
Postpartum 24 hours is critical, follow-through vs caesarean section care guide please bookmark!

Many new mothers feel that if they successfully "unload", everything will be fine! As everyone knows, from the moment the baby is born, you enter the upgraded version of the mother mode. Start a new round of "fighting monsters" with babies to break through the level~

If nothing else, take the "golden period" of 24 hours after childbirth, there are many nursing "checkpoints" waiting for you novice mothers!


24-hour postpartum care "checkpoint" for normal mothers


Delivery room observation Prompt breastfeeding

After giving birth, the mother will observe in the delivery room for 2 hours, and the midwife will guide the mother to breastfeed, so that the baby can become familiar with the mother's breast as soon as possible.

Mothers who give birth to the baby can breastfeed about half an hour after childbirth, which can avoid the hypoglycemia of the newborn baby, and at the same time stimulate the mother's milk production, so that the body produces more oxytocin and prolactin, enhances uterine contractions, and reduces postpartum bleeding.


Monitor body temperature to observe the amount of bleeding

Within 24 hours after childbirth, the temperature of new mothers needs to be measured every 2 to 3 hours.

Within 2 hours after childbirth, it is an important period for observing and treating postpartum hemorrhage, if the amount of bleeding in 2 hours is 400 ml, it will be judged as postpartum hemorrhage and needs timely treatment.


Admission to the ward Supplement nutrition

After giving birth to a baby, the mother needs high-quality rest, preferably bed rest.

In addition, it is also necessary to supplement nutrition in time, the diet on the first day after normal delivery is more flexible, and it is decided according to the mother's physical condition and appetite, and the postpartum stomach is relatively weak. Eat foods that are easy to digest, easy to absorb, and high in nutrient density.


Urination in time Pay attention to perineal hygiene

In order to prevent the problem of urinary retention in the mother, it is necessary to urge the new mother to urinate as soon as possible. You can drink more warm boiled water and apply hot compresses to the bladder area to promote the discharge of urine.

The wound here is mainly a lateral incision wound. Clean the wound in a shower way, the water temperature can not be too high.

Wash after going to the toilet to prevent wound infection.


Do not lie down for a long time and get out of bed properly

After 6 to 8 hours of normal delivery, the new mother can get out of bed and take a walk.

When getting out of bed, be sure to support the mother, the mother's body will be relatively weak after childbirth, easy to fall down, slow movements, light, but also do not stand for too long.


Cesarean section mom postpartum care "checkpoint"


Fasting to food and water for 6 hours after giving birth

Since caesarean section surgery limits intestinal peristalsis and leads to the occurrence of flatulence, it is fasted for less than 6 hours after delivery, which can reduce intestinal flatulence.

After 6 hours, you can eat some liquid foods, such as radish soup, rice soup, noodle soup, radish water, etc., which can promote exhaust.

It is only possible to eat some semi-liquid foods 12 hours after giving birth, such as egg soup, porridge, noodles and the like.


Breastfeed your baby in time

Although the effect of anesthesia has not subsided in the second half hour after childbirth, it is already possible to start parent-child rooming and breastfeeding.

Because half an hour after the baby is born, it is the moment when the sucking ability is the strongest, and it is also the best time for the baby to suck milk, at this time, let the baby suck breast milk, which can stimulate milk secretion very well.


Can't get out of bed and turn over more

Mothers who have a vaginal birth can get out of bed and walk around slowly shortly after giving birth, but not for mothers who have a cesarean section, and the mother who has a caesarean section needs to get out of bed 24 hours after giving birth and pay attention to the wounds on her stomach.

Mothers who have a cesarean section should pay more attention to rest, but they should not maintain a position for a long time, and they can take a semi-recumbent position.

Turning over more, promoting the discharge of lochia, can also lead to intestinal peristalsis, promote the recovery of intestinal function.


Pay attention to urination and abdominal wounds, perineal cleansing

This is the same as for mothers who have a vaginal birth, but a catheter needs to be placed before the caesarean section. The catheter will be removed 24 hours after the operation.

And after going to the toilet, you should rinse the vulva with clean water to keep it clean and avoid infection. The wounds in the abdomen cannot be touched at will.

The above is the "level" that postpartum mothers have to overcome! Whether it is a vaginal birth or a cesarean section, the mothers are very hard. Therefore, the fathers must take care of the mothers more carefully!

Bao Mom herself must also seize the golden time after childbirth and take good care of it, so that it is more conducive to her own recovery.

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