
The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

Original | Pregnancy

Because of a reminder from netizens, the mother discovered the child's big problem in time.

Recently, a hot search news has attracted attention, the news content is: Bao's mother is asymmetrical in the size of the baby's eyes, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly, and the skullostomy is detected to be closed early.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

(Image source: @中国网看点)

Here's what happened, a mother in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, found that her child had large and small eyes and an asymmetrical head.

At first, she didn't notice the problem, and she didn't think about the sick part, because the baby was born vaginally, and everyone around her said that it might be a normal phenomenon of being squeezed during a vaginal birth.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

When the baby was two months old, the mother also took the baby to the local hospital to see it, but nothing abnormal was detected, she thought about listening to the doctor, so she relaxed for a month.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

But she looked at the baby's appearance, and still felt that something was wrong, so she posted on the Internet for help, and some netizens reminded her to take the child to a large hospital to see it quickly.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

After reading the reminder of netizens, the mother took the child to a major hospital for examination, and the result found that the child was: the right coronal suture of the skull was closed, and the left coronal suture was partially closed.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

In this case, surgery must be performed immediately.

Afterwards, the mother is very grateful for the reminder of netizens, and is currently thinking about where to take the child for surgery in order to get better treatment.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

This result is really lucky, many netizens have also expressed after watching it:

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

"That netizen really saved this child, the merit is immeasurable, otherwise if it drags on seriously, it will affect the child's development, and the cranial suture will be closed at such a young age, and children of this age grow up very quickly, early detection and early treatment."

"I still think that not everyone has big and small eyes, and it is so serious after clicking on it."

"What is cranial suture closure? My child's head shape is also not good. ”

Indeed, it is really fortunate to be able to detect early and treat it in time, because the consequences of premature craniosyctomytic closure without timely intervention can be serious.

Abnormal head shape of your baby

Parents do need to take it seriously

For the baby's head shape, many parents are very anxious.

In the above news comments, there are many mothers who are anxious because of their children's head shape.

"My son slept very well during confinement, and I didn't pay attention to sleeping on his side, and as a result, the back of his head fell flat, and later corrected and couldn't correct the round head, alas, just count the health."

"We were also craniostous closed early, looking at the lack of such a size eye in the video, that is, one side of the forehead was a little higher, and then we just asked when we looked at the orthopedic department, the orthopedic surgeon felt that it was quite normal, it was seen by the rehabilitation doctor behind, and then we went to the neurosurgery, interlaced like a mountain."

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

"My boss's girlfriend is this kind of head shape, before I only found big and small eyes, and then I combed her braids to find that her head was crooked on the left, her grandmother said that it was caused by the confinement sister-in-law did not sleep well, and now she is almost 4 years old and looks at all development is quite normal."

For the baby's head shape, as long as the factors of the disease are excluded, parents should not be too anxious.

If the head shape is wrong due to disease factors, it needs to be paid attention to.

There was a news story that because private pediatricians did not detect the child's head shape abnormality in time, the child missed the best treatment period.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

The mother actually found that the child's head shape was long as one month ago, and she asked the doctor: Is this head shape normal? Do you want to buy a styling pillow?

At that time, the doctor said no, the child will be fine.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

After that, her mother also checked with the doctor, and the doctor still told her: just go to elementary school.

Until the child was 3 years old, the mother felt that something was still wrong, and took the child to the maternity and children's hospital again for examination, and after arriving at the hospital, the child was diagnosed: premature closure of the scaphoid skull and premature closure of the sagittal suction.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

(Image source: @澎湃新闻)

If this situation is found in three or four months, as long as minimally invasive surgery is enough, now the best treatment time has been missed, and now only skull reconstruction surgery can be performed, which is very complicated.

More seriously, craniosyzyosytic closure affects brain development, which has an irreversible impact on the child's intelligence, if the child's original IQ can reach 120, the IQ may become 100 under the influence, and there is no going back after surgery.

This result is really hard to accept.

Parents, if you have noticed that your child's head shape is abnormal, please take your child to a professional pediatric hospital for examination, and be sure to treat it carefully.

Head shape abnormalities due to premature craniosynostosis

The mild ones cause cranial deformity, and the severe ones have facial orbital deformity

First of all, mothers should not worry too much, there is something wrong with the newborn baby's head shape, which is normal in most cases.

According to the statistics of the Mainland Eugenics Office: the heads of infants and young children in mainland China have different degrees of flat, oblique, pointed and other deformations, the probability is as high as 87.2%, in medicine, this is collectively known as "flat head syndrome".

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

Flathead syndrome is also divided into orthostatic flathead syndrome and pathological flathead syndrome.

The causes of postural flat head syndrome are mainly caused by non-pathological causes such as sleeping position, aspirator, and birth canal compression, and the flat head that appears after the baby is born is mostly sleeping.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

(Image source: @新京报)

For acquired postural flathead syndrome, parents should not be too anxious.

Because most babies' head shape can slowly recover over time, only one in ten children will have a postural flat head that is severe enough to require skull braces.

What parents need to be alert to is pathological flathead syndrome.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

For example, the abnormal head shape mentioned above due to premature closure of craniosiosutures.

Prostiosuture is a birth defect in which one or more craniosutures on the top of a baby's head close earlier than normal in children.

A child's skull is made up of multiple skulls that leave enough room for further growth and development of the skull.

The junction between these skulls is the cranial suture, which is generally closed at the age of 2 to 3 years in normal children, and premature closure of the cranial suture can lead to abnormal development of the baby's skull shape.

Precranial suture closure is most likely to be detected within 4 months of life, and the best treatment intervention is within 4 to 10 months of age.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

Because the baby's brain is growing rapidly, if it is late, it will increase the probability of complications.

●Increased intracranial pressure and limited brain growth. The mild ones have cranial deformities, and the heavy ones have facial orbital deformities.

●Impairment in cognitive and neurodevelopmental function. Overall developmental delay, feeding difficulties, weight gain.

●Visual, auditory, and speech impairment due to cranial nerve involvement.

●Feelings of inferiority and isolation that result from abnormal appearance.

Therefore, in order to avoid serious consequences, parents must carefully observe the child's head shape and seek medical attention in time if there is an abnormality.


These 4 abnormal head shapes of babies must seek medical attention as soon as possible!

Timely detection of abnormalities in the baby's head shape and timely correction of craniostomytic premature closure, most of the prognosis is good.

If premature closure of craniosyciones is not corrected, it can lead to serious, permanent head deformity!

So next, the pregnant mother will talk about the abnormal head shape caused by premature craniostosytic closure:

First: narrow and long - boat-shaped head

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

This head shape is caused by premature closure of the sagittal suture, about the sagittal suture, parents do not need to know in depth, just remember that if the baby sleeps well, does not sleep on the side for a long time, but still has a narrow and long head, take the child to check as soon as possible!

Once diagnosed, surgery is required, remember: early vigilance, early detection, early treatment!

Second: wide front and small back - short head

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

The flat head caused by premature craniosiosuture closure is called brachycephaly, and it may be difficult for parents to distinguish between short heads and flat heads that come out of sleep.

So still remember: if the baby does not habitually sleep on his back for a long time, but there is a flat head, or the face is asymmetrical, take the baby to the hospital in time to do a head scan and let the doctor evaluate.

Third: one side is short and the other is long - oblique head

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

The oblique head is very common, if the baby always sleeps on one side, it will also cause the oblique head, but the oblique head that sleeps out looks like a parallelogram, and the oblique head caused by premature closure of the cranial suture looks like a trapezoid, and if the baby has this head shape, it should be paid attention to.

Fourth: raised forehead - triangular head

The triangular head is caused by premature closure of the prefrontal cranial suture and is a rare type that mainly affects the cranial suture between the frontal bones. Your child's head is triangular in shape, ranging from mild to severe.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check
The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

If your child has the above 4 head shapes, do not hesitate to take your child to the hospital for professional examination and evaluation in time!

Correct your baby's head shape

The most important thing is to actively intervene and treat!

Both postural and pathological flathead syndrome require active intervention.

If it is a pathological flathead syndrome, actively seek medical attention, follow the doctor's advice for treatment, pay attention, be sure to go to a professional hospital.

If it is postural flathead syndrome, parents can intervene in the baby's life, and in most cases, it can be corrected.

Before talking about the correction method, first teach parents a way to judge the baby's normal head shape:

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

Put the baby on the mother's lap, then point both fingers to the baby's ear, and then look up to see if the hand is in a straight line, which is a normal, good-looking head shape on a horizontal line.

If after examination, the baby's head does sleep flat, and pathological factors are also excluded, parents can try the following methods, for mild flat heads, most can be corrected.

The key point is to grasp the golden correction period: around 1-1.5 years old, the baby's anterior fontanelle is closed, the skull ossification is complete, and the head shape will be set, so before the age of 1 is the golden correction period.

First: adjust your baby's sleeping position

Always let the baby sleep on his back, but when sleeping, you can regularly adjust the orientation of the baby's head, if the baby likes to sleep on the left side, you can guide the baby to look to the right when the baby plays, guide the baby to turn his head to the right, and the same is true for babies who like to sleep on the right side.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

If it is a baby who has tilted his head, remember a rule: where it is convex, sleep more over there!

Parents should be reminded that do not let the baby sleep on his tummy for the sake of a round head, sleeping on the tummy will increase the risk of suffocation for the child.

Second: Avoid always holding the milk in one position

When feeding, it is also necessary to change the posture flexibly, both sides must be fed, different postures can make the baby's head more even, bottle feeding can also switch to both sides.

For the first feeding, hold your baby with your left hand and the bottle with your right hand, and the next time you feed, place your baby on your right arm and hold the bottle with your left hand.

Third: encourage your baby to turn his head more

Change the direction of your child's sleep and the position of the toys in the crib, which can prompt your child to turn the direction of his head more.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

Fourth: let the baby play on his tummy more

Let the baby play on his tummy as much as possible, which can reduce the pressure on the back of the head, and can also help the baby strengthen the neck, arms and upper body, and help the baby learn to roll over, sit and crawl.

Note: Be sure to lie on your baby's stomach when you are awake, be supervised by an adult when lying down, and at the beginning of the tummy, not too long each time, a minute or two is enough.

Fifth: Let the baby play on his tummy

While your baby is lying on his tummy, play fun games with your baby to increase the fun.

For adjusting the baby's head shape, in general: more movement, reduce the child's head, and the time that one part is continuously pressed.

Sixth: Don't use a stereotyped pillow

Some parents use horseshoe-shaped pillows in order to shape their baby's head, keep in mind that any kind of pillow, soft objects and loose bedding can block the baby's airway and cause a risk of choking.

The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check
The mother's eyes and head are asymmetrical, and netizens remind to seek medical attention quickly: there is really a big problem with a check

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics' Safe Sleep Guidelines, babies should sleep on a flat surface without pillows, blankets, or other soft bedding until age 1, when only simple bedding is required in the child's crib.

Because babies who can turn over will not sleep peacefully, pillows and soft bedding will be particularly easy to cover the child's mouth and nose, causing suffocation and sudden death.

Finally, for the baby's head shape, if parents notice that it is abnormal, they must take their child to a professional hospital for examination in time!

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