
Life is alive, no dispute, no anger, no explanation

Wen | Ling Wheat

Write the warmest words, heal the lonely heart, pay attention to me, and warm you.

Life is alive, no dispute, no anger, no explanation


In the Zen allusion, there is such a question and answer:

In the old days, Hanshan asked, "There are people in the world who slander me, deceive me, insult me, laugh at me, despise me, despise me, hate me, deceive me, and how to deal with it?" ”

"Just put up with him, let him, let him, avoid him, be patient with him, respect him, ignore him, stay a few more years and look at him." ”

Yes, the wind of life will always be driven away by the rain, why let the things outside the body and boring things plague you for life?

People with small patterns blindly want to compete for high and low, fight to win or lose; and people with large patterns have long looked down on everything.

There is always so much pain and frustration in life, please don't let your heart be covered with clouds, open your heart, let the sunshine come in.

There is a proverb that says, "Frown when you are happy, and smile when you are in pain." ”

Not angry, not anxious enough to be generous, not scorched, not dry enough to be calm.

Many times, silence is not a loss, but a pattern, a realm. Red dust is troublesome, many troubles, only indisputable, free in the world.

Life is in the world, no dispute, no reason, no explanation. Learn to be kind to yourself, do what you want to do, and love the people you love.

Life is alive, no dispute, no anger, no explanation


People live a lifetime, the more complex the more troublesome, maintain a good attitude, is the most important wealth in life.

Cultivate quietly, calmly, sincerely, and generously. Don't worry about rotten people, don't get entangled with bad things, is the ultimate attitude to life.

To be a person, you must know how to be careful in words and deeds, and sometimes silence is more of a self-defense. If you talk too thoroughly about everything, it is easy to hurt God; the human heart is too clear to see, and it is easy to be sad.

Bitter, taste it yourself, let it go slowly; happy, taste it yourself, taste it slowly. Don't expose your wounds to others, and don't show weakness easily, there is no real empathy in this world.

People in this life are quiet and calm, and the most beautiful scenery in life is nothing more than the fireworks of a meal and a vegetable, and the warmth of human feelings overnight. Only by being indifferent to the heart can we be self-contained in the world.

Some people, some things do not need to be broken, nor do they need to be explained. As the saying goes: too many words will be lost, remember not to let the privacy of the heart be revealed at will.


The writer Mo Yan once said: "There are four things in life: coming is accidental, going is inevitable, doing its course, and going with nature." ”

Where does man's good fortune come from, from open-mindedness.

The state of being born from the heart, the mind giving birth to all things, living without complaint or regret, is itself a kind of realm enlightenment.

There is nothing in the world, and the mediocre disturb themselves. If you try to exhaust all means, what you get is not necessarily blessed to be consumed.

Wang Yang also said: "Settle with the situation, do as you please, and do as you please." ”

The reason why many people are tired is because they take everything too seriously and cannot let go of the obsession in their hearts.

Tired, we must know how to rest, dance with the breeze, taste the prosperity of the world; when we are bored, we must learn to calm down. Indisputability is not unenterprising, but a low-key wisdom, knowing how to make trade-offs, lurking and waiting.

Being a person is expensive in open-mindedness, and it is valuable in peace. Open-mindedness is an attitude towards life, knowing how to let go of the past. Don't be trapped in love, don't be confused in your heart. Only when the mentality is relaxed, happiness can last forever.

Life is alive, no dispute, no anger, no explanation


The ancients said: "Husbands and wives are not in dispute, and the world cannot compete with them." ”

Life is picturesque, and only by quietly appreciating it can we taste the essence of it.

Life should be lived in your own heart. Many times, you can't ask someone to empathize with you, but time will tell.

The real pattern of being a human being: no dispute, no reason, no explanation. Be a faint self, have preferences, principles, and beliefs.

Many things can not be achieved, do not be too obsessed, and relax your heart to live freely. Only when people live a lifetime, only when their hearts are not chaotic can they not change their original intentions without greed and temptation.

The writer Yi Shu once said: "There are gains and losses, which is life, and we must avoid grievances." ”

Life is actually a process of having and losing at the same time. Only by looking at everything in the world with a normal and peaceful heart can we live freely.

It is a pleasure to meet you in my writing, and I am willing to use the warmest brushstrokes to accompany you to live your life into poetry.

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