
Is the fetal baby developing well? These 6 reactions will tell you in the early, middle and third trimesters

After pregnancy, the development of the fetus has become the most concerned problem of the mothers, there is a saying that the pregnancy of the morning sickness is severe, then it shows that the fetus is developing well, but some pregnant women have no morning sickness reaction throughout pregnancy, how do they judge it?

Xiaoli has been pregnant for more than three months, before pregnancy also heard others say that morning sickness shows that the baby looks good, on the contrary, she herself, the first trimester has passed, but rarely appears a strong morning sickness reaction.

Xiaoli was worried that there was something wrong with the fetus in the stomach, so she ran to the hospital to do a B ultrasound examination, and the examination found that the baby was well developed and the fetal heart rate was normal.

Is the fetal baby developing well? These 6 reactions will tell you in the early, middle and third trimesters

The doctor told her: "Everyone's constitution is different, and not all pregnant women have the same pregnancy reaction." ”

But as a novice mother, Xiaoli did not know how to judge, so she asked the doctor, and the doctor simply popularized the relevant knowledge for her.


These manifestations at different stages of pregnancy

Indicates that the fetus is well developed


First trimester

Chest distension:

Female progesterone and estrogen are secreted in large quantities after pregnancy in preparation for implantation and development of the fertilized egg. Under the influence of these two hormones, there will be an early pregnancy reaction, but not only the morning sickness reaction, but also the chest swelling that pregnant mothers will feel.

This is because estrogen promotes the secondary development of the pregnant mother's chest, preparing for postpartum breastfeeding and not disappearing with the disappearance of the early pregnancy reaction. Therefore, if the pregnant mother feels chest distension, it means that the fetus is developing normally.


It is also because of the influence of hormonal changes in the body in the first trimester that pregnant mothers are prone to feel tired and become sleepy.

Another reason is that the pregnant mother's body should ensure the vigorous activity of the two living bodies, the metabolism is accelerated, and the body consumes energy fast, because of insufficient blood sugar, it is easy to cause drowsiness.

Is the fetal baby developing well? These 6 reactions will tell you in the early, middle and third trimesters


Second trimester

Fetal movement:

At the beginning of the fourth month of pregnancy, that is, about 16 weeks, the pregnant mother can feel the obvious fetal movement, but because the fetal movement has just been active, the number of times is about 3 to 5 times per hour, not particularly much.

By the 20th to 24th week, fetal movement will be more pronounced in frequency and intensity, and there will be more than 100 times in about 12 hours, and at this time the fetus will interact with the pregnant mother and will express emotions in the stomach.

Appetite getting better and better:

In the second trimester, as the development of the fetus is getting faster and faster, pregnant women need to consume more nutrients to ensure the nutrition of the fetus, so it is manifested as a pregnant mother's appetite and eats more than before.

Because the fetus in the second trimester is developing brain and subcutaneous fat, which requires a lot of energy, the better the appetite of the pregnant mother, the healthier the fetus will develop.

Is the fetal baby developing well? These 6 reactions will tell you in the early, middle and third trimesters


Third trimester

Deterioration of appetite or urinary frequency and urgency:

Eight months after pregnancy, the fetus after continuous development, almost occupy the entire uterus, in order to let the development of the fetus have enough space, the uterus will become larger and squeeze the stomach, resulting in the stomach squeezed smaller, and indigestion. Therefore, the appetite of pregnant mothers will become worse.

The closer the pregnancy is to the birth period, the fetus will begin to enter the basin in preparation for birth, and the uterus will fall, thus squeezing the bladder, and the bladder capacity becomes smaller, resulting in frequent urination and urgency in the pregnant mother.

Severe physical decline:

The fetus enters a rapid growth phase in the third trimester, where a lot of energy is required. The fetus takes in a large amount of maternal nutrition, and the pregnant mother's physical strength will be consumed quickly, and the physical strength will be seriously reduced, but this is also the performance of the healthy development of the fetus in the stomach.


Fetal dysplasia

Specific performance


The pregnancy response stops

Some pregnant mothers have pregnancy reactions, such as nausea, morning sickness, anorexia and greasy, etc., and the reaction is still relatively strong, but if there is suddenly no such symptoms, it is necessary to pay attention to it, and it may be that the fetus has stunted development, and it may also be fetal cessation.

Is the fetal baby developing well? These 6 reactions will tell you in the early, middle and third trimesters


There are no fetal buds or fetal heart rates

At about two months, go to the hospital for examination, if you find that there are no fetal buds and fetal heart, it means that the possibility of fetal stunting is high and you need medical help


The rate of weight gain is slow

Normally, pregnant women gain about 0.5 kilograms of weight per week.

Under normal circumstances, if the weight gain of the pregnant mother within two weeks is relatively small or even directly stops growing, it may indicate that the fetus has a growth retardation. Need to go to the hospital for a check-up.


The palace height does not grow

The height of the uterus is simply the height of the pregnant belly.

In general, uterine height increases with the development of the fetus. If the pregnant mother finds that the uterine height has not increased within two weeks, it is likely to be a sign of fetal stunted growth.

In order to ensure that the fetus is developing normally every day, it is necessary for pregnant mothers to pay attention to some manifestations of their own bodies.

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