
The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

Original | Pregnancy

It's time to fight mosquitoes again.

When parents, the most afraid is that the child is bitten by mosquitoes, and that bite is a bag, red, itchy and uncomfortable.

But parents, if the baby is really bitten, also give the child itching correctly, don't mess around.

A while ago @人民网 reported a news that in Guangzhou, a small baby was bitten by a mosquito.

Originally, the problem was not big, but the operation of the parents aggravated the baby's bite.

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

(Image source: @羊城晚报 @小酒窝妈妈 (lactation))

According to the mother, the baby has a sensitive constitution, and it is easy to be red and swollen, blistered, and urticaria when bitten by mosquitoes.

The family didn't want to use ointment, so they checked the home remedies on the Internet and said that applying garlic could reduce redness and swelling, so they tried it for the child.

As a result, the child's skin blisters and yellow water, and he is burned.

Doctor reminds: do not use the home remedies on the Internet, the child's skin is sensitive, the ointment should be used, do not be too repulsive.

Using garlic to apply to the already red, swollen and sensitive skin is very uncomfortable for the baby.

Many netizens also felt incredible when they heard such a home recipe:

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

"So spicy garlic on the child's delicate skin, or go to the pharmacy to buy ointment for mosquito bites, believe in medicine."

"Where the hell are these messy remedies."

"Your baby's skin can withstand so much irritation."

Yes, really don't use a home square pit baby, deal with mosquito bites in summer, actively prevent it, if the baby is bitten, care should also use the right method.

The baby sleeps and is bitten by mosquitoes, with a blue nose and a swollen face

Netizen: Both distressed and funny

All evil mosquitoes, really love to bite babies, every year there are babies bitten by mosquitoes on the news.

In Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, a baby was bitten by a mosquito while eating outdoors, and his ear was swollen like a big ear Tutu.

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

The whole ear is swollen and red, and it is really distressing to look at (no laughter).

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

There is also a female treasure in Jiangsu who was bitten by mosquitoes while sleeping, her nose was blue and her face was swollen, and she really changed when she woke up.

Netizens also ridiculed: This mosquito is particular and has an eye.

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

Don't underestimate the fact that children are bitten by mosquitoes.

If the symptoms are mild, only the local skin is slightly red, itchy, and painful, and it will be relieved after a while, and it will generally recover on its own without special treatment.

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

But if the redness, itching, and pain are obvious, take the baby to the hospital in time to deal with it.

Remember: don't give your child home remedies.

Your baby is bitten by a mosquito

It is important to relieve itching and swelling correctly

Or that sentence: after the baby is bitten by mosquitoes in the summer, don't listen to the home remedies!

Parents can help their baby relieve the discomfort according to the severity of the bite.

First: I just found that my baby was bitten by a mosquito

● Rinse with soapy and cold water. The bite site can be rinsed with soapy and cold water, which can relieve itching, be careful not to rinse with hot water, hot water will make local capillaries dilate, making the bite site more itchy and swollen.

●Can be applied with ice. The bite area can be treated with a cold compress of ice packs or pre-frozen zinc oxide and calamine lotions to reduce itching.

● Do not scratch. Do not scratch, if blisters appear, be careful not to puncture to avoid infection.

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

Second: redness and swelling after being bitten, long wheals

●Slight redness and swelling. 0.1% hydrocortisone butyrate cream (Eudzor) can be used.

●Moderate redness and swelling. 0.1% mometasone furoate cream (ilosone) can be used.

●Around the eyes, around the mouth, fingers and other parts that are easy to contact the mucosa, you can also choose 0.5% desonide ointment (Liyanzhuo) to apply, generally 1-2 times a day.

Third: Itching affects your baby's daily life and sleep

If the itching after being bitten is severe and interferes with your baby's sleep and daily life, oral antihistamines can be used to relieve it.

●Infants > six months of age: Oral cetirizine (cintramine).

●Infants > 2 years of age: Oral amratadine (caritan).

Fourth: the baby's skin is scratched

●Apply petroleum jelly. In the absence of co-infection, you can wash it with running water and apply Vaseline, which is very safe and does not have to worry even if it is eaten.

●Apply mupirocin ointment (more than 100 states). If the wound is infected after scratching, antibiotic ointment can be applied.

Pay attention to the most important point: if the skin of the child is blistered after being bitten, accompanied by palpitations, fatigue, cold sweat, nausea, and fever, take the child to the doctor immediately.

Prevention is key

Correct and effective mosquito prevention strategies come and learn

The most annoying thing in summer is being bitten by mosquitoes, itching, long bags, long rashes, etc., which will make the child very uncomfortable.

More seriously, mosquitoes are vectors of many diseases, such as malaria, dengue, Zika virus, West Nile virus, etc.

Therefore, preventing mosquito bites is the most critical.

To prevent mosquito bites, we mainly start from three aspects: reducing mosquito breeding, physical isolation, and chemical repellence.

Step 1: Reduce mosquito breeding

Mosquito prevention should start from the source, and the first thing to do is to eliminate the growth environment of mosquitoes.

● Clean up stagnant water in the house. Do not store water in the bucket basin, empty it in time.

●Change the water container regularly. Drinking containers at home, including pets, should be completely changed once every 5-7 days.

Step 2: Do a good job of physical mosquito repellent

Mainly refers to the use of mosquito nets, screen windows and screen doors to prevent mosquitoes from flying into the home, and the use of clothing to cover the skin to avoid being bitten when going out.

If you're taking your baby out, weather permitting, wear long sleeves and mosquito pants.

Especially for babies under 2 months, physical mosquito repellent is preferred, and chemical mosquito repellent is not recommended.

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

Third: do a good job of chemical mosquito repellent

When you take your baby out, you can choose mosquito repellent.

Safe and effective mosquito repellents/sprays on the market contain these four ingredients, and parents can choose according to the age of the baby and the recommendations of the authorities.

Safe and effective mosquito repellents registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are:

● DEET, 30% concentration can repel mosquitoes for 6 hours, 20% concentration can repel mosquitoes for 4-5 hours, 5-10% concentration can repel mosquitoes for 1-3 hours, under 2 years old use once a day, children over 2 months old.

● Insect repellent ester (IR3535), short-acting mosquito repellent, 7.5% concentration mosquito repellent for 10-60 minutes, children over 2 months old.

● Picaridin (Picaridin), 20% concentration can repel mosquitoes for 7 hours, 10% concentration can repel mosquitoes for 5 hours, children over 2 months old, some countries recommend that it can be used above 6 months of age.

● Lemon eucalyptus oil, which can maintain mosquito repellent effect for up to 2 hours, is not recommended for children under 3 years old.

Note: Keep the following in mind when using mosquito repellents:

●Infants under 2 months old are prohibited from mosquito repellent, please read the instruction manual carefully and handle with caution.

●The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children use mosquito repellents containing no more than 30 percent DEET.

●Young children generally wear clothing to prevent mosquitoes, and mosquito repellents can also be installed on the outside of the stroller.

●When children use mosquito repellent spray: Parents spray the spray in the palm of their hand and gently pat the child's face, arms, and legs, avoiding the child's fingers, mouth, broken or inflamed skin.

●Children under 3 years of age should not use mosquito repellent products containing lemon eucalyptus oil (OLE) or PMD.

● Sunscreen and mosquito repellent products should be staggered. If you need sunscreen, use mosquito repellent after applying sunscreen, for example, for 15 minutes before using mosquito repellent.

● Look at the logo to buy mosquito repellent products. According to the relevant provisions of the "Pesticide Management Regulations" issued by the State Council, as long as the product declares "mosquito repellent" and "mosquito control", it must obtain a pesticide registration certificate number and indicate toxicity on the packaging, so the real mosquito repellent product must have the "pesticide" label.

The baby is bitten by mosquitoes, and the parents apply garlic to reduce swelling and cause the face to ulcerate and flow yellow pus: don't use a partial pit baby

Fourth: do not use these mosquito control methods

●Disc mosquito coils. Although the current mosquito coil ingredients are not very harmful, the particles released by combustion will irritate the baby's respiratory tract.

●Floral water. Contains alcohol, excessive absorption can produce toxic reactions.

●Cooling oil, air cooling oil. Contains menthol or camphor, excessive intake of babies under 2 years of age can affect the development of the nervous system.

After the popularization of science, the pregnant mother hopes that this summer the little babies can stay away from mosquito bites and be happy and worry-free!

Reference article

"Six mosquito prevention strategies for summer travel-Zhuozheng Science Health Express"

《Listen to the home remedies, apply garlic treatment after the baby's mosquito bite, causing the child's skin to burn! Tong Dad reminds: Don't listen to home remedies! How to care for mosquito bites? —Child Daddy Parenting

How to deal with children's mosquito bites - Yihe Health

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