
Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that children have poor attention and memory, what should parents do?

Two days ago, I saw a real case: Xiao Huan is five years old this year, but her speech is not very clear, and there are no more than 10 words that can be spoken. The reaction is also very sluggish, there is some feeling of incongruity between hands and feet when walking, and the level of understanding is also low. Later, his parents took him to a check-up, and the results showed that the child was somewhat stunted. In general, this child is at least half a year behind children of the same age, whether in terms of intelligence or other aspects. Cases like this abound, and everyone must pay attention to it!

1. What is mental retardation?

Mental retardation is also known as mental retardation, mental backwardness, mental retardation is mainly manifested in the ability to learn, social adaptability and life self-care ability is low. Children with mental retardation lag significantly behind children of the same age in language, attention, memory, comprehension, observation, logical thinking, and imagination.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that children have poor attention and memory, what should parents do?

Second, how to judge whether the child is mentally inferior?

1 Poor memory Children with poor intelligence are poor in both learning and life, they often can't concentrate, they can't concentrate on anything, they often lose everything, forget about the east and the west, concentrate on no more than 5-6 minutes, and they rarely pay attention to the outside world.

2 Vision and hearing impairment Serious visual and hearing deficits, such as deep myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, total deafness, etc. Because vision and hearing are communication between people and the outside world, it leads to backward intellectual development.

3 Motor developmental delay They start their prone heads, sit, walk and other movements later than normal children. In particular, walking is more pronounced, and it is unstable, clumsy and uncoordinated.

4 Language development lags Behind They speak and understand the age of others' speeches significantly later than children of the same age, often after the age of two or three still can not call their parents, nor can they understand simple instructions.

5 Poor response to the environment Soon after a normal baby is born, it becomes interested in the people and things around it, and as long as it is awake, it will look around. But intellectually backward children are very quiet all day, rarely crying, or playing on their own.

6 Face, abnormal posture Some children with congenital mental retardation have abnormal performance in the facial posture, which is easy to see. Children with hydrocephalus have a particularly large head circumference, and children with microcephaly have a particularly small skull. Children with low thyroid function are particularly short and so on.

How to intervene in children with low intelligence?

1. Parents want their children to live independently in the future, and the most important thing is to improve their children's ability to live independently.

Including eating, drinking, wearing, urine ability training, arranging appropriate group activities, are conducive to the improvement of children's intelligence. Don't be too demanding of your child, as long as your child does this, encourage him more.

2. Develop your child's cognitive abilities.

You can try to play some simple games with your child, add some reminders in the middle, and let your child understand slowly. For the first time, children may not feel cards, pictures, toys, and objects of different shapes, sizes, quantities, colors, functions, but they can try to play with them a few more times to stimulate their intelligence.

3. Strengthen motor training.

Usually when there is nothing to do, take the child out for a walk, take a walk after eating, and train the child's sports problems. Movement training includes postures such as looking up, turning over, sitting, standing, walking, etc., as well as the training of balance ability to train children's hand-brain coordination ability.

4. The ability to communicate with people.

This is the most important thing for a child to grow and be born in society. They can teach children to open and close their mouths face to face, move their tongues up and down back and forth, whistle and cheeks, and communicate verbally. You can talk more about topics that your child is interested in, and at the same time cultivate your child's interests and hobbies.

5. Strengthen nutrition in children's bodies.

Give children more to eat some foods rich in protein, vitamins and various trace elements, which are beneficial to the development of the brain and body, and eating more traditional Chinese medicines that are healthy for brain and intellectuality can improve the metabolic function of children's brain cells and help improve intelligence.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that children have poor attention and memory, what should parents do?

Is mental retardation a fool?

The two are not the same, they are not the same. Mental retardation means that children's IQ is slightly lower than that of ordinary children, not like fools who don't understand anything and do whatever they want. And the fool means that he does not understand things, will not be affected by the surrounding environment, and has no self-control ability in behavior to cry if he wants to cry, and make trouble if he wants to make trouble. This situation is just that the mental retardation is relatively low, and the learning process may be somewhat slow. For communication and all kinds of learning can be carried out, be patient, more professional rehabilitation training, and give children a better education, the child's intelligence will rise steadily. There is a good chance of working and living like a normal child.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that children have poor attention and memory, what should parents do?

Let's talk about it today, if there are any questions, welcome to leave me a message, I will reply one by one.

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