
What factors are associated with the birth of a "low IQ" baby during pregnancy?

The baby's IQ is related to the baby's future development.

No one wants their children to be able to "stand out from the crowd" and stand out in the future competition.

We all know that from the moment of pregnancy, all aspects of the baby's development have begun.

Therefore, in the matter of improving the IQ of the baby, many parents have begun to take the lead in pregnancy and supplement various nutrients that promote brain development.

So what are the factors that can lead to congenital mental retardation in your baby?

Genetic inheritance

Parent IQ

Studies have shown that genetic factors account for about 50% of the impact of fetal INTELLIGENCE, which means that the higher the IQ of the parents, the smarter the baby will be.

However, from a genetic point of view, the mother's influence on the baby's IQ will be relatively greater.

Fetal intelligence depends on the X chromosome, while women have two X chromosomes and males have only one.

What factors are associated with the birth of a "low IQ" baby during pregnancy?

Although the baby will only eventually get one of the X chromosomes from the parents, it is clear that the mother and the X chromosome that affect the child's intelligence are more closely related.

Genetic mutations

In addition, there is also a malignant disease that causes the baby's congenital mental retardation due to chromosomal mutations, which is often referred to as Down syndrome, also known as body 21-3 syndrome.

What factors are associated with the birth of a "low IQ" baby during pregnancy?

There is currently no very effective treatment for this type of disease. What we can do is early detection and early prevention.

Bad living habits and living environment

The various behaviors and living habits of pregnant mothers play a key role in the development of the baby's brain.

Smoking and drinking

If during pregnancy, the mother has the habit of smoking and drinking, or is frequently exposed to toxic and harmful substances, which is likely to lead to the baby's lesions, resulting in mental retardation.

What factors are associated with the birth of a "low IQ" baby during pregnancy?

Suffering from a disease

During pregnancy, if the mother is unfortunate enough to suffer from certain diseases, it may also affect the baby's intellectual development. Therefore, it is recommended that mothers must cherish themselves during pregnancy, improve their resistance, and prevent illness.

Take a bath in hot water

There are many disadvantages in soaking warm water baths during pregnancy, the reason is: hot baths make pregnant mothers' blood circulation speed faster, water temperature is too high will lead to damage to fetal brain cells, resulting in fetal malformations, high temperatures will damage the baby's brain nerve tissue, resulting in mental retardation and unresponsive phenomenon.

Erlang legs work

Many mothers usually work hard to the end, but there is a bad habit at work, and doing too much may cause the baby's mental retardation, which is the leg of the second lang.

The legs of The will cause the blood circulation of the lower limbs to become slower, which is easy to damage the baby's central nervous system, which in turn affects the brain nerves, and sitting for a long time is not conducive to the growth and development of the fetus.

premature birth

Studies have found that those born in a very preterm birth (VP) or very low birth weight (VLBW) state have lower cognitive abilities in childhood.

A new study from the Department of Psychology at the University of Warwick compared the average IQ of adults with VP or VLBW (born before 32 weeks' gestation as extremely preterm and with a birth weight below 1500 grams as very low birth weight) with those born at term.

The average IQ of the general population is 100. The researchers found that VP/VLBW individuals scored about 12 points lower (i.e., 88) compared to full-term adults (37-41 weeks).

Even if the researchers excluded those with children with neurosensory disorders or learning disabilities (such as children with IQ scores below 70), the difference in ADULT IQ between VP/VLBW and full-term births still averaged 9.8 IQ points.

Diet during pregnancy

Very salty or very sour food

Salty foods will increase appetite, but it may also affect the baby's level of intellectual development because the mother has long been over-flavored.

Over-acidic foods tend to reduce the PH value of pregnant mothers' blood, which is also a very important factor that affects the development of children's brains.

So foods that are too salty/too sour can be stopped.

High-fat, high-calorie foods

High-fat, high-calorie foods have a great adverse effect on fetal development.

First of all, the intelligence of the fetus will become stupid; in addition, the child is likely to cause chronic diseases due to physical obesity after birth.

Leaded food

Most of the babies with lead poisoning will have a greatly reduced intelligence, so during pregnancy, the mother must refuse all foods containing lead elements, such as canned, popcorn, pine blossom eggs and so on.

Inadequate nutrient intake

This is easy to understand, after all, good soil can produce good seedlings.

Pregnant mothers are in good health and full of nutrition, in order to provide a good development space for the baby, it is more likely to have a smarter baby in the future.

After all, having a child is not building a house, and if the house is not built well, it can be demolished and rebuilt, but the brain cannot go back to the heavy length.

The American Academy of Pediatrics proposes 11 kinds of "brain building nutrients" (pictured), if the supply is insufficient during pregnancy, even if the child is supplemented in sufficient quantities after the age of 2, it cannot be made up and reversed.

What factors are associated with the birth of a "low IQ" baby during pregnancy?





Active folic acid is the only form of folic acid that can enter the brain through the blood-brain barrier and plays an important role in the synthesis of dna and RNA in babies.

Mothers who insist on folic acid supplementation during pregnancy and pregnancy can reduce the risk of neural tube malformations, hyperactivity and severe language development delay, and improve children's attention, social ability, language ability and executive function.

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