
Blood in the stool requires vigilance, do not mistake the cancer signal for the manifestation of hemorrhoids

Bloody stools and difficulty defecating, this situation, many people will encounter. Moreover, there is a folk saying that there are nine hemorrhoids in ten people. Therefore, equating blood in the stool with hemorrhoids has become a common phenomenon. If a person with blood in the stool goes to the doctor, usually, the doctor will recommend that the patient have a colonoscopy, but many people feel fear and think, they are already bleeding, why should they be stabbed? Hidden dangers are buried because clinical research data show that more than 80% of rectal cancers will be misdiagnosed as hemorrhoids when they first visit.

Blood in the stool requires vigilance, do not mistake the cancer signal for the manifestation of hemorrhoids

Blood in the stool, is it a cancer signal, or a manifestation of hemorrhoids? How should I identify? To figure this out, we need to start with the reason for the stool. Blood in the stool, most of which is lower GI bleeding, especially from the colon and rectum, and occasionally in upper GASTRO bleeding. The color of blood in the stool depends on the location of the bleeding, the amount of bleeding, and the time the blood stays in the intestine. In addition, whether blood in the stool is accompanied by other symptoms is also a relevant factor in determining the cause of blood in the stool, for example, when bleeding from the skin, mucous membranes, and other organs occurs at the same time, it is necessary to consider systemic diseases, especially hematologic diseases, such as leukemia or diffuse intravascular coagulation.

Blood in the stool requires vigilance, do not mistake the cancer signal for the manifestation of hemorrhoids

Blood in the stool, common disease factors, there are mainly 10 kinds, each with their own characteristics. 1st, hemorrhoids or fissures, the main manifestation is blood drops after stool, does not contain mucus, is not mixed with feces, and is bright red in color. 2nd, bacterial dysentery, stool is characterized by multiple small amounts, accompanied by tenesmus recost, usually pus and bloody stools. 3rd, amoebic dysentery, is characterized by a large stool volume, dark red, with purulent mucus, accompanied by bloating and fever. 4th, schistosomiasis, is characterized by chronic diarrhea, and the patient has a history of contact with water sources in endemic areas. 5th, ulcerative colitis, characterized by a chronic course, acute onset, stool with mucus or blood, accompanied by abdominal pain. 6th, intussusception, which is mainly seen in infants, is characterized by a larger amount of mucus than stool, or even no stool.

Blood in the stool requires vigilance, do not mistake the cancer signal for the manifestation of hemorrhoids

The seventh common cause of blood in the stool is rectal cancer, which is characterized by chronic diarrhea, recurrent mucus and bloody stools, and antibiotics and other drug treatment are ineffective. 8th, colon cancer, is characterized by changes in the shape of the stool, thinning of the stool, and with blood and mucus, which may be accompanied by abdominal pain at a fixed site. 9th, rectal or colon polyps, characterized by stools with fresh blood attached to them and not mixed with feces. 10th, stomach cancer or peptic ulcer, characterized by tarry black stools, accompanied by abdominal pain, fullness, decreased appetite, weight loss and other symptoms.

Blood in the stool requires vigilance, do not mistake the cancer signal for the manifestation of hemorrhoids

The identification of blood in the stool can be determined by the color of the blood. For example, bleeding in the stomach or duodenum, due to the long time that blood stays in the intestine, hemoglobin combines with sulfides to form ferrous sulfide, and the feces will be black, with mucus, and the appearance will be shiny, similar to asphalt. If the stool carries bright red blood, it is usually bleeding from the rectum, dripping blood after the stool, or even splattering, mostly caused by mixed hemorrhoids. The typical feature of rectal polyps is painless stool bleeding, bleeding during defecation, and stopping bleeding after defecation. Pain during defecation and persisting after defecation, accompanied by bleeding, or postfeelecta dripping blood, is characteristic of fissures.

Blood in the stool requires vigilance, do not mistake the cancer signal for the manifestation of hemorrhoids

Bloody stools, difficulty defecating, and a feeling of shedding are symptoms of hemorrhoids and the initial manifestations of rectal cancer. If it is not taken seriously, it may lead to misdiagnosis. Rectal cancer, in addition to blood drainage, will also have a significant change in stool habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or diarrhea and constipation alternately. In addition to blood, stools are accompanied by mucus, or pus and bloody stools, and there is a feeling of incomplete defecation. Changes in the shape of the stool, thinning, flattening, grooves, are also a sign of rectal cancer, and patients may also experience abdominal pain, bloating, loss of appetite, lumps may appear in the area or abdomen, and significant weight loss and unexplained anemia may occur. It is worth noting that repeated hemorrhoid attacks and multiple familial polyps are risk factors for rectal cancer. People who have been diagnosed with hemorrhoids, if blood in the stool appears again after healing, do not ignore it, still treat it according to hemorrhoids, but should be checked in time to confirm the diagnosis.

Blood in the stool requires vigilance, do not mistake the cancer signal for the manifestation of hemorrhoids

Blood in the stool, can not hide the disease and avoid medical treatment, should be timely screening for rectal cancer. At present, there are 4 mainly used inspection methods. The first is the simplest method of diagnosis, but also the basic and effective way to distinguish hemorrhoids from rectal cancer, experienced doctors, through this method, accurately find most of the lower rectal cancer lesions. The second type, colonoscopy, which can perform tissue biopsy at the same time, is an important means of diagnosing bowel cancer. The third type is a fecal occult blood test. The fourth type is barium enema examination.

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