
The amount of feeding and complementary food for 0-2-year-old babies, please put away the mother

The amount of feeding and complementary food for 0-2-year-old babies, please put away the mother

The Guidelines for Feeding Infants Aged 0 to 6 Months of Age propose that breastfeeding is consistent with 6 months of age. Although some mothers have always been asking what complementary foods their children eat when they are 4 or 5 months old, if they have the ability, please keep breastfeeding for 6 months.

Now hospitals have begun to advocate that the first bite is breast milk, although in the early days will be fed some glucose, but now known many hospitals do not even allow milk powder to bring. It may be hoped that through these actions, the mother will increase her confidence in breastfeeding. After all, everyone now knows that colostrum is precious (although some mothers of the older generation will give up colostrum), which helps prevent infant allergies and reduces the occurrence of jaundice, weight loss and hypoglycemia in newborns.

We take a step back and say, even if you just gave birth to a drop of milk, do not worry, after all, when the baby is born, the body has a certain energy reserve, can meet at least three days of metabolic needs, the milk process does not have to worry about newborn hunger, you can pay close attention to the baby weight, as long as the weight loss after birth does not exceed 7% of the birth weight should adhere to exclusive breastfeeding.

Milk intake from 0 to 3 months

Infant hunger is the basis of on-demand feeding, hunger should be fed in time when hunger causes crying, generally 6 to 8 times a day or more, do not force the number and time of feeding, especially babies before 3 months of age. (Babies basically establish their own eating rules 2-4 weeks after birth, and parents should clearly perceive the time information of their eating rules.) )

PS: There are often mothers who ask when they can supplement calcium, in fact, exclusive breastfeeding can meet the needs of calcium for infant bone growth, and there is no need for additional calcium supplementation. Breast milk is low in vitamin D, so doctors may recommend that babies start daily vitamin D 3 10 micrograms (400 IU) a few days after birth. At the same time, doctors may recommend vitamin K1 1 mg supplementation after birth, especially for newborns who have been given a cesarean section.

April to June

Renowned parenting expert Dr. William Sears suggests that in the case of on-demand feeding, a feeding pattern of about 3 to 4 hours per hour should be gradually formed. Term infants (weight ≥ 2.5 kg) total milk intake 150 ml/(kg/day)

July to 2 years old

The WHO recommends that breastfeeding should be maintained until the age of 2 years.

7 to 9 months of age: the amount of breast milk per day should not be less than 600 mL, drink milk more than 4 times, and supplement food 2 to 3 times. Start with iron-rich slime-like foods and gradually add them to achieve food variability. Promote responsive feeding, encouraging but not forcing eating.

10 to 12 months of age: Infants receive approximately 600 mL of breast milk per day, breastfeeding approximately 4 times a day, and complementary foods 2 to 3 times. About 1/3 to 1/2 of the energy required by infants aged 7 to 12 months comes from complementary foods.

13 to 24 months of age: total milk intake 500 ml/day, 2 milk and 3 times cereals. About 1/2 to 2/3 of the energy comes from complementary foods.

PS: Keep the food original, no need to add sugar, salt and various condiments. After the age of 1, gradually try the light taste of family meals.

When the solid food that your baby eats at a meal contains iron-rich foods such as grains, vegetables, fish, eggs, etc., and can eat enough portions (about half a bowl to half a bowl), and does not have to eat milk after eating solid food for several days, it can replace a meal of milk.

The amount of feeding and complementary food for 0-2-year-old babies, please put away the mother

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