
What you think of as a "laxative artifact" banana should actually be eaten when you have "diarrhea"

"Bananas can laxative", this phrase may be heard by many people since childhood. But did you know that bananas not only have no great effect on relieving constipation, they are also a good food treatment for diarrhea?

What you think of as a "laxative artifact" banana should actually be eaten when you have "diarrhea"

Experts interviewed

Director of Clinical Nutrition Department of Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital Ye Sa □ Wang Yushan

Zhang Shouru, Deputy Director and Chief Physician of the Gastrointestinal Cancer Center of Chongqing University Cancer Hospital

Jin Hui, Director of the Department of Clinical Nutrition, Zhongda Hospital, Southeast University

It is very suitable for eating bananas when you have diarrhea

When diarrhea, everyone will pay special attention to dietary restrictions, especially bananas, thinking that this fruit is rich in dietary fiber, easy to "slip the intestines", aggravate symptoms. In fact, this taboo is not necessary.

Dietary fiber ferments in the intestine to produce short-chain fatty acids, which can be absorbed and utilized by the intestine as nutrients, and at the same time regulate intestinal energy metabolism, protect the intestinal mucosal barrier function, stimulate the intestinal immune system, promote water and electrolyte absorption, etc.

A large number of studies have found that dietary fiber, especially soluble dietary fiber, has a particularly significant effect on improving diarrhea. Therefore, eating some bananas, cooked carrots, etc. during the diarrhea period is helpful to the intestines.

What you think of as a "laxative artifact" banana should actually be eaten when you have "diarrhea"

Bananas are especially suitable for diarrhea patients, which are rich in nutrition, containing a variety of trace elements and vitamins needed by the human body, and can help patients supplement sugar, electrolytes, soluble dietary fiber, etc.

The carbohydrates in bananas are mainly starch and low in fructose, in which a large amount of oligosaccharides can be converted into nutrients required by probiotics in the intestines, improving the intestinal environment and promoting digestion and absorption.

The pectin in bananas absorbs water from the intestinal lumen, making stool easier to form and reducing the frequency of bowel movements.

Bananas have high levels of potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc., and these minerals are easily lost during diarrhea, so eating some bananas in moderation is conducive to adjusting the water and salt metabolism disorders caused by diarrhea.

Foods that cannot be eaten with diarrhea

As the saying goes, "disease comes from the mouth", especially in the diarrhea period, some foods not only fail to relieve discomfort, but also easily aggravate the disease.



Diarrhea will damage the intestinal mucosa and small intestinal villi, affect the normal secretion of enzymes needed to digest sweets, can not break down sugar into monosaccharides that can be absorbed by the intestine, and water passively enters the intestine from the intestinal wall, resulting in increased water in the intestinal lumen and increased frequency of bowel movements.

What you think of as a "laxative artifact" banana should actually be eaten when you have "diarrhea"

In addition, during diarrhea, the intestinal flora is disturbed, and sweets are broken down by bacteria, producing a large amount of gas, increasing flatulence.



This type of food is rich in a lot of dietary fiber and fat, and has a strong "slippery" effect.


Spicy food

Chili peppers, etc. will accelerate intestinal peristalsis, may aggravate diarrhea, but also easy to cause some bloating and burning feeling, coupled with diarrhea will make people weaker, very strong stimulation may also cause discomfort.



Alcohol not only stimulates the gastric mucosa, but also affects the metabolism of the liver, and alcoholism can also aggravate digestive symptoms. When diarrhea, alcohol can exacerbate dehydration and may also affect the metabolism of certain medications.


Caffeinated foods

Such as milk tea, coffee, etc., caffeine may exacerbate symptoms of dehydration.

What you think of as a "laxative artifact" banana should actually be eaten when you have "diarrhea"


Raw and cold food

For example, vegetable salads, sushi, etc., will irritate the intestines and aggravate diarrhea.


dairy product

Many people have the problem of lactose intolerance, when ingesting a lot of lactose, the small intestine can not be quickly decomposed, and may be fermented by bacteria in the large intestine, aggravating the condition, and lactose intolerance symptoms, such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, etc.

Diarrhea requires a phased diet adjustment

Diarrhea, also commonly known as diarrhea, refers to the frequency of bowel movements that significantly exceeds the usual habits, thin stool, increased water, and a daily bowel movement of more than 200 grams, or contains undigested food, pus, blood, mucus. There are two types of diarrhea: acute and chronic:

The onset of acute diarrhea is acute, and the course of the disease is within 2~3 weeks;

Chronic diarrhea refers to recurrent diarrhea with a course of more than two months or an intermittent period of 2~4 weeks.

If you do not replenish fluids and energy in time during the diarrhea period, it is likely to cause insufficient body fluids and cause symptoms such as collapse, so you must eat, but you can't eat everything.

What you think of as a "laxative artifact" banana should actually be eaten when you have "diarrhea"


Early onset

The initial symptoms of diarrhea are mainly characterized by increased frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by vomiting, and severe dehydration and electrolyte disturbances. At this time, it is best to temporarily fast, so that the gastrointestinal tract can get a complete rest, you can drink some electrolyte drinks, pay attention to more water.


Remission period

After the symptoms are relieved, you can try to eat clear liquids, such as a small amount of thick rice soup, light salty noodle soup, lotus root powder, almond tea, etc. The frequency of eating should be a small number of times, 6~7 meals a day is preferred.

◎ The situation is better, you can change to a low-fat and low-residue semi-liquid diet, such as steamed egg custard, yogurt, thick rice soup and egg flowers. This type of food is soft in texture, free of residue, less fat, contains a small amount of protein, does not stimulate the intestines, and is easy to digest and absorb.

◎If there is no gastrointestinal discomfort, you can appropriately increase chicken puree rice porridge, noodle soup, fish soup, carrot puree, mashed potatoes, liver puree and other foods to increase the diversity of meals.

What you think of as a "laxative artifact" banana should actually be eaten when you have "diarrhea"



Eat some low-fat and low-residue soft rice first to minimize intestinal irritation, winter melon, carrots, peeled tomatoes, crushed tender vegetable leaves, southern tofu, etc. are all good choices.

Also avoid irritating condiments and fried foods. This slowly recuperates, and finally gradually transitions to a normal diet. ▲

Editor of this issue: Deng Yu

What you think of as a "laxative artifact" banana should actually be eaten when you have "diarrhea"

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