
Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

Original | Pregnancy

Confinement is difficult, and summer confinement is even harder.

Because even if scientific confinement has been said tens of thousands of times, there are still people who do not listen.

Some people still dare not wash their hair during confinement, dare not take a bath, dare not turn on the air conditioner, and even see others taking a bath and washing their hair during confinement, and they have to come to various reminders.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

Image source: xhs@ Cheng Xiaoyue

A while ago, Cheng Xiaoyue's washing and bathing in confinement caused controversy, and many netizens reminded: Don't wash your hair during confinement.

Cheng Xiaoyue, who gave birth to the baby in early May, is sitting in the confinement center, and everything is fine.

Professional confinement meals, systematic postpartum repair, and special people to take care of the baby, many netizens have said: If you can confinement like this, there is nothing to be afraid of giving birth.

Indeed, confinement is a happy thing.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

In the confinement vlog shared by Cheng Xiaoyue, she shared a lot of daily life, including washing her hair and bathing.

After giving birth, mothers are very prone to sweating, so it is really very comfortable to take a comfortable bath and wash your hair.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

But seeing Cheng Xiaoyue taking a bath during the confinement period, some netizens still reminded:

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

"Don't wash your hair, pay attention to keeping warm."

"The experience of people who come over tells us not to bathe during confinement."

"Wash your hair during confinement, be careful of confinement disease."

It's really the same world, the same set of netizens.

Every time a celebrity mother shares the daily life of confinement, she can hear such a voice.

"Wash your hair during confinement

When you are old, regret going! ”

Every mother is different about body cleanliness during confinement.

After Miao Miao gave birth to her second child, she insisted on not washing her hair and bathing for half a month, which is really hard to bear.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

When Cai Shaofen gave birth to three children, she insisted on not bathing for a month, and many netizens shouted at that time: Niangniang, you can really take a bath without a month, really!

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

After Yi Nengjing gave birth to rice, her family asked her not to touch water for 40 days, and she couldn't bear to refuse the kindness of her family, and she didn't wash her hair and take a bath for 40 days.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

It cannot be denied that there are still many people who regard washing their hair and bathing during confinement as a taboo.

If you don't comply, you will be criticized.

"Wash your hair the day after giving birth, netizens: when you are old, you will know that you regret it."

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

Li Ai washed her hair the day after giving birth, with the help of a nurse, and her husband dried it immediately after washing.

Even so, at that time, many netizens reminded: do not wash your hair during the month, and when you are old, you will know that you regret it, and it is reasonable to exist.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

"Under the 'watching' of my mother and mother-in-law, I only washed my hair 20 days after giving birth!"

After giving birth, my mother and my mother-in-law did not let me wash my hair.

Finally, at twenty days, while my mother-in-law was napping, the baby also fell asleep, and secretly washed his hair and dried it.

My God, the world is beautiful, and I especially regret why I endured it for so long!

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

"Forced not to wash your hair or bathe, emotional breakdown!"

The days of being forced not to wash your hair, take a bath or brush your teeth are really hard!

Say yes to scientific confinement!

I can't do anything by the elders around me, and I have an emotional breakdown...

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

Postpartum mothers are very easy to sweat, coupled with the fact that it is summer, not allowing bathing and washing hair is really easy to make people depressed.

Wash your hair and take a shower during confinement

It can really be arranged

In the summer confinement, I can't bear to think about not washing my hair and bathing.

In the past, it was because the technology was not developed, the warmth effect was not good, and there was no such a good thing as a hair dryer, and it was understandable that it was not allowed to wash the hair.

But..... Today's conditions, wash your hair during the month, dry and dry immediately, you can really have!

And long-term do not wash hair, it is easy to breed bacteria ah, the baby and the mother every day intimate contact, kiss the little face, touch the face, if not cleaned in time but will cause bacterial infection.

And not washing hair also affects the mood of the new mother after childbirth, itchy and oily, holding such a head, really can't bear every minute, postpartum is already all kinds of discomfort, but also do not let wash hair, too detrimental to physical and mental health.

Especially this summer is coming, not letting you wash your hair is even more unbearable, I have tried the longest time I have tried is 1 week, every minute I feel that the scalp is going to be cut.

After washing my hair, I feel that my whole person is refreshed, the whole person is in good condition, and my steps are light, which is really not an exaggeration.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

As long as the mother is warm after giving birth, she can wash her hair and bathe:

Mothers who give birth spontaneously: You can almost take a bath in about 4 days, and it can be extended according to the degree of wound healing, and you can also wipe the bath and wash your hair when you can't take a bath.

Mothers who have a caesarean section: take a bath after the wound has healed (usually 2 weeks), during which you can scrub the bath and wash your hair, do not let water contaminate the wound, and avoid a bath to prevent vaginal infection.

Pay attention to the following points when bathing and washing your hair:

●The water temperature should be suitable and kept at about 37 degrees.

●Do not use too irritating shampoo, use ginger to wash your hair and remove dampness.

●Massage the scalp with your fingertips when washing your hair, do not scratch hard, it is best to dry it slightly with a dry towel after washing, and use a hair dryer to dry it if you are worried about cold.

●It is not recommended to go to the barbershop to wash your hair, as in summer there is often a strong air conditioner, and women are prone to cold.

●It is best to use a wooden comb to comb hair to avoid static electricity irritating the scalp.

Under the condition that the temperature is just right, it is really no problem to take a shower and dry it in time.

The three taboos of traditional confinement

In fact, it's all pits

As the old saying goes:

You can't wash your hair or take a bath during confinement!

You can't brush your teeth during confinement!

You can't eat fruits and vegetables during confinement!

Stop falling into these old pits of confinement, these things can be done during confinement, just pay a little attention.

First: you can brush your teeth during confinement

Confinement eats and eats all the time, does not brush your teeth, and be careful of gingivitis!

There was a mother, listening to the old man, who did not brush her teeth for three months after giving birth, and as a result, her gums were swollen like a pigeon egg.

During confinement, it is to eat less and eat more often, if you do not pay attention to gargling and brushing your teeth, it is easy to multiply bacteria in the mouth and cause oral diseases.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

Bottom line: For dental health, moms brush their teeth regularly.

Brush your teeth once or twice a day, gently with a soft-bristled toothbrush.

After each meal, you should rinse your mouth with warm water.

Second: you can drink water during confinement

In some places, traditional methods are still adhered to, and fruit mothers should not drink water, but should drink rice wine.

In ancient times, rice wine was indeed used as a drink for confinement mothers.

At that time, there was no running water and it was difficult to ensure that the water source was clean, so cooking rice wine with sterilization effect into soup drinks was the safest way at the time.

But now there is tap water, mineral water, purified water, etc., and there is really no need for rice wine water to replace boiled water.

Important: Maternal weakness, sweating a lot, must replenish water.

For lactating mothers, water loss is more, so it is especially necessary to supplement a lot, and it is recommended to drink 8-12 glasses of water per day.

Third: confinement can eat fruits and vegetables

Confinement requires eating more meat and drinking more soup, so as to replenish the body!

Don't fall into this pit!

Just after childbirth, the intestines cannot accept too oily and nutritious food, and excessive tonic is a burden.

Skipping vegetables and fruits can also reduce the intake of vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, affecting the amount of milk secretion and the content of vitamins and minerals in milk.

And increase the incidence of diseases such as constipation, hemorrhoids in the mother!

Focus: Pay attention to the intake of vegetables and fruits during the confinement period, so that the food is balanced, diverse and sufficient.

At the same time, it should not be excessive, so as to ensure the health of the mother and the quality of the milk.

Confinement meals should include five major categories of food: milk and substitutes, meat, fish, eggs and substitutes, vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Confinement comfort is the most important

The needs of the mother are the first priority

The original intention of confinement is to allow postpartum mothers to recover well, so they must sit scientifically.

Pregnant mothers list 2 major points for correct confinement in summer, mothers must not step on the pit anymore, scientific confinement, in order to recover quickly and well:

First: the environment for confinement should be comfortable

Hot summer confinement, air conditioning is definitely a lifesaver, is a heat weapon, as long as the way to turn on the air conditioner is correct, at least, mothers can confinement in a comfortable environment.

● Do not blow the air conditioner directly. The air outlet can be pasted with a piece of paper, or buy an air conditioning wind shield, the new mother can wear light long clothes and socks, not too thick, the temperature of the air conditioner should generally be controlled at about 26 ° C.

●Regular ventilation of the room. The correct approach should be to ventilate 2 to 3 times a day for 15 to 30 minutes.

● Clean the air conditioner regularly. From spring to summer, summer to winter, be sure to clean the air conditioner before turning it on, check the air filter at least once a month and replace it as needed.

Female celebrities washing their hair and bathing during confinement were criticized by netizens in various ways: when they are old, they will know that they regret it

Second: confinement should live a healthy life

● Rest well, rest is a top priority. It is indeed necessary to rest well after giving birth, but it is definitely not lying in bed all day, and it is necessary to walk moderately.

●Observe the discharge of lochia. Lochia usually turns from red to white, from more to less to no odor at the end, and it is drained in about a month. If it is not clean or there is an abnormality, seek medical attention in time.

●It is important to maintain mental pleasure and prevent postpartum depression. The family should be more considerate of the wife and give full support in spirit and life.

●Arrange your diet wisely. To eat soft and delicious food that is easy to digest and absorb, but also to eat small meals, reasonable meat and vegetarian, light and suitable, dry and thin, should not be too fast supplementation.

●Adhere to necessary exercise and do postpartum gymnastics. Generally, 14 days after giving birth, you can do something simple, but not too intense.

● Avoid heavy lifting and overwork. It takes a while for the uterus to recover after childbirth, to avoid some heavy lifting and so on, excessive labor. Leave these things to your husband or family, you need to rest well during the confinement period.

●Sexual activity is prohibited during confinement. Please wait 6-8 weeks until the wound has completely healed before starting sex.

I hope that every mother can spend the whole confinement period scientifically, easily and comfortably!

Take care of your baby as well!

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