
Is the prenatal B oversubjudged fetal weight accurate? Who is more accurate than hand touch?

Text/Ying Mama, pay attention to learn more wonderful!

Since the pregnancy, pregnant mothers have begun to pay attention to the nutrition and growth of the starting baby. How old is your baby now? Is it developing well?

At this time, in addition to various routine examinations, the doctor will also assess the development of the fetus and estimate the weight of the baby in order to take the correct way of delivery and improve the safety of the mother and baby.

So it is estimated that many new parents will pay attention to these problems, "How do doctors estimate the weight of the baby?" "Is the weight measured by the B ultrasound accurate?" ”

Is the prenatal B oversubjudged fetal weight accurate? Who is more accurate than hand touch?

In fact, there is a certain error in calculating the fetal weight through B ultrasound, remember that when Yingbao was born, the actual weight and B ultrasound estimation were also three or four hundred grams.

Many netizens also said that their baby's birth weight is different from the B super estimate.

LeLe mother: When giving birth to Dabao, the doctor touched my stomach and said about 6 pounds, not big, 6.5 pounds after birth, the second treasure saw red, b ultrasound said that the baby is so small, do not dare to let me give birth, has been asking me about the last menstruation. The doctor pulled me to the room to touch my stomach and said that it was not small to touch 6-7 pounds. Say that b ultrasound may sometimes be inaccurate, born 7 pounds.

Lemon mom: B Chao expected the baby to weigh more than 8 pounds, so he had to choose a caesarean section, and the result was that the baby was only more than 6 pounds.

Why do doctors estimate the weight of the baby before giving birth?

In addition to monitoring your baby's nutrition and development. Another reason is to improve the safety of mothers and babies by adopting the correct way of delivery.

If it is a new mother, the fetal baby is estimated to weigh more than four kilograms, it will be called "macrosomia", and it is likely that a caesarean section will be required.

Is the prenatal B oversubjudged fetal weight accurate? Who is more accurate than hand touch?

Commonly used prenatal methods of predicting fetal weight:

Palpation estimation

Palpation estimation generally refers to estimating the size of the fetus by touching the abdomen and measuring the height of the uterine floor and abdominal circumference.

The calculation formula is: fetal weight (g) = uterine height (cm) × abdominal circumference (cm) + 200

Due to the influence of various factors such as abdominal wall thickness, amniotic fluid, fetal position, etc., this method of estimating fetal weight is not accurate enough and can only be used as a clinical reference.

Although this method is not very rigorous, some old doctors with many years of clinical experience can estimate the baby's weight by just touching it, sometimes more accurately than B ultrasound. There is no reason to feel like this, which is completely based on experience.

Is the prenatal B oversubjudged fetal weight accurate? Who is more accurate than hand touch?

The obstetric doctor said that B was overestimated at six and a half pounds, and I quickly asked: Is B super accurate? The doctor said not accurately, I did not estimate accurately. I asked the doctor, how many do you estimate? Doctor: Seven pounds.

Broken water that will show the fetus 8.6 pounds. When confessing the condition, it is told that the maximum is 8 pounds, the pelvic conditions are acceptable, and finally choose caesarean section, and the baby born is 8 pounds.

Ultrasonic measurement

Compared with palpation estimation, ultrasound measurements are more objective and have fewer factors affected. It is easy to operate, has no damage to both the mother and the fetus, and is relatively more accurate than palpation.

Mothers who have done B ultrasound should know that B ultrasound estimates the baby's weight can be accurate to grams. But in fact, the weight measured in this way is not the actual weight, but a range (±) estimated by measuring various data.

The B-super estimate of fetal weight is calculated by measuring the size data of the fetal baby and then calculating it through some special setting formulas. These values include the baby's double top diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, and length of the femur.

Is the prenatal B oversubjudged fetal weight accurate? Who is more accurate than hand touch?

In general, the actual weight of the fetus and the estimated weight of the B ultrasound will have an error of 10% to 15%. It is not easy to accurately measure the weight of the fetus because there are too many factors that can affect the accuracy of the B-ultrasound estimate.

For example, due to different instruments and different doctors' experience levels, the measured data are inevitably different. Coupled with the baby's posture changes, especially in the third trimester, the uterine space is limited, and the baby can only curl up to stay in the mother's belly. In this way, the data measured by the B ultrasound may be affected by the size and posture of the fetus. In addition, the low position of the fetal head, too little amniotic fluid, pregnant women's abdominal wall is too thick and other reasons may cause errors.

The error range between the fetal weight and the actual weight of the ultrasound test is generally 100 to 200 g. In the case of a very small or very large fetus, the weight error of the ultrasound estimate will become larger, and some netizens have said that the situation, B ultrasound is estimated to be more than 8 pounds, in fact, only more than 6 pounds.

In fact, in addition to the prenatal doctor will make a weight prediction, before 28 weeks, the size of the fetus will sometimes be displayed on the ultrasound list.

Is the prenatal B oversubjudged fetal weight accurate? Who is more accurate than hand touch?

Is this data informative?

An experienced doctor will tell you that the predicted fetal weight before 28 weeks of pregnancy doesn't make much sense, because during this period, different fetal growth and development are about the same. Doctors can judge whether the development of the fetus is in line with the gestational age based on several indicators. And the fetus has changed a lot since then, so the prediction before 28 weeks is meaningless.

After 28 weeks it's different. At this time, different fetal growth and development conditions gradually become different, some fetuses have large heads and small bodies, and some legs are particularly long, and the data at this time can be used as a reference.

Is the prenatal B oversubjudged fetal weight accurate? Who is more accurate than hand touch?

In addition, there are some genetic factors that can also affect the weight of newborns.

Foreign researchers have found that if the parents of newborns are low in weight at birth, the weight of newborns will also be low. Specifically, for example, if the father is born underweight, the risk of the newborn being underweight is 3.5 times higher, if the mother is born underweight, the probability of the newborn being below the standard is 4.7 times higher, and if both parents are born underweight, the risk of neonatal underweight is as high as 16.3 times.

It can be seen that genetics still has a great influence on the weight of the baby's birth. If you want your baby to get a good innate advantage, first of all, both parents are healthy when they are born, and secondly, they should pay attention to dietary collocation during pregnancy, regularly monitor weight indicators, and do not miss each pregnancy physical examination.

Is there a big difference between your baby's birth weight and the B ultrasound test results? Welcome to share the exchange in the comment area.


I am Ying Mom, a child mother, family education instructor, parenting master, scientific parenting practitioner, multi-platform invited quality creators, focus on parenting dry goods and children's early education psychological knowledge sharing, happy text, happy sharing, I handwritten my heart, like to remember to pay attention to forward Oh!

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