
Why is the stomach old flatulence? What are the causes of bloating?

▎WuXi AppTec content team editor

Eating something to bloate your stomach is uncomfortable, and flatulence can also bring a lot of trouble.

For example, during a meal, colorless but sound, or an unknown gas with a pungent odor may suddenly be released...

In layman's terms, it is to suddenly burp and fart, not to mention how embarrassing.

Why is the stomach old flatulence? What are the causes of bloating?

Image source: 123RF

Bloating may be related to eating too quickly, eating gas-producing or intolerant foods, or symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome, functional dyspepsia, constipation, intestinal obstruction, gastroparesis; Persistent bloating can also be a sign of a serious illness (eg, ascites, abdominal tumors). In addition, women are prone to bloating during menstruation.

Today, the health machine is specially to talk about the causes of stomach bloating and diet, and the solution ↓↓

Which foods are prone to bloating and gas production?

1. Indigestible dietary fiber and starchy foods

For example, all kinds of beans, soy products, potatoes (potatoes, sweet potatoes, purple potatoes), taro (sweet potatoes), gluten-containing grains (wheat, rye, barley), etc.

Due to their high content of dietary fiber and carbohydrates, their benefit is a strong feeling of satiety. But the disadvantage is that it is not easy to digest, and the residence time in the intestine will be relatively long.

In this process, under the action of intestinal flora, food residues will ferment and produce a large amount of gas, which is also the main force that brings "double pollution" to the sense of smell and hearing of people around them.

Why is the stomach old flatulence? What are the causes of bloating?

Image source: 123RF

In addition, gluten protein in wheat, rye and barley can also cause digestive problems and bloating, especially in people with celiac disease, who are allergic to this protein.

Other people who do not have celiac disease but are intolerant to gluten may develop similar problems.


Studies have found that soaking beans for 12 hours before cooking them can minimize gas production. But if you're eating out, it's better not to eat beans.

Cereals can be selected from oats, which are easier to digest.

2. Dairy products that cause lactose intolerance

Examples include milk, goat's milk, as well as yogurt, cheese, butter and even ice cream.

Many people eat dairy products, and there will be symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort such as bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea. Don't think it's a "milk allergy", in fact, this is a manifestation of lactose intolerance.

In layman's terms, their intestines do not digest lactose well.

65%-74% of people worldwide are plagued by this problem, and it is especially high in China.


If you are lactose intolerant and want to drink milk, you can choose

Alternatives such as coconut milk, grain milk (oat milk), nut milk (such as almond milk).

Although soy milk and soy milk do not cause lactose intolerance, they are also a kind of soy products, and it is better not to drink it to reduce gas production.

3. Cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage (cabbage), cauliflower, broccoli, etc.

In addition to rich dietary fiber, it also contains more sulfides, and hydrogen sulfide will be produced after intestinal fermentation, which is the main force of "smelly farts".

And root vegetables, pay special attention to onions, green onions, garlic.

In addition to containing soluble dietary fiber (fructan), their own smell is very "rush", not only the intestinal gas production is quite "stimulating", but also the bad breath caused by it is embarrassing. Also, avoid some foods that are too spicy.

Why is the stomach old flatulence? What are the causes of bloating?

Image source: 123RF


Do not eat these vegetables raw, it will be more difficult to digest, it is best to cook before eating to reduce bloating problems (but not completely avoided).

Try other vegetables that don't produce gas, such as spinach, zucchini, cucumbers, and asparagus.

4. Fruits that contain a lot of fructose

For example, apples, pears, bananas, mangoes, laurel balls, lychees, bayberry, figs, persimmons, oranges, grapefruit, etc.

These fruits contain more fructose, and if you eat too much, it may cause digestive difficulties and bloating.

If apples and pears are eaten with skin, they are also rich in indigestible dietary fiber, which aggravates gas production.

(Durian doesn't need to be reminded, after all, not everyone likes this smell...) )


These fruits are not inedible, but try to eat as little as possible, and those that can be peeled must be peeled. If cooked, it is less likely to produce gas (but nutrients such as vitamin C are easily destroyed).

If you want to produce less gas, it is recommended to try to choose fruits that are not prone to bloating, such as berries - grapes, kiwi, blueberries, mulberries, papayas, etc.

5. High-protein, high-fat foods

High-fat or high-protein foods, such as beef, pork, eggs, protein powders, and various fried foods, take longer to digest.

Moreover, high-protein foods often contain more sulfur amino acids and are easy to produce odor.


What fun is there in not eating meat at all at dinner (it's not)... But try to eat as little greasy big fish and meat as possible.

6. Drinks with bubbles

Such as carbonated drinks, sodas, beer, etc.

Many people like to gulp drinks, which will drink more gas into the stomach, resulting in flatulence.

Why is the stomach old flatulence? What are the causes of bloating?

Image source: 123RF

Beer is also made from indigestible grains (such as wheat and barley mentioned earlier), which is more likely to aggravate flatulence.

Strictly speaking, champagne is also a wine with many bubbles. But if you need a little ritual at dinner, you can also drink it, just drink less.


Try to choose tea, lemonade, juice, and a variety of other milks that can replace milk.

If you really want to drink, try to choose red wine (but drinking alcohol is not good for health, try to drink less, it is best not to drink).

7. Artificial sweeteners

It's popular now

0 sugar, sugar substitute

Beverages, many of which are added with artificial sweeteners (such as aspartame, sucralose, sugar alcohols, etc.).

Especially sugar alcohols, the body can not be completely absorbed, it is easy to be fermented by bacteria in the intestine to produce gas, but also easy to cause diarrhea.

Among them, mannitol has the strongest diarrhea effect (+++), xylitol, sorbitol, maltitol have the same diarrhea effect (++), while erythritol and isomaltitol basically do not cause diarrhea and flatulence.


If you want to drink sweet drinks, you can choose drinks that add only erythritol and isomaltitol, or directly choose natural sugars with calories (such as white sugar, brown sugar).

Honey and high-fructose syrup are carefully selected, containing a lot of fructose, which will also increase gas production.

If you are afraid of obesity and want to eat less sugar, or a diabetic person, it is recommended to choose almost 0 calories of natural sweeteners - steviol glycosides, monk fruit glycosides. It is also healthy to drink directly with stevia and monk fruit.

How to eat to reduce bloating and gas production?

In addition to paying attention to what foods to eat, how to eat and how much to eat, there is also a lot of attention.

Why is the stomach old flatulence? What are the causes of bloating?

Image source: 123RF

Here are some suggestions for everyone:

Don't eat too much: Eating too much and stretching can itself put a lot of strain on the digestive system.

Chew a little more: Small pieces of food are easier to digest than larger ones, and dinner is unlikely to stay in your gut for too long.

Small stutters, don't talk while eating: Don't talk when you have something in your mouth, avoid opening your mouth too much and swallowing a lot of air.

Drink more water: Drinking a little more water (not too much) and drinking in small sips can make the gastrointestinal tract more lubricated and promote digestion.

Don't eat unfamiliar foods: The body needs an adaptation process to food. Some people eat foods they haven't eaten for the first time, and their digestive system may not adapt.

Of course, if you've accidentally eaten food that is prone to gas, don't worry too much. Try to go for walks, activities, digestion and digestion as much as possible.

And during the dinner, in order to maintain your gentleman/lady image, if you really want to "release gas", get up politely and elegantly and quietly go to the bathroom.


[1] 15 Foods That Cause Bloating (and Tips To AvoidBloating) – Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved May 20, 2022 from

[2] Yao C K, Muir J G, Gibson P R. Insights into colonicprotein fermentation, its modulation and potential health implications[J]. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 2016, 43(2): 181-196.

[3] How to Deal With Gas Caused by Eating Beans –Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved May 20, 2022 from

[4] Why Do Farts Smell and What Does That Say About YourHealth? – Cleveland Clinic. . Retrieved May 20, 2022 from

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