
Scientific perspective: there is a probability of having boys and girls, experts: not necessarily

With the full opening of the fertility policy, many families want to add icing on the cake, those who have sons want to have another daughter, those who have daughters want to have another son, but giving birth to boys and girls will not change with our will, so what is the decision to have boys and girls?

Scientific point of view: there is a probability of giving birth to boys and girls

Scientific perspective: there is a probability of having boys and girls, experts: not necessarily

First of all, we need to know that giving birth to a boy and a girl is something that can be decided in the instant of the combination of sperm and egg, if the sperm of the X chromosome wins the heart of the egg girl, it is the girl who is born, on the contrary, if the sperm of the Y chromosome wins the heart of the egg girl, the boy is born.

So who is better, the sperm of the X chromosome or the sperm of the Y chromosome? Medical studies have shown that sperm on the Y chromosome contain less genetic material than the sperm on the X chromosome, so the Y chromosome runs faster than the X chromosome, does this mean that the probability of having a boy is greater?

Experts say, not necessarily! Because the current proportion of men and women in the world is roughly the same, the sperm of the fast-swimming Y chromosome is not the final winner. The birth of boys and girls, on the one hand, depends on the man's sperm motility, on the other hand, it depends on the woman's physical condition.

3 factors that affect the birth of boys and girls

Scientific perspective: there is a probability of having boys and girls, experts: not necessarily

1. Age factor: Studies have shown that the older the male and female pregnancy, the greater the chance of giving birth to a girl, this is because with the increase of age, the male germ cells will age, the sperm of the Y chromosome will become more sensitive, and the chance of survival will become smaller. Women also began to decrease the alkaline secretions in the uterus due to age, and the sperm survival rate of the X chromosome was higher.

2. Occupational and physical factors: Studies have shown that if the man often stays up late, the pressure of the profession is high, such as drivers, pilots, doctors and other occupations to give birth to girls more likely. If the man smokes and drinks again, it will also damage the reproductive function, because if the body's immunity declines, the sperm of the Y chromosome will become fragile, the sperm of the X chromosome will have more chances, and the chance of giving birth to a girl will become greater.

3. Vaginal acidity and alkalinity and sexual quality of life: The acid-base environment of the vagina will also affect the chance of having boys and girls, this is because the sperm of the Y chromosome is more active in the alkaline environment, while the sperm of the X chromosome is more active in the acidic environment. Normal women's vaginas are usually highly acidic, and after the first orgasm, they will turn acidic, and after the second orgasm, they will change to weak acidity.

Scientific perspective: there is a probability of having boys and girls, experts: not necessarily

The semen is alkaline, when the woman reaches orgasm, it will enhance the alkalinity of the vagina, which is more suitable for swimming with Y chromosome sperm, so in the case of a relatively high quality of sexual life of both husband and wife, when the sperm is ejaculated into the vagina more profoundly, it is conducive to making the Y chromosome "fast first".

Warm reminder: giving birth to boys and girls is a very complicated thing, not to come to what you want, so boys and girls who want to get pregnant should enhance their own physique, actively exercise, and improve the quality of sperm and eggs, so as to improve the quality of fertility and give birth to a healthy and lovely baby.

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