
Pay attention to the body and surrounding environment It is not difficult to think of a boy

Pay attention to the body and surrounding environment It is not difficult to think of a boy

Some parents will like baby girls, some parents will like baby boys, so many people have begun to look for so-called folk remedies. But in fact, as long as you pay attention to the body and the surrounding environment, it is not difficult to want a boy.

1. Alkaline physical environment

According to years of research, the acidity and alkalinity of food does affect the probability of having a boy or a girl, which is currently considered the most scientific way. Women can improve their chances of having a boy by regulating the body's acid-base environment, while men should eat a balanced diet. There are many alkaline foods, such as beans, milk, cereals, kelp, vitamin D, etc.

2. High temperature environment

The temperature of the environment in which a man and a woman live in the month before sex is also an important factor affecting the sex of the baby. This is because high temperatures affect the X chromosome of sperm in the body, making it difficult for female babies to be born; while low temperatures affect the Y chromosome, so that baby boys do not agree to birth. Therefore, in a high temperature environment, it is generally easier to have a baby boy.

3. Both sides are young

Pay attention to the body and surrounding environment It is not difficult to think of a boy

One proven fact is that a man's sperm count decreases with age, meaning that the older a man is, the more likely he is to give birth to a girl. For women, due to the influence of aging, the alkaline secretions in the uterus will also be slowly reduced, resulting in a greater chance of giving birth to a girl.

4. Women have a strong personality

Pay attention to the body and surrounding environment It is not difficult to think of a boy

If women have a strong desire to dominate and are very confident, their eggs will be higher than men's hormones, making it easier to accept the Y chromosome in sperm. New research suggests that women who work in masculine jobs like engineers also increase their chances of having a boy.

Because such women tend to have a more systematic brain, the content of testosterone in the womb during fertilization will also be relatively high, increasing the chance of giving birth to men. Therefore, if women have a strong personality or engage in masculine work, the chances of having a boy will be higher than that of ordinary women.

Pay attention to the body and surrounding environment It is not difficult to think of a boy

Although having a boy or a girl is a matter of personal preference, whether it is a boy or a girl, it is a parent's baby knot. It would be immoral to have a boy simply for the sake of having a boy. As the old saying goes, the more you want to get, the more you will not get, and everything is best to go with the flow.