
What are the top 10 symptoms in the first trimester

Most women find that pregnancy is only discovered in 35-50 days of pregnancy, and mothers who are trying to conceive need to understand some of the symptoms of early pregnancy and always pay attention to their own physical changes. In film and television works, vomiting has become a signature action of pregnancy. What other symptoms are there in early pregnancy besides vomiting? What are the symptoms of expectant mothers in the first 3 months of pregnancy?

Symptom 1: Menstruation stops

Menstrual cessation is the earliest and most important "signal" of early pregnancy. It is normal to delay menstruation for 7 days, and if it exceeds 10 days, it is likely to be pregnant. This symptom has led women to notice more symptoms of pregnancy. But it is not necessarily pregnancy if menstruation does not come, there are many reasons why menstruation does not come, may be caused by some gynecological diseases or excessive mental tension, etc., it is best to go to the hospital for related examinations.

Symptom 2: Paresthesias

This symptom may be the reason why you are now browsing the page. Many women believe they have the ability to predict pregnancy. And their intuition is often right.

Perhaps, you just feel abnormal: tired, emotional, often sick, dizzy. You may also have stomach pain, constipation, or maybe you find yourself going to the bathroom more often. Maybe you'll feel pain or stiffness in your lower back, maybe you'll feel pain in your breasts, or your breasts may be overly sensitive, or you may just feel like you're not the same as you normally would be.

Symptom 3: Breast changes

One of the hallmarks of pregnancy is that your breasts begin to become sensitive, swollen, and feel sore for no reason. You may feel something out of your breasts when you're looking for a comfortable sleeping position, when you're exercising or showering, or when you're getting dressed.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the breasts will enlarge a little, and they will become firmer and heavier. The breasts will have a feeling of fullness and tingling. The small particles on the dark yellow areola around the nipple are particularly prominent. Some women will find that their nipples darken.

Breasts play an important role when breastfeeding. So, during pregnancy, the breasts become sensitive, and swell. This is also a very obvious symptom of pregnancy.

Symptom 4: Easy to get tired

One of the early symptoms of pregnancy is fatigue. You may go to bed earlier, but find it harder to get out of bed in the morning. If you have work to do, at ten o'clock in the afternoon, you will feel that you need to find a place to lie down and rest. Exercise becomes high consumption. Simple activities such as shopping can make you feel very tired and even top-heavy. All of these symptoms stem from the growth of hormones in your body.

Symptom 5: Frequent urination

One of the symptoms that others will notice when you're pregnant is that you "visit" the bathroom more often. Your family or friends will tell you that you go to the bathroom more often than before. The reason for this is that the swollen uterus can put pressure on the bladder.

In the early stages of pregnancy, many women have frequent urination, some once an hour, which is a natural phenomenon and does not require treatment.

At the same time, pregnancy also causes the kidneys and bladder to produce more fluid. This has led to you going to the bathroom more often. What a headache it would be if this were the case until the birth of a child! However, there is no need to worry that after 12 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus will slowly exceed the pelvic cavity, the bladder will no longer be compressed and stimulated, and the symptoms of frequent urination will ease on their own.

Symptom 6: Nausea

One of the symptoms of pregnancy is nausea. This may surprise you who are completely unprepared. This symptom may appear in the first week of pregnancy. Many women vomit when they drink coffee and eat breakfast on an empty stomach in the morning. This is what people call morning sickness. Some pregnant women feel sick in the afternoon or evening. Others will feel like throwing up all day.

Small, frequent meals can alleviate this symptom. Some pregnant women believe that canned sardines and milk are helpful in reducing nausea and stuffiness. This symptom will begin to appear slowly in the month after the beginning of pregnancy, and when you enter the sixth month, its intensity will slowly decrease, and the human body will slowly adapt to the various changes caused by pregnancy.

Symptom 7: Dizziness

Dizziness is a symptom that makes pregnant women feel even more overwhelmed. Whether it's going up the stairs, sitting up for a long time, or selling at a retail store, it will make you feel dizzy, and even cause you to faint. This is because the swelling of the uterus compresses the blood vessels in the legs. This is when your blood pressure drops, causing dizziness.

Dizziness can also be caused by another cause, when you have not eaten for a while, you will feel dizzy. This is because the blood sugar is too low. And blood sugar is the main amount of food your baby eats. To increase blood sugar levels in your body, you need to eat some healthy foods more often. Put more stuff into your lunch box, such as: apples, bananas, grapes, yogurt, carrots, celery, cheese, paperback milk, juices, granola, raisins, etc.

Symptom 8: Gluttony or anorexia

A well-known sign of pregnancy is that you would like to eat a certain food or a special food. For example, a pregnant woman said that late one night, she suddenly wanted to eat a hot peach pie with vanilla ice cream on it. Every pregnant woman has some little story about gluttony.

Taking prenatal vitamin supplements, or pure cod liver oil, can reduce the symptoms of gluttony and prevent additional weight gain (of course, these should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.) )

A common but little-known pregnancy phenomenon is the hate to eat certain foods. You'll find yourself losing your appetite for things you used to enjoy eating. A pregnant woman told us that she used to enjoy pizza very much, but now she couldn't bear the taste of pizza anymore. The smell made her sick to her stomach. Some pregnant women will repeat this situation. And some pregnant women will continue to suffer from such appetite mutations during pregnancy. There are also some pregnant women who generally go through half a month to a month, and these symptoms will naturally disappear.

Symptom 9: Sensitivity to odor

Another similar symptom is sensitivity to odors. Even a pleasant taste, such as the aroma of food or perfume, can make you sick. The smell of grass freshly removed, the smell of gasoline stations, the smell of various foods, the smell of detergents, the smell of perfume, or the smell of smoke can all cause you to feel sick. This is the result of estrogen flooding your body.

Symptom 10: Stomach pain or constipation

Uterine swelling, which causes the uterus to swell, squeezes into the stomach and other organs while it is inflated, causing stomach pain and constipation. In addition, the increase in hormone concentration can lead to slow digestion and hinder the normal function of digesting vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Taking some prenatal vitamins and mineral nutrients is important for fetal development.

Slow digestion of the stomach causes the stomach to secrete more stomach acid to digest food, which leads to stomach pain. Soda or hot water can relieve stomach pain. Small, frequent meals are easier to digest. Drinking water, eating more vegetables and fruits, raisins, and whole grains can help digestion. There are also daily vitamin supplements that contain digestive-aiding ingredients. All of the above can help pregnant women digest.

Be sure to consult your doctor before you take any antacids. Because, antacids may contain elements such as aluminum that should be avoided. Stomach pain and constipation can persist throughout your pregnancy.

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