
Not playing painless and giving birth for 36 hours was scolded, Lu Jingshan responded: I can't survive until 20 hours

Not playing painless and giving birth for 36 hours was scolded, Lu Jingshan responded: I can't survive until 20 hours

A few days ago, Lu Jingshan talked about her childbirth experience on the show and revealed the details of her birth for the first time.

In the program, Lu Jingshan said that she not only had a spontaneous delivery, but also the baby was born with 7.3 pounds, and the entire labor process took 36 hours.

In addition, because she wanted to experience the most natural childbirth, Lu Jingshan also mentioned that she did not want to fight painless at first.

Not playing painless and giving birth for 36 hours was scolded, Lu Jingshan responded: I can't survive until 20 hours

But this idea soon attracted a lot of discussion among netizens.

"Why don't you fight painlessly?"

"Does the mother have to suffer and suffer in order to manifest the greatness of maternal love? Motherhood = Living Sin? ”

Seeing that public opinion was intensifying and controversial, Lu Jingshan had to stand up and respond.

It turned out that at first, she really didn't want to fight painlessly, but then she insisted on it for 20 hours, and she felt that she couldn't do it, so she had to call the doctor: Call me.

Not playing painless and giving birth for 36 hours was scolded, Lu Jingshan responded: I can't survive until 20 hours

However, due to the problem of the editing of the program group, the clip was not released in the program, so it was taken out of context, causing criticism from netizens.

Lu Jingshan said on social media:

"Every woman has the right to choose her own birth method, and under the premise of ensuring safety, choose the production method that meets her wishes, whether it is a caesarean section or a natural birth, painless or not is an experience of life."

Yes, as Li Yinhe once said:

"Whether a woman gives birth is painful or not reflects the degree of civilization of a society, and alleviating the suffering of a mother is a respect for the individual living person, and also reflects a reproductive civilization."

The choice of how to give birth, whether to fight painlessly, is the mother's own decision, and the mother's own wishes should be respected.

We should have more understanding of the choice of motherhood and less unclear discussions.

How painful is it to have a baby?

Regarding childbirth, each mother who has experienced it gives only one feeling:

That's pain.

How much can it hurt?

"It's like 20 bones breaking at the same time."

"Life cannot bear pain."

"It's like there are countless big men punching your abdomen with their fists."

Because they have not experienced it, many people do not understand the pain of giving birth, and even some men always seem careless when it comes to female childbirth.

Even if I know that giving birth to a baby is painful, because other people can get through it, I stubbornly think that my wife is okay.

Although the wife is terrified and unbearable about the pain of having a child, and is ready to fight painlessly, sometimes it is difficult to obtain the approval of the family.

Previously, a mother in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, died of pain in the delivery room, and she couldn't stand it anymore, and asked the doctor to beat without pain.

But the husband did not agree, and no matter how the nurse explained it, he was unwilling to sign the consent form for painless delivery, on the grounds that:

Anesthesia has an effect on the child and is not good for adults.

"I hate you all my life!" The helpless woman cried out loudly, and her despair was overflowing.

Although painless delivery does have advantages and disadvantages, it is obviously not as "the mother is cool and the child is stupid" as the husband imagined, and we don't need to worry too much.

Not playing painless and giving birth for 36 hours was scolded, Lu Jingshan responded: I can't survive until 20 hours

What exactly is "painless childbirth"?

We often talk about painless delivery, mostly referring to "epidural block" or "epidural combined with subarachnoid block analgesia", which is a kind of labor analgesic technique.

To put it simply, when giving birth, by injecting anesthesia locally, the mother feels less pain without affecting uterine contractions, and can complete the delivery.

So far, painless delivery has a history of more than 100 years abroad, and its application is also very common, with the analgesia rate of childbirth in the United States being greater than 85% and the United Kingdom greater than 90%.

No one is afraid of anesthesia for cesarean section, and the dose and concentration of drugs used in painless delivery are far lower than cesarean anesthesia (generally 1/6-1/7), why should painless delivery be afraid?

On the one hand, because in the mainland, painless childbirth is indeed not widespread enough, on the other hand, because painless childbirth requires direct injection of drugs into the spinal canal, which is more likely to trigger people's fear.

But in fact, because anesthetic drugs are not injected directly into the veins, there are very few drugs that enter the fetus through the placenta, so there is almost no effect on the fetus.

All fears stem from the unknown, and with enough knowledge of painless birth techniques, you will find that it is not as scary as it seems.

Not playing painless and giving birth for 36 hours was scolded, Lu Jingshan responded: I can't survive until 20 hours

Should I choose a painless delivery?

First, we need to understand that painless childbirth is not 100% pain suppression.

For example, if labor pain can be classified as level 10, then painless labor may be a level of reduction to level 3 or 4, which is acceptable to the mother.

Of course, the results of painless delivery vary from person to person, and we cannot rule out that the effect is not ideal, or the effect is particularly excellent.

But overall, painless delivery does greatly reduce the pain of women during childbirth.

Secondly, painless delivery is not without advantages and disadvantages, and there are also certain risks.

Because painless delivery blocks the woman's sensory nerve conduction, it is possible to interfere with normal pushing during the second stage of labour and prolong the second stage of labour.

And because of anesthesia, the woman may not know how to exert force, which may lead to forceps or aspiration.

Finally, painless delivery is not as technically difficult, but according to the procedure, it is not so easy to achieve.

Because the entire painless delivery process requires an anesthesiologist to be on call 24 hours a day, adjust the dose of the drug according to the actual situation of the mother, and judge whether the amount of medicine needs to be increased.

Generally, the labor process of a mother can reach 12 hours, which means that anesthesiologists are required to be on call during this time, which is a high demand for the human resources of the anesthesiology department of the hospital.

So it is possible that you were ready to go painless, but because there are patients in other departments who urgently need anesthesia, anesthesiologists have to run there, and painless delivery naturally cannot be done.

Therefore, for pregnant mothers who are particularly afraid of pain, it is recommended to prepare early, and when they find out that they are pregnant, they should do their homework quickly to understand which hospital nearby has sufficient anesthesiologists, and when they file at about 12 weeks of pregnancy, choose to file in hospitals with sufficient anesthesiologists, so as to improve the chance of painless.

Not playing painless and giving birth for 36 hours was scolded, Lu Jingshan responded: I can't survive until 20 hours


Every time painless delivery is mentioned, many people will feel that this technology is very risky, harmful to the fetus and the mother herself, so they dare not choose.

But in fact, the technology of painless delivery is far more mature and less risky than we think, and if conditions permit, it can indeed greatly reduce maternal suffering.

Therefore, if you want to fight painlessly, and have already consulted with a doctor in advance, hit if you want, it is really a part of the gospel for expectant mothers!

Today's topic: Did you have no pain when you gave birth to a baby?

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