
How tall can my child grow, will he be a short man?

"Why doesn't my child grow taller than a child of the same age?" "How tall can my child grow, will he be a little short?" Whenever they attend a class reunion, a group of mothers with children, in addition to discussing their husbands and mothers-in-law, talk about the development of their children the most. As a parent, it is natural to hope that their children can grow into tall, and when the height of the child is slightly behind the children of the same age, they will be extremely worried. Let's give you a question.

How tall can my child grow, will he be a short man?

How many years does a child develop? According to the analysis, boys grow to 16 years old, girls reach the age of 14, and their height development basically stops. However, the numbers 16 and 14 here are not physiological age, but refer to "bone age"—that is, the age of bones.

Under normal circumstances, the bone age of a person is consistent with or relatively close to the physiological age, but if special circumstances are not checked, such as congenital growth hormone deficiency or precocious puberty, the difference between the physiological age and the bone age will be far away. Therefore, the development period of children will be shorter than that of normal children of the same age. Therefore, under normal circumstances, in fact, the child's development period is only about ten years.

With the improvement of living conditions now, a new generation of babies will not worry about nutritional problems from an early age. However, many children, at the age when they should be thriving, have short stature and slow development, and are much shorter than their classmates. This phenomenon can't help but make parents feel confused and anxious. Some parents who are not satisfied with their height will also worry that their children will not grow up in the future when considering genetic factors, which is a headache.

How tall can my child grow, will he be a short man?

There is a saying that there are seedlings that do not worry about growing, but here it is said that there are seedlings that are really not long! The height of your child has always been a concern for parents, what if your child grows slowly, is always shorter than his peers, and always sits in the front row of the class? I believe that most parents can't sit still.

In fact, if the scientific intervention of children's height is carried out early, it can not only help children to exert their genetic advantages, but also achieve the desired height with the joint efforts of doctors and parents. How can I assess whether my child's height is in line with the physiological age? Bone ageing can answer this question.

Bone age testing is really not an IQ tax. How old a person is, and how far the body can develop, most babies are the same. But there are always babies who are out of sync. How much is your baby actually physically developed? In addition to looking at the usual height, weight, and secondary sexual characteristics, it is to look at bone age. Bone age, as the name suggests, is the age of the bone, which is a developmental age obtained by comparing the actual development degree of the child's skeleton with the standard development degree. Bone age largely represents the true level of development of a child.

How tall can my child grow, will he be a short man?

What information can be learned by measuring bone age? Bone age largely represents the true level of development of a child, so it is more accurate to use bone age to determine the maturity of the human body than actual age. Through bone age, we can understand: the child's bone growth, the degree of epiphyseal closure and later growth potential; predict the child's future height; find clues to diseases, which have auxiliary diagnostic value; and find clues to genetic diseases, metabolic diseases and endocrine diseases.

If the child's development space can be known in advance, parents can carry out height science intervention under the guidance of a doctor based on the measurement results to help the child grow tall.

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