
What to do if you have discomfort during pregnancy, don't be in a hurry, try these treatments

Pregnancy seems to be a very simple thing: the pregnant mother's belly slowly becomes larger, and after 10 months, the melon ripens and the baby is born. In fact, it is so easy. Nurturing new life is a hard process. In addition to getting bigger and bigger, pregnant mothers will have a lot of discomfort. But in the face of these uncomfortable symptoms, can pregnant mothers only endure? Of course, pregnant women don't have to work so hard at all. Learning these relief methods will make it much easier for pregnant mothers.

Morning sickness

Morning sickness is a type of early pregnancy reaction. Due to changes in the body hormones of pregnant mothers, the increase of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body, the sensitivity of pregnant mothers to odors is improved, and it is easy to have nausea and vomiting. In addition, excessive psychological pressure will also produce nausea and vomiting.

Processing methods

Less smoke smell in the kitchen, there is a morning sickness reaction to the balcony for the first time to breathe fresh air. Eat less greasy, fried, indigestible food every day, and smoke alcohol. Expectant mothers should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and drink more water.

What to do if you have discomfort during pregnancy, don't be in a hurry, try these treatments

The abdomen is sore

Due to physiological contractions in the third trimester, waist pain will be felt, and the feeling of falling abdomen will be felt, which is more obvious when resting at night. By 1 to 2 weeks before delivery, the frequency and intensity of uterine contractions increase, lasting about 10 to 20 seconds per contraction; there is often no special regularity, sometimes only a few times a day or only for a short period of time.

The father-to-be wants his wife to maintain a peaceful state of mind, and can take a deep breath to relax the whole body. Paying attention to the correct sitting and lying position is also the key to relieving pain, and the father-to-be should prepare a comfortable cushion for the wife.

Pain in the pubic bone and lower extremities

In the third trimester, due to the ovarian secretion of laxin and the factors of fetal head decline compression, some expectant mothers will feel pain in the lower limbs caused by pubic joint area and sciatic nerve compression, and the previously very easy movements will become difficult to complete.

If doing certain movements makes you feel pain, try to avoid them and reduce the amount of activity. If the pubic joint detachment is severe or if sciatic nerve compression causes severe pain in the lower extremities, it can lead to ligament strain, edema, and if necessary, the expectant mother needs bed rest.

What to do if you have discomfort during pregnancy, don't be in a hurry, try these treatments

Difficulty sleeping in the third trimester

One of the things that bothers expectant mothers in the third trimester is sleep problems, for many reasons, including psychological reasons, frequent urination, cramps, and the impact of the baby's fetal movements...

If it is a calf cramp, one should pay attention to whether there is a lack of calcium, and the other should pay attention to the legs not to get cold; expectant mothers should develop good sleep habits, go to bed early and get up early, do not read tense books or TELEVISION before going to bed, and do not stay up late and do not sleep lazily.

Significant increase in vaginal discharge

During pregnancy, the permeability of the vaginal mucosa increases, and the secretion of cervical glands increases, so the vaginal discharge increases, which can protect the uterus from bacteria.

During pregnancy, estrogen secretion increases, and the vagina is susceptible to infection, so prevention is important. Pregnant women should choose loose cotton underwear, wash and change underwear frequently.

What to do if you have discomfort during pregnancy, don't be in a hurry, try these treatments

Itching of the skin throughout the body

The skin of the limbs and abdomen in the third trimester of pregnancy will be inexplicably itchy, and the skin feels very dry, one is the hormones in the body, and the other is the cause of stretch marks, which is normal. However, if the itching occurs at night, the urine or skin is yellow, the appetite is reduced, and the stool is thin, you should consult a doctor in time to be vigilant for intrahepatic cholestasis during pregnancy.

After pregnancy, the metabolism is strong, the skin secretions are also increased, so pregnant women should bathe frequently, the bath water should not be too hot, change clothes frequently, it is best to choose cotton intimate clothing; you can apply body lotion or olive oil to relieve symptoms after bathing, and it is best to gently massage.

No mother can easily conceive and give birth to a child, and in the process, she has to endure hardships that are unimaginable to ordinary people. However, in the face of these discomforts, pregnant women should not be wronged by themselves, and feel that they can only stick to the past. If you can learn the above mitigation methods, it will be much easier.

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