
Director Wang Dongji of Pediatrics said that children are slow to write homework every day, what is going on? Attention Parents!

Xiao Juice is 7 years old this year, a first-grade student, looks lively and cute, but Xiao Juice's parents have broken their hearts for their children's learning. Because when Xiao Juice writes homework, he always looks east and west, grinding and rubbing. Writing homework is particularly slow, Xiao Juice's parents have also scolded her, but it has no effect, and her parents are also very helpless.

There are many such cases, so what happened to these children? Studies have shown that these children who write homework slowly and have poor grades are caused by inattention.

Director Wang Dongji of Pediatrics said that children are slow to write homework every day, what is going on? Attention Parents!

First, the cause of inattention

Physiological reasons - due to the child's brain development is not perfect, nervous system excitation and inhibition process development is unbalanced, so the ability to self-control is poor. This is normal, as long as the parenting is done, as older, the vast majority of children can achieve concentration.

Pathological causes – children with mild brain tissue damage, abnormal metabolism of neurotransmitters in the brain, and children with hearing or visual impairments can be mistaken for deafness, inattention or blindness. These conditions need to be treated under the guidance of a specialist to improve.

Environmental causes – many candies, caffeinated drinks, or foods – can stimulate your child's mood and affect concentration. In addition, the child's learning environment is chaotic, noisy, and too much interference can also affect the child's attention.

Psychological causes – In order to attract the attention of others, to get attention, or to escape the excessive burden given by their parents, they subconsciously achieve their goals through some actions.

Second, why can parents always judge their children's poor concentration so easily?

1. Misusing adult standards to demand children

Adult concentration can only reach about 30 minutes, so parents habitually ask their children for their own estimated time, and even subconsciously feel that children must sit for an hour to "sit". So there is always that situation, parents ask the child to do something or complete what task, the child always turns his head in five minutes, ten minutes together, half an hour to ask for a break. In the eyes of parents, it is that the child can not sit still at all, always swinging back and forth, but it may be difficult for parents to persist to 30 minutes or an hour in addition to sitting on the sofa and playing mobile phones in the time outside of work.

2, mistakenly think that the child's attention is poor, but in fact, it may be a double purpose

I believe that many parents teach their children to use one heart and one mind, and concentrate on one thing well, which is afraid that the child is half-hearted and this is not done well. This idea is correct, but in the early childhood of the child, there will also be cases of doing several things at the same time, which is not that the child is half-hearted and undetermined, but actually some of the more valuable information of the child himself.

Director Wang Dongji of Pediatrics said that children are slow to write homework every day, what is going on? Attention Parents!

Third, let me share, how should parents intervene?

1. Reasonably arrange work and rest time for children

The child's schedule must be reasonably arranged. If the child does not rest well, it is impossible to concentrate on listening to the lecture during class. Therefore, before the child goes to class, parents must ensure that the child has enough sleep.

2. Give your child timely supplementation

If your child has difficulty concentrating in class, it may also be because of uneven nutritional intake in normal times. Unbalanced nutritional intake will make children in the process of development, the brain and body can not get all-round growth, so there will be inattention of imagination.

3, the room is simple and free of debris

The child's inability to concentrate on studying or listening to lectures may also be that there are too many things around him that attract him, such as toys or other storybooks. Therefore, as a teacher or a parent, you must keep those things as far away from the child as possible when the child is in class. In this way, the child has nothing to play and see at hand, and naturally concentrates.

4. Do a patient thing with your child

Summer is coming soon, like making popsicles with your kids. First teach the child to wash the fruit, then beat it into juice, and then add the right amount of sugar, yogurt, different colors of juice, and tell the child that as long as the raw materials are not done well, it will affect the next taste, health and beauty. After doing a good job, be sure to ask your child to open it and taste the fruits of labor. Let your child have a sense of accomplishment or honor.

5. Minimize the number of nagging and reprimanding children

Teach your child to allocate time, and when he concentrates on doing his homework in a relatively short period of time, he has more time for other things. Children learn to control their own time, have a sense of success, and will do things more confidently.

6, read aloud is conducive to training attention

Set aside a time every day for children to choose their favorite small articles to read aloud to their parents, which is a process that makes children's mouth, eyes, and brains coordinate with each other. And in the process of reading, children try not to read wrongly and not to read off.

Director Wang Dongji of Pediatrics said that children are slow to write homework every day, what is going on? Attention Parents!

Parents can try these methods, maybe it can help the child, let the child grow up happily.

If you have any questions, you are welcome to leave me a message, and I will reply one by one.

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