
See through but don't say it, know people but don't judge people (original Tibetan poem)

author:Chen Zhengui
See through but don't say it, know people but don't judge people (original Tibetan poem)

Professor Chen Zhengui has published 100 books, including 10 university textbooks and two national planning textbooks. He has published more than 1,000 poems

Sayings and Tibetan poems: See through and don't say that you don't know people and don't judge people

Author: Professor Chen Zhengui

"Look" Killing Wei Yu is rare in the world,

The mirror is reunited, and it is not known.

(No) two methods of practice,

(Say) Bai Dao Green should think twice.

"Breaking" the old and setting new rules,

〈Knowledge〉Unity of actionUnswerving.

"Man" will win the day to talk about science,

〈No〉Break the development and create a legend.

〈Comment〉The head product is full of trouble,

Don't mention personal matters.

Note: "See through but don't say it, know people but don't judge people" is a proverb, a kind of expression of knowing the way of life. Meaning: In life, we sometimes see through the essence of the inappropriate things done by the people around us at a glance, but because of the object, occasion and timing, it is not appropriate to say it or comment on it, otherwise, it is easy for people to not get off the stage, and it may hurt feelings. Knowing reason and not arguing means knowing that reason is here but not arguing with others, and if you have to fight for right and wrong, you can actually communicate and solve it privately.

"See through but don't say it" emphasizes the importance of remaining silent at the right time to avoid unnecessary disputes and contradictions. On the other hand, "knowing people without judging others" emphasizes the importance of avoiding easily evaluating or blaming others on the basis of understanding others. This attitude reflects one's cultivation and respect for the rights and dignity of others. It requires people to maintain an objective and impartial attitude in getting along with each other, respecting the differences and personalities of others, and also embodying the wisdom of controlling emotions and expressions.

April 28, 2024 in Shenzhen

See through but don't say it, know people but don't judge people (original Tibetan poem)
See through but don't say it, know people but don't judge people (original Tibetan poem)
See through but don't say it, know people but don't judge people (original Tibetan poem)
