not tired at all! It may be because the mother herself is capable or a little trouble-free, and it is more likely to be the first type of child in the family.

3 categories of children: easy to get along with, slow heat, difficult children, twin brothers belong to two categories

The second category: children who are slow or shy.

They often have mild tension in their mood and often show a lack of enthusiasm (although this is not always the case). In the new environment, such children tend to be nervous, have uncomfortable physical reactions, or have separation anxiety. They often withdrew when they met strangers and environments, took time to adjust to new environments, and were a little hesitant and shy when making new friends. But as children become familiar with people and the environment, they are better able to adapt.

I call this type of child a child who can bring it well. My twin brother belongs to this category, and he needs to be familiar with the environment, but he can play well with his friends after familiarization. Usually occasionally make a fuss, reason, coax, can still listen to it and slowly calm down.

3 categories of children: easy to get along with, slow heat, difficult children, twin brothers belong to two categories

The third category: difficult children.

They respond negatively and strongly to the world around them. 0-1 years old, they may cry; 1-5 years old, they are prone to tantrums, or difficult to please; After the age of 6, they will often lose their temper, be very stubborn and emotionally agitated. When children are in this conflict-prone temperament, they often have more behavioral problems and are prone to stress from parents. Such children are less likely to adjust to their new environment, and some of them have trouble adjusting to school life, and teachers may complain to their parents about their behavior in the classroom or on the playground.

I call this type of child a child who is not easy to bring with him. Unfortunately, my twin brother is in this category. Thankfully, not both twin brothers fall into this category. For example, everyone will understand.

3 categories of children: easy to get along with, slow heat, difficult children, twin brothers belong to two categories

The twin brother was sick at home, and I asked him to choose to sleep or write a noon word (don't worry, he is rhinitis caused by cough, and his spirit is normal).

He didn't hesitate to choose.

I chose to write the noon word.

I said, "I'll honor and really let you write it at noon." But it won't let you write all the time, you can write for 10 minutes, rest your eyes, can't play, sit still, and continue to write later.

Right right is very spineless, determined not to take a nap: "I still choose to write." A bulging look on his face.

Some children, such as this brother of my family, are born with anti-bones, alas!

In the end, I asked him to choose to sleep and play, or to write and play all the time. Reluctantly, he finally chose to sleep.

Today's sharing is here, the next article I will talk to you about: difficult children, parents really can't help? What should I pay attention to?

(Some pictures come from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author)

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