
If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

After the baby is born, new parents will start to think about how to "brain supplement" their children. Parents always want their children to have a "high IQ" and a smart ice and snow.

In fact, it is too late for parents to pay attention to these things after the birth of the baby. Smart parents begin to pay attention to the brain development of the fetus as early as pregnancy.

If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

Pregnant mother Yunyun just got pregnant with her first child at the age of 30, which seems a little late to many people. The reason why she got pregnant a little late is because Yunyun is a proper "school bully".

After receiving her doctorate, Yunyun began to worry about her life's events, and the time was delayed.

Yunyun and her husband are both "highly educated talents", and both are doctors. They have great expectations for their baby, hoping that he can also be a "primary school bully".

From the moment Yunyun learned of pregnancy, her husband worked out a "brain pregnancy recipe" for Yunyun overnight. The husband swore to Yunyun: "Eat according to this recipe during pregnancy, and our baby will be a high-IQ baby in the future." ”

If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

It turned out that Yunyun's husband had spent a lot of thought in this recipe. This recipe can be said to be specially "customized" for fetal brain development.

Many pregnant mothers may only know that in the third trimester, the weight of the fetus and the double top diameter will "soar". As for which months are the "golden period" of fetal brain development, they do not understand.

There are three stages of fetal treasure's brain development that are particularly critical, which belong to the "golden development period". Pregnant mothers who know about these three golden periods can pay more attention.

Like Yunyun, many pregnant mothers may have some doubts when they see this: In addition to diet, what other aspects need to be paid attention to? Don't worry, let's take a look at these three "golden periods" and some precautions for each golden period.

If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

Fetal brain development goes through these three very critical "golden periods"

●February to March of pregnancy

The fetal treasure brain begins to develop very early, starting from the successful implantation of the fertilized egg. From the second month of pregnancy, the "primitive neural tissue" in the fetal brain gradually develops into "brain cells".

After the brain cells are formed, they begin to proliferate rapidly, and this proliferation rate is somewhat staggering, reaching 250,000 per minute. This stage belongs to the first critical "golden period" of fetal brain development.

Why is this stage so important? It is because the neural tubes of the fetus also develop during this period. In order to avoid the malformation of fetal neural tube development, pregnant mothers must pay attention to nutritional intake. It is recommended that pregnant mothers eat eggs and meat every day to ensure the intake of high-quality protein.

If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

In addition, you should also eat some nuts, supplement trace elements, you can eat 2-3 times deep-sea fish to supplement the body's DHA. Pregnant mothers should also stay away from substances that may be harmful to the development of the fetal brain, such as tobacco, alcohol, radiation, drugs, etc.

●May to June of pregnancy

From may to june, the fetus's brain begins its second "golden developmental period.". If the first stage of brain development is to lay the foundation, then the brain development of this stage is an "upgrade" on the basis.

At this stage, the development of the fetal brain begins to become complex, and the various sensations of the fetus, such as hearing, vision, and touch, are rapidly developed at this stage.

By june, the groove folds of the fetal cerebral cortex began to increase, and the fetus began to have so-called "primitive memory".

If you want to have a high-IQ baby, expectant parents can start to "prenatal education" for the fetus at this stage.

If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

If the fetal brain can get more stimulation, its development rate will also increase. Expectant parents can use a gentle voice to tell a story to the fetal treasure in the abdomen, sing a song, or gently stroke the pregnant belly, so that the fetal treasure perceives more external stimuli.

At this stage, the fetal treasure has been able to perceive various "movements" in the outside world, and will gradually begin to react differently to this stimulus.

The benign "interaction" between expectant parents and fetal treasure is of great benefit to the brain development of fetal treasure. At this stage, pregnant mothers, in addition to frequently interacting with fetal treasures, should also increase the intake of daily nutrition and do a good job of obstetric examinations regularly.

If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

●From July to August of pregnancy

At this stage, the fetal brain development ushered in a third and most critical "golden period". The brain cells in the fetal treasure brain began to become active, and the number and volume of brain cells were rapidly increasing. The groove folds of the fetal treasure cerebral cortex also gradually increased, and his "memory" became stronger.

At this stage, the fetal treasure already has the ability to distinguish between different people, can have a "obvious" response to external stimuli, and when the mother interacts with him, he will be very excited, moving his body from side to side.

At this time, if the parents-to-be can interact with the fetus more, it will not only make the fetal treasure brain develop better, but also enhance the relationship between parents and children.

If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

Pregnant mothers are in the third trimester at this stage, and the bulge in the abdomen makes them become a little "lazy" and unwilling to move. Pregnant mothers should also pay attention to weight management while supplementing good nutrition, and avoid lying in bed all the time. The appropriate amount of activity exercise for pregnant mothers can also stimulate the vestibular development of the fetus.

The fetal treasure sways with the amniotic fluid in the abdomen, which is also a very interesting experience for the fetal treasure. At this stage, pregnant mothers can not stop supplementing nutrition, and exercise weight management cannot be stopped, otherwise they will be "guilty" when giving birth, and there may be adverse effects on the development of the fetus.

All in all, expectant parents must seize the last golden period of fetal brain development and give the fetus more "benign stimulation".

If you want to conceive a highly intelligent baby, it is crucial to seize the golden period of fetal brain development

Parenting message

If you can make your baby smarter, it will also give him a greater advantage in the process of growing up. Parents' love for their children has always been "far-reaching", then, from the baby or the fetus, parents can take action, do not miss the three "golden periods" of fetal brain development, according to the characteristics of each golden period, to achieve the baby's "accurate" brain supplement.

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