
Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Original | Pregnancy

The full picture of unknown events, do not arbitrarily criticize.

A recent news article once again verified this truth.

At first, in the hall of the hospital on the Internet, a baby with a placenta attached to the placenta lay on the ground unattended?

Video source: @大象直播间

The netizen who filmed the video said in his mouth: Rescue, is this child still angry?

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth
Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Some netizens are all kinds of sprays as soon as they see it, some people say that doctors are cold-eyed, some people say how husbands don't care about children, some people say that human nature is too cold and so on.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth
Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

As things fermented, the hospital's response came.

It happened in Harbin, Heilongjiang, where a 32-week-old pregnant woman gave birth just after arriving at the hospital because of premature labor.

At that time, the husband rushed to the obstetrics department with his wife in his arms, and the child was left on the ground.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

In just a few minutes, the baby is picked up and taken to the incubator.

According to the hospital staff: really fast enough, after the pregnant woman gave birth, the corridor was full of people, someone took a video and went online, and in a few minutes, the child was put into the incubator by the obstetrics.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Many netizens read the hospital's response and understood the full picture of the incident, and also said:

"There is nothing to spray in such an urgent situation, and the safety of the mother and child is the best news."

"After spraying the husband spraying the doctor, spraying the masses, there is really nothing to spray, the child was sent to the rescue room."

"What are you doing spraying your husband, this scene is also dangerous for pregnant women, and the husband went to rescue his wife."

"Urgent labor, good injury to the body, or premature birth."

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth
Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Yes, the most important thing at the moment is to keep the mother and child safe, and other fingers can really be less, and then less.

And the experience of this pregnant mother also tells us: we must pay attention to the signals of our body and be careful of emergency labor.

Because of the rush to labor, it is really dangerous.

"Mother's home was in urgent labor, and the baby was born without breathing"

Too fast a labor process is also very dangerous

In the above news comments, some netizens envied: Why do others give birth to babies so quickly, and I have pain for a few days?

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

But in fact, giving birth to a baby too quickly is really not a good thing.

I remember a while ago there was a news that it was 120 dispatchers instructing Dad to deliver babies at home.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Because the wife had no time to rush to the hospital in a hurry to give birth, she could only be dispatched to guide the delivery.

Although the wife gave birth smoothly under the guidance, the baby was blackened as soon as it was born, did not breathe, and did not cry.

Fortunately, the dispatcher immediately instructed the father to perform first aid before saving the child.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Urgent labor, once you can't rush to the hospital in time, the consequences really dare not think.

A mother of a second child in Zhuhai, the baby was born after a sharp pain, she couldn't react at all, and as a result, the child fell out head-to-head, and a big bag immediately bulged out of her head.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

A pregnant woman in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province was walking on the street, and the child slipped out of her body and fell to the ground, which is really dangerous.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

Super-fast birth sounds enviable, but in fact, rapid labor is very dangerous.

The child is born too quickly

Rapid labor is not necessarily a good thing

Medically, the normal course of labour is divided into 3 phases:

First stage of labor: from contractions to opening the uterus, the general labor course takes about 11-12 hours for naviparous women and only 6-8 hours for multiparous women.

The second stage of labor: from the opening of the uterus to the birth of the baby, it takes about 1-2 hours for nulliparous mothers, and less than 1 hour for multiparous women.

Third stage of labour: until the placenta is delivered, most mothers only need 5-15 minutes.

During normal labor, mothers can detect the signal of labor in time and actively prepare to rush to the hospital.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

But mothers who have an urgent birth may not have time to go to the hospital.

So what is an emergency birth?

Urgent labor is rapid delivery, if the baby is born within 3 hours after the contractions begin, it is an emergency birth, about two percent of mothers, the labor process is very fast.

There is an emergency labor for a mother, and it is only at the last moment of labor that she realizes that labor is taking place.

There is also the mother's emergency labor, which is that uterine contractions are very frequent and intense, and the labor course is very short.

What causes emergency labor?

No one knows exactly what causes emergency labor, and it has not been confirmed that the experience of emergency labor is inherited, but there are several factors that may be related to emergency labor:

●Placental abruption

●Chronic hypertension (hypertension during pregnancy)

●Low birth weight infants (intrauterine growth restriction)

●Contractions that are too strong and too rapid

●Preterm labor (delivery at 29 to 36 weeks' gestation)

●The uterine orifice of the postparting woman is loose, the pain is slightly weak, and the sensation is slow, which is easy to cause emergency labor

If you are a mother with such factors, you should carefully pay attention to the state of your body before giving birth and prepare for delivery.

Especially for mothers who have had emergency labor experience before, the second child should pay more attention.

The truth about rush labor

The risk of emergency labor is comparable to that of difficult labor

Super-fast delivery may sound enviable indeed, and before you feel pain, the baby is born.

But in reality, labor is too fast and the risks are many:

For moms, complications of emergency labor include:

●Placental abruption. That is, the placenta begins to break off from the lining of the uterus before the baby is born.

●Severe tearing. Depending on the speed of delivery, there will be contusions or tears in the cervix, vagina, or perineum.

●Postpartum hemorrhage: Ultra-rapid labor may prevent the uterus from contracting properly after the baby is born, and uterine atony may cause postpartum hemorrhage.

●The placenta cannot be delivered. No one wants to experience the pain of peeling the placenta by hand a second time.

Of course, there are many mothers in urgent labor who will not appear and find any, and these complications may also occur in normal childbirth, but it is said that mothers in urgent labor will have a slightly greater chance of having the above complications.

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

For your baby, complications of emergency labor include:

●The rapid rate of emergency labor and the short time are likely to cause amniotic fluid aspiration during labor, which will cause suffocation of the newborn baby, and improper handling may also cause neonatal pneumonia.

●Unsterilized contact may cause infection.

●Due to the speed and frequency of contractions, interrupting the baby's oxygen supply during delivery.

●The baby's skull bleeds from rapid pressure and is then released as the baby descends through the birth canal.

●If your baby arrives suddenly, a fall may occur.

●If your baby is born outdoors or in a cold environment, he may catch a cold.

●Intrauterine distress. The contractions during emergency labor are too strong and too fast, which affects the blood circulation of the placenta, so the fetus is prone to hypoxia and intrauterine distress.

Of course, most babies born in an emergency are fine and will not have any problems due to rapid delivery.

Catch the signal of a rush to labor

You can better protect yourself and your baby

If there are signs of ultra-fast and urgent labor, if it is too late to rush to the hospital, don't let yourself lose control and stay sane.

Three signals of urgent labor, mothers must know:

●Sudden, severe contractions, which are not spaced at any intervals and are consistently violent.

●Strong abdominal pain, which feels like contractions and cannot be relieved.

●Strong feeling of falling. It feels like a bowel movement, which indicates that the cervix is dilating rapidly.

For pregnant mothers, the most important thing is to recognize the signs of emergency labor and respond to better protect their baby.

Although the speed of delivery cannot be controlled, there are several steps you can follow to control rapid delivery:

Pregnant women are sent to the hospital lobby after giving birth, and the baby is left unattended in the hall? Here comes the truth

● Find a comfortable position to lie down. Do not sit on the toilet, find a comfortable position to lie down, avoid the child being born with the head on the ground, lying in a clean place.

●Take a deep breath to relieve pain. Pregnant mothers should learn breathing methods in advance, maintain control through breathing techniques and calm thoughts, call 120, let obstetricians guide and emergency doctors rush to the scene as soon as possible.

●Have family by your side. Be sure to be accompanied during an emergency birth, and if your family is not available, find a neighbor.

●Have your family deliver the baby before the ambulance arrives. If you can't wait for the emergency doctor to bring it, the family is responsible for delivering the baby, and the pregnant mother gently pushes the baby out every time she wants to push hard.

With the fetal head exposed, gasp for air and gently apply pressure to the perineum to stop your baby from popping up.

Let the fetal head come out slowly, do not pull.

If you notice an umbilical cord wrapped around your baby's neck, gently move the cord from below to your head with your fingers.

●Protect your baby's head. Gently hold the fetal head with both hands and press down slightly (never pull) while pushing firmly to deliver the shoulders.

After the front shoulder is delivered, carefully lift the baby's head and then let the back shoulder come out, and after the shoulder comes out, the other parts will easily come out.

Note: Here the family must grasp the baby's legs and buttocks, the baby is born very slippery, must grasp steady.

● Place your baby on your tummy. If the umbilical cord is long, place it on your chest. Quickly wrap your baby in a clean blanket, towel, or anything else you can get handy.

● Clean your baby's mouth and nose with a clean cloth. If the helper hasn't come and your baby hasn't been crying or breathing, rub his back to keep his head lower than his feet.

If breathing still doesn't start, clean your mouth deeper with clean fingers and blow quickly and gently into your baby's nose and mouth.

●Don't think about pulling out the placenta. If the placenta is delivered automatically before emergency help arrives, wrap it in a towel or newspaper.

● Do not cut the umbilical cord. And place the placenta higher than or at the same height as the baby.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that before the birth is approaching, you must make sure that someone is around, and if your husband is unable to stay around for some reason, it is best to let one or two friends or relatives be on standby in advance.

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