
Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that children who are depressed are unhappy? Parents value!

Two days ago, I saw a private message that said this. The parent said that his child was unhealthy and seemed to have some depressive tendencies. Ask me what to do? Today I will talk about depression.

1. What is depression?

Depression is a serious mental illness characterized by persistent depression and cognitive dysfunction, including agitation, loss of pleasure, sleep disturbances, low self-evaluation, guilt, and repeated suicidal thoughts.

Second, what are the harms of depression?

The harm of depression is serious, and major depressive disorder can make patients lazy, lonely, and uninterested in everything, thus making the body endocrine disorders or disorders. The result is the emergence of various physical diseases, such as constipation, headache, dizziness, chest tightness, shortness of breath, general weakness, palpitations, stomach absorption disorders, weight loss and other physical problems. These physical diseases undoubtedly increase the mental and psychological pain of the patient, which in turn makes the depressive symptoms worse.

Depression can also severely deprive children of their social functions. Major depressive disorders can lead to mental disorders in children, which in turn deprive them of basic social functions.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that children who are depressed are unhappy? Parents value!

3. What causes depression?

1. Family factors

A discordant family atmosphere or a broken family structure will cause pressure on the child's young mind and cause the child's heart to be hurt. Endless quarrels, parental divorce or death, and prolonged separation from the child can all cause indelible harm to the child. If the child is not counseled in time, the child will even think that these quarrels or tragedies are self-inflicted, that they are not good, and that they will be depressed!

2. Experiencing trauma from major changes

Children who have experienced major life changes or accidents are prone to depression. Because the child's body and mind do not have the ability to regulate psychologically, experiencing strong stimulation will cause a huge shadow on the child's heart.

3. External environmental factors

If the child is in an environment of discrimination, abuse, school violence or cold domestic violence for a long time, the child will develop strong depressive symptoms. Or parents are too demanding of their children, too strict discipline, resulting in exceeding the scope of the child's ability, causing huge psychological pressure to the child, and eventually unable to withstand excessive psychological pressure, resulting in depression and depression.

How to intervene in depression?

1. Strengthen exercise in life, ask children to do their own things in everything, and cultivate children's habit of "letting me come by myself".

2. Reasonable sharing of housework, can be arranged for her to sweep the floor at home, wash dishes, etc., so that parents can worry about it and mothers can rest assured.

3. Parents must encourage their children to actively exercise, such as: running, jumping rope, etc.

4. Do homework conscientiously, and the homework assigned by the school should be completed within a limited time, and it is not allowed to play while doing homework.

5. Make a reasonable life plan for your child and let your child try to complete it as much as possible.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that children who are depressed are unhappy? Parents value!

V. What are the misunderstandings about depression?

Myth 1: "Unhappy" is "Depressed"

Some people think that unhappiness is depression. In fact, the real depression is a low mood for at least two weeks or more, depression will also affect daily life, and depression is not only depressed mood but also irritability, anxiety, lack of interest, feel that what you do is not interesting, and even feel that it is better to die than to live. Therefore, temporary bad mood cannot be attributed to depression.

Myth two: Depression can be good by psychological counseling

Many people think that depression is a psychological problem, do ideological work, and channel emotions to it, there is no need to go to the hospital. In fact, depression is a disease, this disease to the severe must use comprehensive treatment, respectively, there are psychological therapy, physical therapy, and drug treatment, and many patients do not attach importance to depression or think that suffering from depression is stigmatized, according to relevant data, in the mainland depression treatment rate of just 4%, that is to say, 96% of patients do not realize depression or do not want to go to the hospital for treatment, and the treatment rate of 10%, even if these 10% of patients receive treatment, but also because some are willing to give up treatment.

Myth three: Taking medication can cause dependence and side effects

Most parents feed their children some will think that long-term medication will produce dependence or side effects are not willing to take drugs, depression drugs will not bring any dependence to children, some patients with combined treatment will have dependence on the prescription, such as anxiety and insomnia drugs will have dependence, and long-term use of tranquilizer drugs will appear dependent, and this drug will only allow patients to take short-term do not have to worry, some patients will have some gastrointestinal reactions after taking depression drugs, At this time, the parents of the child do not have to worry, it is only temporary.

Director Wang Bo of Pediatrics said that children who are depressed are unhappy? Parents value!

Let's talk about it today, if there is any problem, welcome to leave a message. I'll reply one by one.

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