
After your baby is born, does the first sip of water or breast milk?

What should I drink in my baby's first bite?

For this problem, some expectant mothers are worried that they have no milk, and some expectant mothers have prepared milk powder early during pregnancy, and some expectant mothers are firm in breast milk, thinking that giving the baby milk powder at the beginning may resist breast milk in the later stage.

The elderly in the family believe that the baby should drink water after the first bite after birth, commonly known as "over the stomach", it is said that it can flush the meconium, which is conducive to the baby's first bowel movement.

Breast milk, milk powder, water, what should you drink in the first bite of your baby after birth?

It is best for your baby to breastfeed for the first time

After your baby is born, does the first sip of water or breast milk?

As for whether the baby should drink breast milk after birth, many mothers are troubled by this problem. Generally after the baby is born, the nurse will hold the baby over to the mother for the first time.

However, each mother's postpartum physical condition is different, the time of different milk coming from different production methods is also different, some mothers will be milked on the day of delivery, and some mothers may have to go to the second day and the third day.

If the mother does not have milk for a while, more than 8-12 hours without breast milk, you need to give the baby to drink formula milk, before drinking can let the baby drink a little water to promote metabolism.

How to open milk quickly?

After your baby is born, does the first sip of water or breast milk?

1. Adhere to the principle of early sucking and early opening of milk.

Breastfeeding as early as possible can stimulate breast milk production, and the mother's colostrum is particularly high in nutrients, although the amount is a little small, but let the baby eat this breast milk as much as possible.

Colostrum is very digestible, rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and low in fat and sugar, making it a great appetizer for future nutritional challenges.

The sooner your baby sucks on her mother's nipples, the more beneficial it is to achieve full breastfeeding. Mothers should strive to start breastfeeding within half an hour after giving birth, and no later than 6 hours.

Usually, the mother will observe in the delivery room for two hours after giving birth, during which time she can make skin contact and feed the first milk.

2. Ensure that mothers eat scientifically

Many mothers will start to make up for special supplements after giving birth, and all kinds of tonic soups will be drunk, which is unscientific. It is recommended that mothers take supplements after opening milk, otherwise it is easy to raise milk. Just a few days before giving birth, it is best to eat a light and easy-to-digest liquid food.

3. Open the milk with the help of a breast pump

For premature babies, or mothers who have had a caesarean section, breastfeeding is not possible immediately after childbirth and can be opened with the help of a breast pump. Of course, this premise is that we must try to create conditions for more contact with the baby and let the baby suck more.

4. Ask professionals for help

Many hospitals ask if they need prolactin services after a woman has given birth. The birth of a baby is a big thing for every family, and while rushing to meet the new life, it is still necessary to adhere to scientific feeding methods.

In the absence of milk production, you can feed your baby formula in moderation

After your baby is born, does the first sip of water or breast milk?

For many new mothers, the mother's milk is not enough after birth, and it is recommended to drink milk powder directly to the baby.

About half an hour after the baby is born, you can hold it to the mother's side, and then start to let the baby have a sucking action, although the mother's milk secretion is not very much, but in order to let the babies familiar with the breast to find the feeling, it is also very necessary.

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