
What should I do if I have dizziness during pregnancy? It turned out to be caused by these factors!

Dizziness during pregnancy is a symptom that many expectant mothers will appear, worried that dizziness will affect the baby and their own health, most expectant mothers will choose to go to the hospital for examination, but there are also some expectant mothers who are not too serious symptoms like to check the reasons on the Internet, and the results are various theories....... After watching it, I feel more dizzy ~ ~ ~ ~

At the beginning of pregnancy, the pregnant mother's body is subjected to various tests, and in terms of the causes of dizziness (or dizziness), there are early pregnancy reactions, anemia, high blood pressure, low blood sugar, hypoxia, nervousness, cervical spondylosis, Meniere syndrome and so on.

Pregnant mother shoulders the responsibility of healthy growth of the fetus, any discomfort of its own may affect the fetus, vertigo is often caused by vasospasm head hypoxia, pregnant mother hypoxia will cause fetal hypoxia, early fetal hypoxia will cause developmental malformations and developmental disorders, intermediate and advanced hypoxia and even directly affect the fetal brain development and intellectual growth. Therefore, to solve the cause of dizziness and find a solution is an important task of "not dizzy during pregnancy"!

What should I do if I have dizziness during pregnancy? It turned out to be caused by these factors!

1. Early pregnancy reaction

After pregnancy, due to the formation of embryonic villi, the body will secrete chorionic gonadotropin, causing pregnant mothers to have various uncomfortable reactions, common nausea, vomiting, chest distension, dizziness, drowsiness.

Due to the individual differences of pregnant mothers, each person behaves differently, with different weights. Therefore, when there is no contraception and dizziness, drowsiness or nausea and other discomforts, do not take it for granted that you are sick with a cold and rush to find medicine to take, you should think that it may be pregnant, it is an early pregnancy reaction, you can stay in bed, and then go to the hospital in time to check whether you are pregnant. After excluding pregnancy, other conditions are considered.

This dizziness caused by the early pregnancy reaction can be alleviated by resting, diverting attention, etc., and generally disappears with the disappearance of the early pregnancy reaction by 3 months of pregnancy.

2. Anemia

After pregnancy, the pregnant mother's blood volume will initially increase at 6-8 weeks of gestation, peak at 32-40 weeks of pregnancy, and continue until delivery.

Increased blood volume increases the amount of blood flowing to the fetus per unit of time to carry enough nutrients and oxygen for the fetus to grow. At this time, if you do not pay attention to the intake of iron and supplement protein, folic acid and other vitamins, it is easy to occur poverty.

When anemia occurs, pregnant mothers often feel dizzy, or feel dizzy when squatting down and getting up again, or even falling. This is caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain and lack of oxygen to the brain.

If it is anemia, pregnant mothers should pay special attention to supplementing protein foods, such as fish, meat, eggs, milk, beans, etc., with special emphasis on paying attention to iron supplementation, which is the raw material for hematopoiesis, but also pay attention to supplementing folic acid, folic acid is the raw material that creates blood cell walls, and vitamin supplementation can promote the absorption of iron.

Qi and blood production depends on a reasonable diet, pregnant mothers usually pay attention to eating some grains, dates, nuts, red beans, etc., which is good for correcting anemia. During anemia, pregnant mothers in particular can not ignore perinatal care, timely detection of anemia, timely correction, to avoid dizziness caused by anemia.

What should I do if I have dizziness during pregnancy? It turned out to be caused by these factors!

3. Hypoglycemia

The fetus develops at an alarming rate in the mother's body every day, constantly obtaining various nutrients from the mother. Some mothers say "I don't eat if I'm not hungry" or "I can't eat when I'm busy at work", etc., which is not good, because the fetus will continue to absorb nutrients regardless of whether the mother eats or not, and the mother will have low blood sugar, dizziness and even fainting due to hunger. At the same time, severe hypoglycemia can also affect the development of the fetus and even cause fetal malformations.

Pregnant mothers must pay attention to a balanced diet as much as possible, each meal may not necessarily eat too much, but must be nutritionally balanced to provide for the needs of fetal development. Of course, pregnant mothers who already have hypoglycemia tendencies should eat fewer meals, on the basis of three meals, add some small foods in the middle of the two meals, such as milk, eggs, nuts and so on. If you are busy at work or have other reasons for not being able to eat, be sure to bring some temporary supplementary food.

4. High blood pressure

Pregnant mothers with "gestational hypertension" must be familiar with it, partly due to genetic factors, and partly due to changes in the microcirculation system in the body after pregnancy, resulting in high blood pressure, edema, and protein in the urine. Pregnant mothers have increased blood pressure and cerebral vascular spasms, causing headaches and dizziness. When the placental small blood vessels spasm, the fetus can not get a large amount of nutrients and oxygen, resulting in intrauterine developmental delay, and even other serious consequences, if the placental bed blood vessel rupture leads to early placental spasm, which may threaten the life of the mother and baby.

Frequent and severe dizziness is a signal from the body to pregnant mothers, and it must be paid attention to and timely examination and treatment in the hospital in order to ensure the safety of mothers and babies.

What should I do if I have dizziness during pregnancy? It turned out to be caused by these factors!

5. Hypoxia

Many pregnant mothers have such an experience, the shopping malls and cafes they used to like, they don't like to go after pregnancy, they always feel stuffy inside, and even have a feeling of poor breathing. This is because the oxygen consumption of pregnant mothers during pregnancy is increased than that of normal people, but the number of breaths does not change much, no more than 20 times per minute, so when pregnant mothers are in a low-oxygen environment, they will feel dizzy and cannot breathe, if the fetus moves frequently in the abdomen, it means that the fetus is also hypoxic.

Pregnant mothers lack oxygen, breathing is not smooth and feel dizzy, mostly because the space is closed, the flow of people is large, so it is not recommended that pregnant mothers go to KTV private rooms, movie theaters, large concerts, subways, supermarkets and other noisy places. Pregnant mothers should go to parks, suburbs and other places with sufficient air circulation and oxygen, and pregnant mothers are in a comfortable mood, which is more conducive to fetal growth.

6. Nervousness

It is not uncommon for people to suddenly dizziness due to examinations and important meetings, which is because the nervous system acts on the sudden expansion of small blood vessels throughout the body, the amount of blood returned to the heart is reduced, and the blood supply to the brain is correspondingly reduced, resulting in transient ischemia and syncope. If the pregnant mother is in a state of anxiety and anxiety in life, of course, it is more likely to appear dizzy or even faint, bringing harm to herself and the fetus.

Pregnant mothers try to maintain a peaceful and positive attitude. If the work pressure is high, the pregnant mother can apply to the leader to reduce the workload, or choose a task with a smaller difficulty factor.

7. Meniere's syndrome

People with Meniere's syndrome will suddenly appear rotational dizziness after the aura of tinnitus, feel the object spinning or shaking in the direction of the affected side, can not stand, and severe cases will be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, pale face, cold sweat, and even suddenly faint to the ground, but the consciousness is clear. The duration of the attack varies from a few minutes to several days, rarely more than 1-2 weeks, and the symptoms will gradually and naturally reduce until they disappear completely.

Some people have mild small seizures after a large seizure, such as positional vertigo or sudden fainting after changing position, and often need to stay in bed.

Pregnant mothers who develop vertigo like this should be distinguished from other vertigos. There is a history of Meniere's syndrome before pregnancy, which often recurs during pregnancy. If you can't decide for yourself, you must ask a doctor to check and give a diagnosis.

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