
Fantastic fertility knowledge and experience, those "awkward" experiences of pregnancy, what have you experienced?

Introduction: Pregnancy and childbirth in our cognition, is a natural thing, many people are only half-aware of this, only their own personal experience, only to know that there are so many ridiculous things, today to take you to see together, pregnancy of those cold knowledge, wonderful fertility knowledge and experience, pregnancy of those "embarrassing" experience, what have you experienced?

After a few months of pregnancy, I finally got my wish and conceived a baby, and I will definitely be very happy.

However, in real life, the expectant mother after pregnancy has to face a lot of embarrassing things, such as: always itchy breasts, puffiness often has "excess" gas to want to discharge... A lot of questions, want to ask but do not know where to start, ask who is appropriate?

Today, I will answer the questions that are blushing and embarrassed for expectant mothers!

First, farts and hiccups

Why: As your fetus grows up, your abdominal space becomes more and more crowded, your digestive system begins to be unstable, and more stools accumulate, leading to more gas. In addition, like ice cream, small snacks, etc., will make you increase flatulence, more gas in the stomach, naturally to exclude the outside of the body, and then ...

Solution: Eat fewer meals, avoid fatty foods, such as hamburgers, fried chicken, and carbonated drinks, etc., it is best to walk outdoors for 20 minutes after dinner, which will help with gastrointestinal peristalsis and empty the gas in the stomach.

Fantastic fertility knowledge and experience, those "awkward" experiences of pregnancy, what have you experienced?

Second, the breasts are itchy

Cause: Breast itch is caused by the rapid and large number of cells, because after pregnancy, in preparation for breastfeeding, the breast will also enlarge, and when your breasts grow, this part of the already sensitive skin is stretched, so it causes continuous itching.

Solution: Moisturize and moisturize, when you feel itchy, you can apply emollient cream, or keep your skin soft after bathing with a lotion containing cocoa butter or vitamin E. In addition, choose a bra with a soft texture and elasticity, and if dermatitis occurs, be sure to see a doctor to get medicine.

Third, ugly melanin

Why: This is due to the side effects of pregnancy hormones, because increased levels of estrogen cause the body to produce more melanin, a natural substance that affects skin color and causes certain parts of the body to darken. Sometimes, there may also be melasma on the face, and these changes usually begin in the second trimester, and the color becomes darker and darker, and the situation is more serious in women with darker skin tones.

Solution: Unfortunately, we can't artificially change this situation, we can only go out in the hot summer to apply sunscreen, wear a sunscreen hat, and try to be exposed to the sun as little as possible.

Fantastic fertility knowledge and experience, those "awkward" experiences of pregnancy, what have you experienced?

4. Leakage of urine

Why: After pregnancy, certain hormones cause the pelvic muscles to relax, because only in this way can they prepare for childbirth. At this time, if you sneeze or laugh, there will be a leakage of urine, and it will happen anytime and anywhere.

Solution: Do Kegel exercises, 10 times a day, so as to strengthen the muscles around the bladder and minimize the occurrence of urinary leakage.

Fifth, crazy pregnancy dreams

Why: 80% of pregnant women have had disturbing nightmares, mainly because of anxiety during pregnancy, coupled with life troubles, and physical exhaustion. Sometimes I dream of miscarriage, sometimes I dream of a car accident, sometimes I dream of an accident, and so on.

Solution: In fact, although pregnancy dreams will make you feel uncomfortable, it is a way for you to release stress, you just need to remember that the things in your sleep are fake, or let your family help you open up emotions.

Fantastic fertility knowledge and experience, those "awkward" experiences of pregnancy, what have you experienced?

Dreams related to ex-boyfriends

Why: Rest assured, you're definitely not the first pregnant woman to dream about an ex-boyfriend. Pregnancy is the most important thing in a woman's life, and it will become a node for you to reflect on the past, after all, women are emotionally heavy. Nostalgia for your young self, nostalgia for the past, is an expression of your emotions.

Solution: Having such a dream does not mean that you do not love your husband, nor does it mean that you are mentally derailed, so there is no need to pay too much attention to it, and there is no need to feel guilty, such a thing is best not to tell your husband, so as not to let him think more.

7. Milk leakage

Why: In the third trimester, when your nipples are stimulated, such as bathing and changing clothes, high prolactin levels will start milk production, which is something that many pregnant women encounter. Of course, this also means that you may have plenty of milk in the future, which should be a good sign.

Solution: If you have more milk production, you can use a breast pad to prevent spillage so that you will not feel embarrassed in public.

Fantastic fertility knowledge and experience, those "awkward" experiences of pregnancy, what have you experienced?

8. The navel is protruding

Why: A bulging navel is just a way for your body to provide extra space for the fetus, and stretching the abdomen and the pressure that the fetus puts on the pregnant mother's abdomen from the inside can cause the navel to bulge.

Solution: Belly button bulge is a normal physiological phenomenon, do not have to do any special treatment, if it is a special situation, you can paste a cute Band-Aid.

Nine, hemorrhoids

Cause: Blood in the stool or toilet paper is the most common symptom of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, because the fetus compresses the mother's lower abdominal veins, so it will develop hemorrhoids. In addition, sitting upright for a long time, or lying still, can also lead to the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Solution: Usually eat more high-fiber foods, maintain proper exercise every day, and if constipation is severe, be sure to use Kaiserew under the guidance of a doctor.

Fantastic fertility knowledge and experience, those "awkward" experiences of pregnancy, what have you experienced?

10. Defecation during childbirth

Reason: In order for the baby to come out as soon as possible, the pregnant mother must continue to work hard, and the part where the baby is born and the stool is the same, which can easily lead to the feces being brought out, which is a very normal phenomenon, and the doctor will also be strange and there is no need to feel embarrassed.

Solution: Try to go to the toilet before delivery, but be sure to accompany your family to avoid accidental delivery of the fetus.

Conclusion: From a girl to a mother, it takes a lot of courage, but also needs to pay a lot, every mother is great, I hope that the husbands can love her more after the wife gives birth to the child, rather than abandoning her stretch marks and fat body, not because the child's cry does not want to go home.

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