
The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

Original | Pregnancy

It's really scary!

Parents, the baby's sleep safety should really be paid attention to, let the baby sleep in the crib, there should be no debris on the bed, if you can wear a sleeping bag, do not cover the quilt, if you want to cover, you must do a good job of care.

Recently, a hot search news has made people frightened.

Anhui Huainan, a 4-month-old baby was covered by a quilt for more than 5 minutes while sleeping, 5 minutes, what concept, if the quilt is thicker, it is likely to cause the baby to suffocate.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

Fortunately, it was the 3-year-old sister who was the first to notice that Lisuo's younger brother lifted the quilt and avoided the potential safety hazard.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

(Image source: @中国网看点)

To tell the truth, the moment I saw my sister lift the quilt, I really put down a hanging heart.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

Afterwards, the mother checked the monitoring and learned that the baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, and she was afraid and praised her sister's behavior repeatedly.

Parents, sleep safety really can't be ignored.

Many netizens watched the news, and on the one hand, they praised their sister as a guardian angel, which was very good.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

At the same time, many netizens have reminded: how can such a big child cover his arms and hands!

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

"Basic common sense: the quilt should be under the armpits, if adults can't look at it often, it is recommended to use a sleeping bag, or adjust the room temperature without covering anything."

"Sleeping bag with sleeping bag with sleeping bag!"

"This thin is also breathable, which should not be a big problem, but thick quilts in winter are dangerous."

"No air conditioner is turned on, no need to cover the quilt, this summer, children are more afraid of heat than adults, their heartbeats are fast, bleeding is fast, metabolism is fast, not afraid of cold, heat, and heat."

"Small babies can't cover their arms, because small babies generally like to raise their hands over their heads when they sleep, if they cover their arms, when the child moves his arms, he will cover his head with a quilt, which is very dangerous, and don't put too many bedding, pillows, clothes and other things on the bed."

That's right, the reminders of netizens are correct.

Little babies sleep, can sleep in cribs, can not cover the quilt, can wear sleeping bags and sleeping bags, the simpler the crib, the better.

These sleep safety knowledge should be kept in mind by every parent.

Knock on the blackboard reminder:

Be sure not to put any clutter on the crib

This includes light blankets, clothes, pillows, toys, etc., and the more concise the place where your baby sleeps, the safer.

Because sometimes, a piece of clothing and a blanket on the bed are dangerous for small babies.

A while ago, there was a 3-month-old baby in Quanzhou, Fujian, who fell asleep and was covered by a quilt, and the child was suffocated and crying.

At that time, my mother had something to do and could not rush back.

In an emergency, she called the police to help and saved the child.

When the police arrived, the child was covered with sweat, but fortunately, the child was not in any trouble.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

There is also a mother abroad who posted a surveillance video of her baby.

In the video, the baby is covered with a small blanket in the crib.

The blanket was placed next to the child's head, and the baby just grabbed it with his hand.

In the video, the stuffed baby is struggling all the time, but he can't take the blanket.

The baby struggles all the time, and then slowly moves smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller.........

Fortunately, the parents arrived in time and did not cause harm to the children.

Afterwards, the mother issued a reminder on social platforms: don't put anything in the baby's sleeping space, our baby was saved in time, but not every baby is so lucky.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

(Image source: @环球网)

That's right, really not all babies are so lucky.

A 5-month-old baby in Wuhan was suffocated by a piece of clothing on the bed that covered his head, but was eventually rescued.

At that time, grandma went to the kitchen to cook, and half an hour led to irreparable consequences.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

There is also a 3-month-old baby who was suffocated by a down jacket on the bed, and his mother cried and shouted in the hospital: Baby, mom really wants to take you home....

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

On social platforms, there are also many mothers who have shared their baby's experience of being in distress because of the clothes and quilts on the bed, and they are really afraid to think about it.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

Parents, the safety of children's sleep really does not allow for a little negligence, and we must pay more attention.

Dangerous sleep patterns

Don't give any of them to children

When the baby sleeps, parents must keep in mind the knowledge of sleep safety, sleeping wrong, there is really a risk.

First: Give your baby a safe sleeping environment

The safest environment for babies is to sleep in a crib in a different bed from Mom and Dad, and there should be no clutter on the bed.

For babies under 1 year old, they do not need a mattress on the mattress, just a suitable sheet.

Remove toys, pillows, blankets, clothes from the crib, and if you want to use a blanket for your baby, make sure all edges of the blanket are tucked under the mattress and not too slippery.

At the same time, you must not cover your arms when you cover it, the baby likes to raise his hand and wave, and if he doesn't pay attention, the blanket quilt will cover the baby's head.

Second: Don't let your baby sleep on his tummy

According to NIH data, sleeping on the tummy carries a 1.7 to 12.9 times higher risk of sudden infant death syndrome than sleeping on the back, because sleeping on the tummy may allow the baby to breathe the air he has previously breathed, resulting in the inhalation of too much carbon dioxide.

At the same time, when the baby's head sinks when sleeping, the face will sink directly on the bed and block the mouth and nose, which will increase the risk of suffocation.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

Third: Don't sleep in bed with your baby

There is evidence that newborns sharing a bed with their parents can reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by 50%, premature and low birth weight infants have higher mortality rates from sleeping in bed with their parents, and the bedding in the parents' bed is too thick for the infant and the risk is high.

At the same time, adults and babies sleeping in the same bed can also cause adults to accidentally crush the baby or get stuck in the wall and in front of the bed.

Before there was a 4-month-old baby in Hubei, because he slept with his father, his father turned over and crushed the baby's thigh.

Fourth: Don't let the baby sleep

Milk sleep refers to the baby shouting nipples or holding bottles to sleep, long-term milk sleep will make the baby accustomed to milk sleep, resulting in difficulty falling asleep, tooth decay, choking, etc.

For small babies, TA will spend a lot of time sleeping every day, and must sleep well and safely.

Tips for safe sleep

You can't go wrong one step

First: Do not cover the baby's head

To prevent babies from writhing around under the covers, place them in a "foot-to-toe" position. This means that their feet are at the end of the crib.

● Cover the quilt well, do not cover it above the shoulders. Roll the covers tightly so that they don't slip over the baby's head.

● Use a strong, flat, suitable, clean, waterproof baby mattress. Cover the mattress with a sheet.

Second: Don't let your baby get too hot (or too cold)

Babies regulate their body temperature mainly through the head of the face, and the best way to prevent overheating is to let them lie flat with their head and face uncovered.

●Check your baby to make sure it's not too hot. Your baby's torso should be warm, and if your baby is sweating or his face is red, remove some bedding. If your baby's hands or feet feel cold, don't worry. This is normal.

● Babies should never sleep with a hot water bottle or electric blanket. Do not go near radiators, heaters, or fire, and do not sleep directly in the sun.

●Keep your child's respiratory system such as the mouth and nose unobstructed, and it is best not to cover too many bedding when sleeping. Do not let the baby sleep or block his mouth and nose with a quilt, and the mother should not covet the convenience of breastfeeding, hold the child in her arms to sleep, and do not let the baby sleep with the nipple in his mouth.

● Do not wrap your baby's head too hot. Because most of the baby's body temperature will dissipate heat from the head, if there is too much clothing, it will affect the heat dissipation.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

Third: Sleep safety tips

●The safest place for your baby to sleep. It is in the crib in the same room as the mother, so that it is convenient and safe to feed.

●Choose a suitable hard mattress for your baby. The baby's mattress must be hard, the hard mattress can stay as it is when the baby lies down, and there will be no stay, while the soft mattress once dented will increase the risk of suffocation.

●The baby's sleeping environment should be smoke-free. Exposure to secondhand smoke increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, so be sure not to smoke in the room where your baby sleeps.

● These types of people should not sleep with small babies. Parents who drink heavily and take psychotropic drugs, older siblings, and adults who sleep deeply.

●Wear a sleeping bag for your baby. If it is winter, do not use a thick down jacket or heavy blanket to keep your child warm, it is safest to use a suitable sleeping bag for your child.

●The sleeping temperature should be appropriate. If you lower the temperature in summer, increase the temperature in winter, it is better to control the room temperature at about 24-26 degrees, and do not blow directly at the baby with fans and other equipment.

The 4-month-old baby was covered by the quilt for more than 5 minutes, mother: I was afraid, but fortunately, my 3-year-old sister found it in time

Finally, pregnant mothers emphasize:

Never leave your child alone in bed, sleep alone in bed.

Never put clothes, quilts, toys, blankets on your child's crib.

Never sleep between mom and dad with your children.

The baby's safe sleeping position and safe sleeping environment need to be kept in mind by parents at all times, and even a trace of negligence will not work!

Reference article

@新华网 @红星新闻 @中国网看点

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