
Frequent defecation impurities, not small problems, or caused by these 7 problems, need to be symptomatic

Because of the arrival of smart phones, people also have a lot of bad habits, such as sitting on the toilet and playing with mobile phones, and some people will even squat for a century.

Over time, many people will suffer from a variety of diseases, mainly manifested as intentional manifestations after defecation.

There is a special term in medicine called the feeling of endless defecation, which, if severe, can also lead to insomnia, causing people to tossing and turning at dawn and unable to sleep.

Frequent defecation impurities, not small problems, or caused by these 7 problems, need to be symptomatic

So, what is the reason for this?

First, hemorrhoids

Some people play with mobile phones, lack of concentration, and if the anus is not clean, they will get hemorrhoids, which will lead to blood in the stool.

In severe cases, patients will have unfinished symptoms after defecation, because squatting in the toilet for a long time makes the blood circulation around the chrysanthemum, blood stasis, rectal vein congestion, resulting in rectal varicose veins, and then induce hemorrhoids.

If this is the case, it is very important to address it depending on the severity of the hemorrhoids.

Frequent defecation impurities, not small problems, or caused by these 7 problems, need to be symptomatic

Second, chronic enteritis

If you can't completely drain the stool during defecation, resulting in several times a day going to the toilet, you should be alert, suspected of chronic enteritis.

There may be endless bowel movements and fallouts, and severe cases of gradual weight loss. Therefore, in this case, it is very important to have an intestinal examination to confirm the disease.

Frequent defecation impurities, not small problems, or caused by these 7 problems, need to be symptomatic

Third, rectal prolapse

In everyday life, rectal prolapse refers to rectal mucosa prolapse, i.e. the entire layer of rectal or canal prolapse outside the anus.

At the beginning of the bowel movement, the lump comes out of the anus, the defecation is shortened, and in the later stage, as the disease continues to worsen, the sphincter is slack, there will be unfinished performance after defecation, then it is necessary to reduce the disease by hand.

Frequent defecation impurities, not small problems, or caused by these 7 problems, need to be symptomatic

Fourth, the intestines are hot and wet

In daily life, many people like to eat spicy and greasy foods, which will lead to symptoms of hot and humid intestines;

Thus causing gastrointestinal disorders, it is easy to excrete more mucus in the intestine, so that the feces are too viscous when excreted, and in the case of clean discharge, it will be intentionally unfinished.

Fifth, the liver is exuberant

Many people often stay up late or have an unstable mental state, which will cause the liver to be affected, most commonly the liver is vigorous, resulting in an imbalance in intestinal conduction function and unfinished defecation.

Frequent defecation impurities, not small problems, or caused by these 7 problems, need to be symptomatic

Sixth, gastrointestinal dysfunction

Gastrointestinal disorders include nausea, vomiting, acid reflux, hiccups, abdominal pain, bloating, anorexia, indigestion, and unfinished bowel movements.

This is due to gastrointestinal dysfunction that causes an imbalance in pH in the body and an imbalance in the microbiota.

Frequent defecation impurities, not small problems, or caused by these 7 problems, need to be symptomatic

Seventh, intestinal polyps

If you don't have a bowel movement during defecation, but you still want to defecate, but you can't pull anything out, you need to suspect that it is a problem with intestinal polyps.

It should be noted that intestinal polyps are polyps in the intestine that may cause intestinal obstruction, affect the anus and cause difficulty in defecation.

Frequent defecation impurities, not small problems, or caused by these 7 problems, need to be symptomatic

In daily life, you should eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, such as celery, coarse grains, dragon fruit, etc., and also develop a good habit of drinking more water and going to the toilet regularly.

At the same time, we should remind everyone that the time to go to the toilet should not exceed 5 minutes, and if there is still no stool after more than 5 minutes, it is necessary to stop immediately.

Also, do not use too much force when defecating, otherwise it will cause a sudden increase in blood pressure and induce some diseases. Therefore, these aspects should be paid more attention to avoid affecting intestinal function and parts.

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