
I'm going to be a mom, when can I find a prolactin?

Recently watched a drama, there is a paragraph about milk blocking, prolactin in the TV series, may be engaged in this industry, for their own professional things are very interested and more touched, cut off this paragraph to share with you:

Prolactinator is not a new industry, our ancient times also have prolactinators, ancient midwives, a large part of our modern prolactin role; many Chinese medicine medical cases, there are also records about Chinese medicine prolactin, treatment of lactation mastitis, milk scarcity content.

In modern times, prolactinators, also known as lactators, hypnotists or foreign breastfeeding guides or lactation consultants, the main service object is nursing mothers. Through a series of hand massages, breastfeeding instructions and psychological relief, they help mothers to breastfeed smoothly. As a professional skill, prolactinators have been accepted and recognized by the public, with the mission of making babies exclusively breastfeeding and helping nursing mothers to spend the whole process from opening milk to returning milk comfortably.

Lactation will have several special points, sometimes relying on the mother herself can not solve the problem very well, then the prolactinator will play a great role, then these points, what is it? Today we will explain each one by one.

1. Open milk, physiopathical swelling of the breast, pain, stone milk

Allowing your baby to suck on the breast in time after delivery is the most effective means of preventing physiological swelling and stone milk. But some mothers miss the best time to open the milk, causing breast swelling and pain, whether it is the baby sucking or the breast pump, can not solve the problem very well.

Through the professional massage of the prolactinator and some ingenious techniques, the pain caused by physiological swelling can be relieved and the problem of stone milk can be solved.

Some people say that it hurts to open the milk by the prolactinator, which is not true! Professional prolactinator, opening milk will make your original painful breast pain less painful, until slowly to disappear, absolutely will not be more and more painful or even unbearable pain!

2. The baby has difficulty latching on the milk, and the nipple is flat and concave

Some mothers have bad nipple conditions, the baby uses the wrong latch method, causing the child to latch on the milk, can not eat milk, milk can not eat or even do not eat the nipple, the prolactinator will use the correct way to help the baby latch, smoothly eat the breast, and improve the flat and concave state of the nursing mother's nipples, so that the child can suck the breast normally.

3. Milk stasis, milk blockage

If the nursing mother feels that there is a hard lump in the breast or the milk flow is not smooth, 80% of it is blocked. If it is found in time or relatively mild, let the child's chin suck in the direction of the hard block, and many times it can be sucked through. If not, a professional prolactinator can easily unblock the stasis and feel very smooth.

I'm going to be a mom, when can I find a prolactin?

4. The baby's nipples are confused and do not eat milk

We often say that the most important way to avoid nipple confusion is to keep your child out of touch with the bottle in the first place. But once the nipples are confused and say that they don't recognize the mother's milk, they need the patience and love of the mothers to correct.

If you can't handle it yourself, we can find a professional prolactinator to help us solve this tricky problem and make the baby fall in love with the mother's breast again.

5. Postpartum milk is scarce, the breast duct is not passable, and the areola is blocked

Mothers with little milk after childbirth, many of them are accompanied by unobstructed breast ducts, unclogging the breast ducts, and the situation of breast scarcity will be greatly improved.

Of course, there are many other reasons for the scarcity of milk, such as lack of qi and blood, liver depression, wet obstruction, etc., many prolactinators will dialectically solve through the mother's physical condition, so that the mother becomes a veritable "big cow".

6. Sudden lack of milk or return to milk caused by various reasons

Many mothers who usually have enough milk suddenly become less milk or return to milk due to anger, anxiety, fright, etc. In this case, the prolactinator will help the mothers to increase the milk again through some techniques and acupuncture point massage and meridian combing.

Of course it takes a process, we need some patience and let the milk come back slowly.

7. Rigid breast mass and acute mastitis during the entire lactation period

According to statistics, mothers who suffer from acute mastitis during lactation can reach as many as forty percent, which shows that this is really a common and frequent disease during lactation, and any time during lactation may occur except during the confinement period.

Once you have memory mastitis, don't be afraid, find a prolactin you can trust, milk drainage and anti-inflammatory is the most important.

I'm going to be a mom, when can I find a prolactin?

8. Nipple cracking, nipple white spot problem

Nipple problems can also occur at any time, especially the white spots of the nipples, which is really annoying.

Sometimes the nipples are white and do not produce milk, sometimes there is very little milk, and it is necessary to make the unobstructed, blocked nipples become unobstructed, at this time it is necessary for the prolactinator to drain the milk and help the mothers to reduce the inflammation of the nipples. And as far as I know, many prolactinators have their own little tricks to solve the white spots of the nipples!

9. Return milk

Some mothers have to return milk for special reasons after giving birth to the baby, and some are returning milk at the end of the lactation period, no matter what kind of situation the milk return, the prolactinator can help you solve it very well and make the breast comfortable.

10. Discharge of residual milk when needed

There are always many mothers who ask if it is necessary to drain the milk. It's actually due to personal circumstances. If the breast state is very good after weaning, there is no need to discharge, if there is tingling, swelling and other phenomena, it is recommended to find a professional prolactin to line up, after all, the body is their own, make yourself comfortable is the most important.

That said, but prolactinators can do so much more than that. Many prolactinators are constantly learning their expertise and improving their skills, with the same goal: to protect mothers in breastfeeding.

For the healthy growth of the baby, we work together!

Prolactin Guru is always by your side!

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