
Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that how to intervene if a child develops too fast? Parents must pay attention!

One. What is precocious puberty

Girls develop breasts before age 8 or menarche before age 10, while boys develop testicular enlargement and symptoms such as accelerated physical development before age 9.

Two. Precocious puberty is divided into three cases

1. True precocious puberty. True precocious puberty is due to the inappropriate and premature activation of the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis of the regulatory system that manages pubertal development in the body, so that puberty development occurs prematurely. Gonadal maturation and secondary sexual characteristics are relatively early. True precocious puberty occurs in more girls than boys.

2. Pseudoprecocious puberty. Pseudoprecocious puberty is when the testicles or ovaries themselves do not develop, but some secondary sexual characteristics appear early. Its causes are more clear, such as tumors in the hypothalamus, pineal gland, ovaries, adrenal cortex, chorioepithelium and other parts of the tumor or viral meningitis sequelae resulting in a large secretion of sex hormones. In addition, pseudo-precocious puberty in children is caused by exogenous hormones such as mistaken taking birth control pills, taking hormone-containing supplements, and using hormone-containing cosmetics.

3. Incomplete precocious puberty. Incomplete precocious puberty refers to the development of only individual sexual characteristics, such as girls with simple breast enlargement, called breast premature development; some children have simple pubic hair appearing prematurely and so on. Apart from these isolated phenomena, there are no systemic endocrine changes, which generally do not require special treatment.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that how to intervene if a child develops too fast? Parents must pay attention!

Three. Factors influencing precocious puberty

1. Diet structure is very important

For both boys and girls, obesity is the first trigger for precocious puberty. Diet structure is too greasy, or eat foods with high hormones, anti-seasonal fruits, vegetables, high nutrition tonics, etc. are prone to precocious puberty.

Therefore, parents must pay attention to it and give their children a reasonable dietary structure

2. Be wary of sleep "light pollution"

Many parents are worried that their children are afraid of the dark and like to leave a lamp when sleeping, in fact, this may have a great impact on the health of their children invisibly. The secretion of hormones in the human body is physiological, and children who receive excessive light for a long time are prone to precocious puberty. This is because the light time is too long, so that melatonin secretion is reduced, and sleep disorders may lead to the early secretion of sex hormones, thereby disrupting the fundamental development of young children and making them develop early.

3. Use skin care products with caution

Many mothers will use some skin care products for their children, such as body lotion, sunscreen, etc., but the first-line research in the United States shows that some ingredients of some infant skin care products can easily lead to precocious puberty in children. Therefore, it is recommended that the purchase of skin care products for children must be purchased from formal channels, and the simpler the ingredients contained, the better.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that how to intervene if a child develops too fast? Parents must pay attention!

Four. What should I do if my child develops too fast?

1, if the child's body is relatively healthy in other aspects, then do not have too much pressure, may be a phenomenon of early development, you can also give the child to the hospital to check the growth hormone and other tests, to see if there is a need to correct the place, in addition, it is best to pay attention to the child's nutritional balance and moderate exercise, can not eat too fat, positive treatment.

2, do not panic first, you need to go to the hospital to do relevant exclusionary examinations, to rule out whether the symptoms of precocious puberty are caused by organic lesions of the organ, at this time you need to do magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland; Blood tests for alpha-fetoprotein, human villonic gonadotropin, carcinoembryonic antigen, adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol; Shooting of bone age films; Do ultrasound of uterine ovarian follicles, breasts, adrenal glands, hepatobiliary spleen and pancreas.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that how to intervene if a child develops too fast? Parents must pay attention!

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